Daz AI Studio not working as advertised

DesouzaDesouza Posts: 30
edited February 23 in Daz AI Studio

I have used Daz 3D apps since 2007 so I have a high level of familiarity with rendering apps that work well. My opinion is that this initial test-drive has taught me that Daz AI Studio is not working as advertised. I am not merely complaining. I regularly use mage.space and I consistently get excellent AI image renders every time especially when tested side-by-side with Daz AI Studio.

I paid $3.99 to access Daz AI Studio but my FIRST prompt aborted on its own during generation. Exact prompt = young (age 22) muscular, tall, shirtless cowboy wearing tight blue jeans emphasizing his bulge below the belt -- Saturday 6:30 pm, February 22nd, 2025. Tried a second time with the same exact prompt Saturday 6:38 pm, February 22nd, 2025 and that also aborted on its own during generation. Tried a third prompt [muscular, tall, shirtless cowboy wearing tight blue jeans emphasizing his bulge below the belt] Saturday 6:44 pm, February 22nd, 2025 and that third one also aborted on its down during generation.

Thinking that perhaps the aborting on its own was deliberate within Daz AI Studio due to censorship, I used a plain-vanilla prompt [shirtless cowboy wearing tight blue jeans] which did not abort but produced this unacceptably amateurish image with facial distortion and an unrealistic depiction of what an actual cowboy would look like in the real world:

Daz Studio AI render

Daz AI Studio has very limited value to me if there is in fact censorship built-in. Getting no error messages telling why a rendering aborts on its own is a serious user interface limitation. Can I get any support on correcting this issue. Or can I get my money back?


Post edited by Desouza on


  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783

    Of course there is censorship built in, it's DAZ, LOL Unfortunately most online AI aps have censorship builf in as well, especially if using FLUX and they don't usually tell you why either.

    Young and bulge were probably the prompts it didn't like. When I render women I can't use the word breast to specify size.

    You can always get better, more realistic results using other AI apps

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,723
    edited February 23

    Maybe try to refine your prompt further and point out what you are after more precisely.

    I have tried your prompt and got this image.

    1024 x 1024 - 219K
    Post edited by Artini on
  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,851
    edited February 24

    Also gave the prompt a try.  For some reason it's tough to get an output.  The images get blurred out too.


    946 x 253 - 46K
    944 x 237 - 68K
    Post edited by FirstBastion on
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