Can anyone get Yellow to work?

I bought the 260 pack... and I made the thing. I am clicking it like in the video but it is not downloading it or something. I have the Gen 9 figure selected. Anyone getting it to work right?
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I bought the 260 pack... and I made the thing. I am clicking it like in the video but it is not downloading it or something. I have the Gen 9 figure selected. Anyone getting it to work right?
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Oh, I guess you have to click apply and save. I thought we do that after we had it working right. Ah ha, you have to wait a minute or two and THEN you can click to apply it. Hopefully I can finally make all the insect, plant, and other monster females I need that I have been asking for forever.
DAZ Install Manager has the Yellow plugin installer. Apparently it's been sitting out ready for download since January of this year. No serial number is needed.
Edit: After install, launch DAZ Studio and you'll see Yellow in Window>Panes (Tabs) at the bottom of the list.
I have it, it's on the screen there? lol And now I have figured out how to get it to work, except it won't make any of these women look like a roach or segment their body, or essentially anything that I need. If i justw anted regular looking Daz characters, there's oh.... a thousand on here? The AI keeps making them look like regular people. Me thinks I wasted me money.
Yes, it is literally in my screenshot. That was not at all what I was asking. It turns out that you have to wait a while before you can click it and it will apply to the figure. So that solved issue #1, issue #2 is that it will not create anything I am asking for. Look at this lol this is its idea of "An insectoid wasp woman with compound eyes and a segmented body like that of a wasp." It made a dumpy orc or something? lol- and worse- I PAID for it lol
You should be able to edit the prompt till you have the shape you want and finalize with apply and save. If it's not working like that, we may have to wait till business hours.
Yes, so as far as working with AI, I do almost every day, so I understand prompts and then editing to get the closer. I watched the video and understand the system. Yeah, hopefully I can just get a refund tomorrow when they open.
To Daz my suggestion is make an AI called Red or something and you can upload pictures so it will just make 3D models of whatever art you upload. But right now, with prompts, this thing does not have a clue what a wasp is, or a roach, ant, fly, scorpion, lizard, snake, cobra, manta ray, squid, octopus, crab, lobster... or any other monster women I need for my erotic horror games. lol
Here's a link to the Yellow plugin documentation. In the Writing Prompts - & Best Practices section, it says:
"Do not describe figures that have non-human anatomical features (e.g., mermaids, fairies, centaurs, cyclopes, mutilation, etc.)"
I think since the AI was trained on existing DAZ shapes, it will not be able to deliver anything that is not an amalgamation of these in one way or the other.
OH thanks! Yeah, I'll snag that refund. My desire to finally have what I have asked for so many times in the suggestion forums outweighed my desire to read through boring documents. I will make a PSA so others see it hopefully befor ethey buy so Daz won't wind up with more returns.
I ever tested it months ago with its 1.0 version and I was basically satisfied with the result... because I though it could bring me pretty unique base shape for further tweaking with other PHMs (I never make non-Human creatures...) I've not had chance to play with 1.01.
So just what does Yellow do that I can't do myself? Other than speed, that is.
I will take advantage of the ten free spins - but I dabble in 3D for myself. Nine times out of ten I don't bother saving a scene, and most scenes don't have recognizeable characters in them, so I'm not the target market for this.
I used the free coupon. It claims to have generated something, but I cannot apply it in any fashion to the Genesis 9 base. Sure seems like it is not ready for release.
Same. I can't get it to apply anything, no matter how long I wait.
Same. I prompted something but nothing generated. Just stayed in my list.
I was curious to experiment since we can get 10 free tokens, but I'm definitely not having anything to do with this one. Paying for AI prompts to create body morphs? As long as you have even a handful of figures, we can create nearly an infinite variation of shapes and morphs, and once you add in all the products for even more custom doesn't make sense to pay more for something that we can do by utilizing many of the products we've already purchased and are quite versatile.
Yup. I have no idea if this is working or not.
Nothing is completing or downloading, and my pane looks different to the one in the tutorial (no option to choose between male or female)...
Oh well...
I haven't watched it yet, but I did go to the page with the intro video*. First thing I noticed (easy as the page is mostly empty) is the note, "Last updated 4 months ago." Makes me wonder if Daz bothered to keep working once they had a release date and if the video and other information has up to date instructions for using Yellow.
So many of you are saying in this thread that Yellow isn't working and I see that page hasn't been updated in months? I was thinking about trying it out but those aren't good arguments. Maybe, since they're good for a year, I'll get the freebies and hold them for a while.
Also, if anyone gets results, I'd like to have the prompt included, if you're willing. Be good to see how the two compare.
*the url includes gitbook, so I assume it's on Github. Maybe that's why the video is linked instead of embedded?
I got tokens , found the plug in easily , added genesis 9 read instructions typed in my prompt and waited the 30 ish seconds for it process. The shape did not change nor would it apply or save. It simply did nothing to the figure. I lost a token and got nothing for it. Any ideas what is going on ?
My prompt :
A young waif like but well toned young woman , she has large eyes , a perky upturned nose and high cheek bones , she is of part asian descent and has small waist with slightly larger hips.
Clicking Apply and Save does not seem to bring up any additional dialog, nor does the Generate button create any visible changes to the Gen 9 model.
Update: The Generate button doesn't seem to always work - but it always uses a token.
If the generate button works, the Apply and Save button works.
Where does it save the character morphs?
I have the same issue. I generate the prompt and it shows up under the list of jobs, but nothing happens beyond that.
EnchantedPixie Merged threads on same topic
Clicking "Generate" consumed a token and moved the prompt to the list of jobs with a status of "Completed". However, the selected Genesis 9 figure showed no changes, even after clicking "Apply and Save".
"Send Feedback" doesn't seem to work either, although you can click to go to a Google Form and send feedback through that.
All the linked videos from the documentation pages appear to have disappeared.
Maybe this product isn't quite ready to leave beta testing yet?
UPDATE: I tried a second prompt, and now both jobs seem to apply correctly to the figure. The first job looks something like what I asked for, the second ... not so much.
We are told that sometimes closing and restarting DS will also add the new shape to the Apply and Save queue.
Similar to me. Tried a second and it is sorta what I was after. Now both apply, though the first results in a figure 100 feet tall.
My Yellow pane doesn't have all of the options I see in the video or the documentation. No gender selection, no Number of Variants, no Auto-Localize or Localize and View... What Gives? Why?
Even without those, however, I did a first try with it and it really worked nice!
But I'd like to have those extra options available to me.