Another Downtown Taxi Question
I picked up Downtown Taxi last October. At the time I had a question about headlights which everyone was very helpful about. Thanks!
So.. a follow-up. For some reason, the small lit sign for the taxi doesn't seem to exist?
The product gives you the option to either load the taxi (with both large and small signs) as a group or as four individual props, of which 'small sign' is one. Either way, it will not show up on screen or render.
It's not visible in Iray preview, in Texture, or in Wire Texture. It won't show up if you do an official render of the scene. You can select the polygons in Geometry Editor. I've tried resetting all of the UV materials and shaders to base white, and deleting everything but the small sign from the scene. I deleted and reinstalled the files.
It's there, it's just not showing up under any circumstamces.

Are there any error messages in the log (Help>Troubleshooting>View Log File) after trying to load it?
Not sure if it helps, but the 9th promo picture shows a blue-yellow cap with only the small sign on the roof and a number of dials on the right side, one of them being "ctrl - alternate roof sign" set to "off". Could that be the way the PA intended to show/not show the two different versions of the roof sign(s)?
If I understand correctly you have loaded the complete taxi which does have the big sign showing and the little sign hidden - then it seems perhaps you have clicked the eye icon to hide the big sign and clicked the eye to try and unhide the little sign?
That does mean that neither sign will be displayed.
However, if you go to Parameters/Display with the little sign selected in the scene you can switch everything on and then it will be visible.
[Edited repeatedly as I seemingly cannot type tonight]
Or, firstly select Downtown Taxi SmallSign node in Scene pane, then press Ctrl + E ( Restore Selected Items... ). You'll see the sign.