Glossy layered weight affects diffuse?

Hello guys, I was trying to modify the irises's texture, its nothing much, I just painted a big black circle over the pupil to make the pupil looks bigger. At first it looks fine, but then, when I turned the glossy layered weight on, it looks like this:  

Iam already painted over it but some how Daz can still show the underneath texture? How?


  • FenixPhoenixFenixPhoenix Posts: 3,120

    You can check two things: 

    1. The roughness map. You need to ensure that the modification you made to the base is also made to this map.
    2. The normal and/or bump map. If you are making the pupil bigger, these maps also need to be modified.

    An alternative way would be to use a pupil size morph to make the changes rather than change the textures.


  • I removed every single maps except for the diffuse base and now it looks like this with glossy layered weight turned on:

    If I put the same diffuse map in the glossy layered weight slot then it looks fine. Weird.

  • RawArtRawArt Posts: 5,963

    It is not showing the texture really....just with the gloss setting as it is there is light being reflected off of the surface making them more visible. You will likely have to change the map for the specularity there and maybe even the normal map if there is one.


  • Thanks for the advices guys, I get it now!

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