hair C++

anyone can show me a very basic minimal example of creating some hairs on selected object?
actually I am confused about type of the hair, is that mesh? graphit mesh? polylines? some vertexes and edges with no face? thin cylinders? curves?

Post edited by MehdiZangenehBar on


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,858

    It can be aby of those things, depending on the hair - you need to be more precise about your intended use/feature set.

  • MehdiZangenehBarMehdiZangenehBar Posts: 69
    edited March 1

    so, how many hair types we have in general?
    Le'ts say most recent Genesis hairs (Mavick Beard G9M for example)

    Post edited by MehdiZangenehBar on
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