dforce Double Dutch Braids

edited February 22 in The Commons

https://www.daz3d.com/dforce-double-dutch-braids-for-genesis-8-and-genesis-3-females Anyone but me had problems with this? For me it fits to the character, then parents to the head, and it's never posed right. I've uninstalled and reinstalled it several times, but nada. Is there a fix for it someplace?

Post edited by Richard Haseltine on


  • Are you using it on the right version on the figure it was made for?

  • edited February 22

    Yes, it's a G8 female hair on a G8 female figure. It works fine on G8 and V8 based characters, but if you work with more anime style characters it gets more and more deformed.


    The below will show what I'm getting. Far right is V8, far left is Daisy8; middle is Girl8. And the more I customize by adding different character morphs the more bizare it gets.


    If you look at the bottom right you can see that the scalp is fitted to Girl8's head according to the hair morphs.

    1920 x 1080 - 372K
    Post edited by wickedprince3d_fd273b40ac on
  • Morphs thata re not natively suported (that is, the PA hasn't made a custom morph for the hair to match the shape on the figure) get projected into the hair according to how the closest bit of the figure has changed; the more radical the chnage, the more likely that is to produce an ugly result.

  • edited February 24

    This is a problem with how this specific hair was set up. I have a few dozen dForce hairs and this is the only one that parents to the head. The parenting is why it's not properly morphing with the character. At least IMHO. Note that I said Parents, not Fits. It fits to the character, but it parents to the head as well.

    Post edited by wickedprince3d_fd273b40ac on
  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,330

    If there's an issue with the product, you need to file a ticket to report the issue so it can be fixed.

  • chevybabe25chevybabe25 Posts: 1,279
    edited February 24

    That hair was one of the first strand based hairs in the store. Its roughly 6 years old... It was made long before we had the tricks we use now.  Chances are, you own more modern dforce hairs.

    Post edited by chevybabe25 on
  • chevybabe25    I wasn't aware of that, it explains why it's such an oddity compared to all the other dForce hairs I have. I produce so many renders in a week that I'm often looking for something new - so I come back to this hair every so often and try to figure out what's wrong with the rigging.


    frank0314    I wasn't sure if it was just me, or if it was the product. I wasn't sure if it was just installing wrong, or I was using it wrong somehow. I find that sometimes there's an oddity in a product that I have to work around, for instance a clothing product that had a shoulder shrug that didn't work right for the anime figures I prefer to work with. I found out that if I pulled it into the scene as a free item without immediately fitting it to a character, THEN fit it to my character it would fit properly. An odd extra step, but somehow it works. I got a response from the vendor on that one actually explaining it.

  • chevybabe25chevybabe25 Posts: 1,279

    I *feel* like it may have debuted even before the toon or anime shapes but Im not positive.. which is another reason it may not fit what you have there.  

  • felisfelis Posts: 4,691

    Case is, the cap gets projection morphs, but the SBH does not.

  • chevybabe25chevybabe25 Posts: 1,279

    Felis is correct.  It was a clever way at the time to get the morph projections to kind of behave. We now have much better solutions thankfully.

    My best advice is to dial in your shape first.. then instead of fitting the hair, load it in, scale it up, move it into place and then parent it onto the head.


  • felisfelis Posts: 4,691

    chevybabe25 said:

    My best advice is to dial in your shape first.. then instead of fitting the hair, load it in, scale it up, move it into place and then parent it onto the head.


    Suggestion:  as the hair has a cap, hide the hair, while scaling and positioning the hair in place. It makes it easier to place/match.

  • felis    yes, I've used this method many times to rough-fit hairs to characters they weren't exactly made for, or morphs they couldn't shape. I tried something a bit different this time that kind of worked - oddly though it wouldn't load alternate hair textures. Had to do that manually. I was partially asking because I wasn't sure if it was a hickup with the hair, or with my install or something. I have had a couple items that the DIM didn't install right and it had to be hand installed before it would work correctly.

  • AinmAinm Posts: 545

    wickedprince3d_fd273b40ac said:

    felis    yes, I've used this method many times to rough-fit hairs to characters they weren't exactly made for, or morphs they couldn't shape. I tried something a bit different this time that kind of worked - oddly though it wouldn't load alternate hair textures. Had to do that manually. I was partially asking because I wasn't sure if it was a hickup with the hair, or with my install or something. I have had a couple items that the DIM didn't install right and it had to be hand installed before it would work correctly.

    Could be because you've manually fitted the hair without parenting it to the figure? Some of the older hairs have hierarchal materials iirc, which I think means you sometimes have to apply them to the figure rather than to the hair, and that the hair then has to then be a child of the figure. Most of the genesis 9 era hairs, by contrast, appear to have materials that you apply directly to the hair, whether it's patented or not.

  • chevybabe25chevybabe25 Posts: 1,279

    I make all of mine hierachial.   Most of the hairs have more than one piece, which ends up becoming a nightmare for a user.  So it has to be parented to whatever figure its made for, for the hmats to work.  Newer ones (omnishader hairs) Ive tried to be good to make them less figure speciifc, but Im getting older and I sometimes forget ;)

  • AinmAinm Posts: 545

    chevybabe25 said:

    I make all of mine hierachial.   Most of the hairs have more than one piece, which ends up becoming a nightmare for a user.  So it has to be parented to whatever figure its made for, for the hmats to work.  Newer ones (omnishader hairs) Ive tried to be good to make them less figure speciifc, but Im getting older and I sometimes forget ;)

    FWIW, I prefer hierarchical materials on hair. Anything that stops me opening the tree of a node and digging about for a particular child makes me happy. May be annoying if you're rendering a bodiless hair, I guess, but that's the edgest of edge cases.

  • maikdeckermaikdecker Posts: 2,990

    chevybabe25 said:

    ... but Im getting older and I sometimes forget ;)

     Being at the brink of getting 65 this summer, I can agree with that. wink

  • edited 3:57AM

    Ainm     I unparented the scalp from the head, then parented the hair-bits (the main hair and the two tails are seperate pieces) to the scalp's head. Then adjusted the fit of the hair pieces. The default is that the scalp is fitted to the character, and then parented to the head and the hair-parts are parented to the scalp but not the scalp's head. I believe it's the latter that causes the hair to get really funky on more extreme morphs. The combination of both fitting and parenting the scalp to the character throws off where the hair is supposed to be with more extreme head morphs like The Girl. .


    I've tried pointing to the scalp and the hair pieces and the texture transfer wouldn't recognize either.


    And for those who are feeling their years, I hear you, I'll be 63 this summer, been working with DAZ over 20 years.

    Post edited by wickedprince3d_fd273b40ac at
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