REBEL --- what's up ?

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No chatter about the latest bundle, Rebel for Genesis 9 HD Character Bundle | Daz 3D
Does that mean she's boring, or what? In my opinion, one of the least exciting bundles DAZ has put up in a long time.
I'm not getting the bundle-yet. I'm not a big fan of AIFan based on the design and also how they did the President lookalikes. After taking a good look again, it's pretty boring, too. I'm saving my free bundle coupon until next week in case we get a themed bundle instead of this one.
Tbh, I wasn't impressed with Elena, but I used my coupon on her. The only thing I like in Rebel's bundle is the outfit by Lilflame.
Although I've just been looking at the other character bundles on offer. I'm confused with the offerings in Death 9's character bundle. Surely it would make more sense to include either the Deathly Drape outfit, or Arrival of Death outfit. You know, keep to the theme, instead of including the Futuristic Worker outfit.
(Sorry for the tangent)
Yes, I feel she is pretty, but, maybe not boring, but there is a lot of recent pretty characters to choose from: Ashley 9, Sylvia 9, Elena 9. Personally, I'm waiting for Sylvia 9 to be a Premier coupon bundle again.
Rebel looks great, her bundle is boring. I wishlisted the character. I find her vastly more attractive than the other characters mentioned.
Genesis 9? What's that?
Sylvia 9 is definitely worthy of being part of the free bundle group again. That's why I didn't get Rebel's bundle today, too-we could get a good character bundle next week and after that sale runs its course, who knows if that one will be available for the coupon, too.
I also like the outfit-Liliflame does some pretty good work and this is another example. The model herself? I'll pass, for now.
The way the lips are done noped me out of WLing her.
Maybe she was born with it...maybe it's a lot of lip filler?
As it stands now, I would opt for the Elena bundle as it's far more interesting to me. In a perfect world, I would get Rebel with Elena's bundle. I like Rebel, but the bundle doesn't include anything I like (and normally I like what LilFlame makes). I'm going to wait until the Rebel character goes on sale.
Some people have very full lips, some people have collagen. Either way, lips can be adjusted (if desired). Besides, John Singer Sargent - A portrait is a painting with something wrong with the mouth. I'm pretty sure the truism extends to other media!
One of the features I like about her are her full lips, which look natural to me.
Perfectly cool that others liked her... just not my cuppa tea. And yeah, I can adjust her, but I can adjust all the other ones I've got, too. Better to save my money for some shaders or props I'd actually use, or some future character that looks close to the mental image I have of one of my people.
Cheers to that, and I tend to agree!
That makes sense! No sense buying figures you will not use.
After Elena 9, this ist the second character bundle in a row with an exaggerated ‘sexeh’ theme. What is this wooden hammer eroticism supposed to be? Fortunately, I grabbed the Tara bundle on thursday - now it's no longer offered for free, but ‘Rebel 9’ instead... (I didn't realise you needed special clothes for Rebellion ;-)) Well, at least the HD version is included and the hair looks quite nice. Still, it's not for me. I also don't like AlFan's characters though Rebel 9 is one of the better.
Yes, but unfortunately not on the main promo picture. In this picture her mouth looks like an operated 'perma pout' - a bit creepy for my taste.
I still see it as part of the coupon selection.
Of course! I forgot once again that the things you already have are no longer displayed...

Heh, don't worry, I do it all the time when I'm testing the store. I forget that I bought the products earlier in the day or the day before and go back to the sale page at some point afterward and don't see either 1-all products. Gets really embarrassing when I contact Daz to let them know, and come to find out it's because I own the stuff already. At least they have a sense of humor about it. It's just misfortunate when you wake they at 2 am for it.
I think somebody was trying for something like a kissy face and the result was more duck face than anything.
Pretty close to the duck face. A trend that I'm happy isn't nearly as popular as it used to be.
Very easily solved: don't pose her mouth that way.
If I let one promo render turn me off from buying items here, I would have saved a lot of money, but had a lot fewer assets.
My issue with the lips is based on the design, specifically the texture. The detail and ridges we can see in the promo images are the kind of thing I don't like to see unless I happen to be zooming in extremely close to them.
I don't let one promo render turn me off, but in this case it's in all of them. And it's a good thing because the better it's showcased, the less chance of a buyer being disappointed when they load the figure and work with it. Usually by now we'd have fan renders of her to help showcase the product in other ways (I love doing that myself, as you know). But still nothing yet.
"It's all in the eye of the beholder". I don't mind the textures in her lips; in fact I find they add a bit of interest. That's just the way I see it; I'm not trying to convince anyone to change their point of view.
I wouldn't gauge interest in an asset based on fan renders. They're not very common overall, yet many of the characters sell very well. The same can be said for comments; very few characters generate comments unless people have issues with them (which can be a big help to the community). Forum feedback is not a measure of the success of a product.
I thought all women looked like that these days... or have I been watching too much Love Island!
Oh yes, I'm also pretty happy that this cultural-historical era is now history... ;-) Or is it?
Heh, more proof that by Daz standards, I am definitely not a woman, in spite of having identified as female my entire life.
I think she's beautiful and I always like the big smiles/teeth on AIFan characters although they all start to look very similar. But I think this is my favorite AIFan character so far. I think her lips look very realistic and her face is really gorgeous! I'm not into the hair, the outfit is OK but not anything very different from what I already own, I like the boots a lot but have several similar ones. As a Daz+ member, there's absolutely no incentive to buy it at release and into the wishlist it went, and will purchase when it goes under $5.00. These "free" bundles are great for Premier members but I haven't purchased a character bundle on release since Premier started because they stopped the incentives for non-Premier people.