Is there a quick way to find which products I own Interactive Licenses for?

I (foolishly) broke down and decided to purchase a number of interactive licenses in the event I use them in a game, mostly for products I've already owned for years.
I've been popping in almost every day during "March Madness" and if I saw a license I wanted on sale, I'd pop it in the cart and pay for it. I've purchased a few dozen so far and am hoping for a few more before ends, but I'm unable to find a way to check which items I already have licenses for, not without opening up a product's page to see if it's checked or not.
This is getting very annoying very quickly.
Invoices. don't help as they just say that I've purchaed "Interactive License", the same, identical SKU, and the price that I paid.
So, is there some quick, easy way of getting a list of which licenses I own?

In the DS beta, yes
Thanks Richard; it's not exaclty what I was after, as I'd like to just press a button or log into my account and find my licenses all at once. Using the beta I don't find any interactive licenses until I select items and right-click "Add License Tag(s)…", after which it will find whatever of the selected items I own licenses for.
Am I missing an option for adding license tags automatically to my whole library?
You could seelct everything - I suspect there may be no add all due to performance issues.
Thanks, I can't find a way to "select everything". All I can seem to do is open a folder of items and drag-select them all, but that's about it.
I appreciate the suggestions, if I'd thought about it as I purchased them, I'd have added them as I bought them. I can probably figure out most of them, but some were spur-of-the-moment purchases as I scrolled back and forth through the store.