Space Road Stop Add-On 04

I own Space Road Stop and I am interested into purchasing Space Road Stop Add-On 04.


Why on earth would I need to buy Add-on-02 and Add-on-03 in order to have the product working ?

These 2 add-ons have absolutely nothing to do with the product... Can someone confirm that it is necessary to have the previous add-ons ?


  • hjakehjake Posts: 1,003
    edited March 5

    .... waiting room that is connected to the elevator of Add-on 03


    Sometimes required aren't required but the product has been desgined to use/work with the "required product".


    Post edited by hjake on
  • DripDrip Posts: 1,207

    The add-ons all interconnect and fit within the Space Road Stop, which I wish Kerabera would make somewhat more clear. It is mentioned in the descriptions, but I think it would help the productline if we got an image, like a cross section, showing where each add-on is located within the structure.

    Something else I would suggest: multiple Space Road Stops can be connected to eachother, which might make some add-ons redundant. Like, do we really need 5 hospitals because we string 5 Space Road Stops together? Maybe Kerabera is already planning alternative add-ons for this, but I also see room for other creators to come up with ideas, maybe retexture a hospital (add-on 4) to a research area, repurpose a landingbay (base product) to a ship maintenance hall or convert a registration hall (add-on 1) into a flee market. We see tons of re-textures for clothing, but for scenes and environments, it's quite rare, but I definitely believe there's a market for environment overhauls. Sometimes just to adjust the style, other times for a complete repurpose.

  • jjoynerjjoyner Posts: 643

    @Drip – I agree wholeheartedly.  I’m much more into environments, architecture, etc. than in clothing, characters, etc.  I own Space Road Stop and the first three add-ons for it and saw with initial joy yesterday that Space Road Stop Add-On 04 was released.  My joy faded somewhat when I saw that it was all hospital and that it was priced significantly higher than the sale prices at which I bought Space Road Stop and the first three add-ons; I paid between $3.25 and $7.96 for each of them and I don’t have any DAZ memberships.

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