Moved Daz, lost my subsets Help!

in The Commons
I just moved my dazstudio from documents to my d drive as I was running out of space. I created a pathway in general preferences to the new location and everything seems fine EXCEPT my scene subsets where I had loads of customs now appears empty.
I am not sure what has happened and I can't locate any of the files in there.
I deleted the daz folder that was in documents after I copied it. The file size was the same.
Can anyone help?
I did not, thank you!
I will edit every once in a while to add info at post bottom.
Download Recuva (Piriform) software. I have been using the free version for years in windows PC. Get free Recuva from this is the link. Remember do not install or recover files to the deleted hard drive or you risk overwriting sectors. You want to have recuva search a specific location, meaning if you know the directory folder be a specific as possible.Also make certain you recover files to a different drive not the source drive. So make a folder called DAZ recovery on a different drive. I'll post some screen shots.
You want to search by file type which for scenes is .duf. Scenes also keep a .duf.png file so first do a sweep for .duf as you can always open it and overwrite and get your .duf.png files that way or do a second sweep and snag those after you have the more important .duf files
You document files are usually in C:/Users/XXXX (XXXX being the PC name) so install recuva under c:/Program Files/
Your screen will be mostly black with a 4x4 popup asking do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device.
Recuva logo
Verified Piriform Ltd etc
Yes moves foreward, no shuts it down.
Many thanks for taking this time. I will try!
Not sure I get why this would help, the documents folders was copied to the D drive, then the documents folders was deleted (I assume same as was copied so nothing is lost), as far as I can read nothing else was deleted so why would deleted files recory help ? maybe I misunderstand something.
Did you have more than one folder setup as content folders in the content manager under preferences ? did you delete anything from them that was never copied ?
My understanding (or misunderstanding) from the first post was that the Daz Folder was in the OPs documents (source drive) and the files copied and appeareed to match the OP deleted the DAZ folder from the documents (user profile folder). After the OP deleted the DAZ folder, the OP discovered the scene files had not sucessfully transferred. I am assuming the OP did a search on the D drive (target drive) abd the source drive for .duf files prior to posting.