Plixxi for Genesis 9 [commercial]

in The Commons
Plixxi for Genesis 9
Meet "Plixxi" the adorable extraterrestrial companion that's out of this world!
This cute alien features a signature large bald head and captivating black eyes that glow with a touch of mystery. Available in charming grey, Blue, Green. and Pale colorations, this intergalactic visitor is perfect for sci-fi enthusiasts. Its endearing design combines classic alien aesthetics with a playful twist, making it a must-have addition to any space render!
Plixxi comes with High Definitions morphs, Ultra Realistic textures, and a glowing eye effect for truly unique looking options. Also included are a series of fun tattoos to really build up his personality.
What's Included and Features
- Plixxi for Genesis 9: (.DUF)
- Plixxi Character Preset
- Plixxi Shaping Preset
- Material Options:
- 04 Full Skin Mataterial Presets (without Genital Maps)
- 05 Dark Eye Material Presets
- 06 Gowling Eye Material Presets
- 03 Tattoo Arm Material Preset
oh...before I get called on it..there is an error in the product description.
It lists Face paint and a browless preset. Clearly he has no brows anyway LOL. So there is neither of those presets in the set. I have a ticket sent to fix this asap.
Oh nice, a little alien for Merrick to fight.
I love him, I've been looking for a cute-evil-alien type figure, and he's actually the first G9 figure I have bought. Didn't think I would ever buy a G9 figure to be honest since I am adamantly staying with G8, but he is well worth it (especially to get 50% off a GC!). I'm also surprised there are quite a few morphs included with the default G9 stuff, as long as you turn off limits on the assymetrical morphs you can change quite a bit without buying anything additional.
So glad this cute lil guy could make a G9 convert :)
G9 is a great base to work with....give it a chance, you will like it
Picked up Plixxi this morning.
Having a blast working with him. Thank you, RawArt, for another awesome character!
Very happy with this purchase. :)
I'm wondering why you don't separate head and body morphs on your products? This is the major thing stopping me from buying more of your characters. I rarely use characters as is, and like to mix my own morphs and not being able to separate head and body really detracts me from purchasing...
The more a shape deviates from human proportions the harder it is to get a nice split between the head and body, and lets face it, most of my characters deviate alot from a base human shape.
Even with human shapes, if you have things really thick neck, it doesnt cut or blend well with other shapes than the one it was designed to work with.
That can still mix other morphs into these characters, they handle them quite well (by design)