Body morph splitting tool?

Are there any tools out there that can split up a body morph? Say I want the upper body of one morph, and the lower of another. Is there anything out there (or heck, even just built into DS itself) that would enable me to do that?

Thank you in advance for the help.


  • Matt_CastleMatt_Castle Posts: 2,679

    There is, but it comes with the caveats that as a user level product it cannot manipulate HD level morphing, it will break links to any corrective morphs the shape has (such as joint bend correctives or supported fits on clothing) and it's old enough Genesis 9 is not a specifically recognised figure and the easy split modes that are supported for older figures won't be available.

    That said, although I've bought it, I've barely used it; I almost always do this kind of thing via Blender, which gives more control.

  • Catherine3678abCatherine3678ab Posts: 8,409
    edited March 4

    Yes it can be done using D/S itself -- there are a few video tutorials on YT. I'll see if I can find the links.

    Here you go:

    And check the description to nab the free head split deformer tool

    I noticed that there are more tutorials in YT which also cover using some of the products available for sale for D/S.

    Post edited by Catherine3678ab on
  • UnseenUnseen Posts: 663

    You can also use the free tool mentioned in this post:

  • Eustace ScrubbEustace Scrubb Posts: 2,709

    Unseen said:

    You can also use the free tool mentioned in this post:

    That one's better accessed from the original thread, at

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,130
    edited March 4

    Well, if I understand correctly, OP wanted to split characters' Body Morphs into Upper Body morphs and Lower Body morphs, then mix them together... rather than split a full character's morph into Head and Body morphs ~~

    If so, the above ways of "splitting head / body" won't work...  Though I don't think folks frequently blend body shape in the above way (instead, folks most of the time directly blend the character's body morphs and/or tweaking with some PBMs).... technically, OP can make it in the way as below:

    1) Create a D-Former with Weight Map to split a Genesis Base figure into Upper Body and Lower Body (ss1)
    2) Split character's Body Morph into Upper / Lower by using the option of Attenuate By with Morph Loader Pro, e.g. create a Lower Body morph for Ally 9 (ss2)  (Remember to adjust rigging and save morph assets....)
    3) Then blend Upper / Lower body morphs from different characters together... for instance, blend Upper Body Morph of Victoria 9 + Lower Body Morph of Ally 9 + Sarah 9's Head with certain % (ss3)

    Save the D-Former as a D-Former Preset for future use. 

    Edit: If OP have Shape Splitter, the script can work with this D-Former, for Genesis 9 as well ~~ (ss4)


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    Post edited by crosswind on
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