Yellow Prompts Discussion

in The Commons
Before I dive in and start burning my Yellow tokens, I'd kinda like to know what works and what doesn't as far as prompts go. I have as of yet to find any prompt discussions on this forum, so here goes:
What prompts have you tried, what worked, and what failed?
Login failed. Does it have to be in build only?
Last year, I created a very close Genesis 9 likeness of the Nefertiti bust. I spent so much time on her, then stepped back and realised that, however faithful it is, it didn't look realistic enough to use with my other characters. I've just tried out a Nefertiti prompt for my first free token to see how it compares.
The face was not bad - undeniably Nefertiti to my eyes, but not a direct copy of the Nefertiti bust. The body, however, was emaciated. Over the top for slim body that has accumlations of fat prompt, so maybe be cautious with slim descriptions.
I've just mixed her and my Nefertiti 50:50 and am generally pleased with the result. Still stylised, but a lot more usable. I've been creating historical and mythical figures for reasons, based off sculptures and statues. I think this tool could give me a helping hand.
I've created two women so far - with woman in the title. Their chests are a little odd and I notice each processed prompt lists the gender as neutral. I'm wondering if that's related to what I'm seeing and, if so, what I could put in my prompt beyond "woman" to get the gender to be female. I've possibly answered my own question, haven't I? Do we really need to put female? I will test.
It's kind of hard to see this as intelligent if it can't equate those two terms.
Did you select Female in the (Male/Female/Nuetral) pull-down in addition to mentioning "woman" in the prompt?
I have a Mac so I can't check the plug-in but there was a video somewhere that showed a pull-down somewhere below the prompt box that chose between male, female, and nuetral.
Not sure why it isn't just picked up from the prompt.
Thanks. I don't remember seeing any pull-down. I'll keep an eye out for it the next I'm in Daz. Using female in the prompt didn't do it
I asked for a toon character and it gave me this monstrosity...
Ugh, why? Another weird gimmick instead of improving Daz Studio, the store/website. For me the whole fun of Daz Studio is creating my own morphs by hand.