Futura complete only?

in The Commons
Futura complete only?
As much as I would LOVE to have this set I'm not sure if my system and handle a full load only setup like this. Anyone know if it's just the sales page that states this or has anyone bought this and knows there are seperate load rooms and objects?
You could probably load it in a non-rendering mode (especially as Stonemason is usuallu very efficient in resource usage) and then save your own subsets.
Hmmm, OK, that seems reasonable so I'm guessing then that all the props are stand alone?
They have separate asset files according to the file list, which would indicate that they are http://docs.daz3d.com/doku.php/public/read_me/index/107232/file_list
It only loads as a complete scene. You'll have to save the separate assets yourself, by doing as Richard suggested.
You can also use Environment Set Splitter
This extracts 70 individual items from the set
I used Render Doctor to generate the thumbnails (Some items are shown from the back side. I just used a quick automatic process)
Oh, that's really cool Markus. Thanks
Render Doctor is way out of my price range but at least the splitter is not. Thanks again
No problem! They both have been available for quite a discount last weekend. Maybe just put them in your wishlist and keep an eye on the prices during March Madness...
it's complete only; nothing modular. Was kinda surprised there were no render presets like there usually is with Stonemason's stuff but luckily im good at lighting so it wasn't a biggie to me. it's absoultely beautiful though, so im glad i got it.
Thank you for pointing out the set splitter, I was not aware of that product. Very useful.