Monthly Coupons after Subscription Ends

Are the coupon codes you get (as part of Daz Plus/Premier) only usable while your subscription is active? For example, if I started a subscription tomorrow (which ran through March and ended on April 1st), would I have to use the April codes I'd get on the last day of my subscirption immdeiately? Or if I were to write down the coupon codes, would they still be usable on my account until the end of April?

I'm just trying to decide if I should leave it a week or so into the month before subscribing, to give me some time to find stuff that I want on a good discount in April (rather than having to hurriedly buy stuff before the subscription runs out).


  • The coupons are valid only as long as the subscription is active, so in your example you would need to use the April coupons immediately.

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