Carrara Challenge #23: “Fire And Water” - WIP Thread

chickenmanchickenman Posts: 1,202
edited February 2016 in Carrara Discussion

Carrara Challenge #23: “Fire And Water”

You have been watching your favorite Viking show, dreaming of walks on the beach.

Do you remember the TV show Emergency about an LA Fire Department Station.

Are you the Captain of an 1800's British Frigate battling the French or American's?

What about Fire and Water in space?

Post Alien attack on a planet far, far away?


Your objective should you choose to accept:

Create a scene in which it has Fire And Water represented in it.

Every subject which comes to your mind is allowed, fantasy, steam punk, sci-fi, or whatever floats your Fire and Water boat. 

The idea is to utilize these primitives more and showcase them in new ways.

This also allows any new competitors to have a chance to learn about these wonderful primitives.


Basic rules will be:

1. Each participant may submit up to 2 images into the Challenge.

2. Images must be new (previously unpublished).

3. Images must be primarily set up in Carrara.

4. Images must be rendered in Carrara or in an external renderer for which there is a Carrara plug-in (e.g. LuxRenderer, Octane).

5. At least one WIP (work in progress) image must be posted to the WIP thread (this can be as simple as the scene setup, a pre/post post-work comparison or just a final image with a brief description of  the process you used or as complex as modeling rooms shots, shader setups or partial scene setups or test renders).

6.  At least one object in the scene has to be modeled in Carrara

7. At least one object in the scene has to be a Fire or Ocean primitive in Carrara. For new users this can count as the modeled in Carrara object.

Note: New user is defined as using Carrara for under 6 Months.


smiley smiley smiley smiley   

Once again, Daz will generously sponsor the monthly challenge with the following prizes:

1st Place: $100.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
2nd Place: $ 50.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
3rd Place: $ 25.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
Honorable Mention (4th place): $10.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)

Dates to Remember:

WIP Thread Opens: Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Entry Thread Opens: Friday, March 18, 2016
Entry Thread Closes/Voting Begins: Monday March 28, 2016 23:59:59 CST (GMT-6)
Voting Ends: Sunday, April 3, 2016 23:59:59 CST (GMT-6)

An announcement will be made shortly in forum for The Commons.  Feel free to provide any updates or share there as well smiley


Link to thread in commons

Post edited by chickenman on


  • When you do create the thread in the Commons, can you link back to it here? It's easy to get buried in there, and a handy-dandy way to find it would be a nice little link.
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
    edited February 2016

    Great theme, fowl hombre.  My thinking cap is on.  Because of recent Daz news, I will probably be rummaging through my RDNA runtime folder.  Will probably post a related fire and water doodle.  I will add this thread to the tips and tricks sticky.  Meanwhile, EP, here is the link to the thread in the commons.

    Commons forum thread


    Post edited by Diomede on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    tee hee  was playing with the ocean primitive yesterday, tryin to turn it into a sand sea 

  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311

    HI Misty,. a good tip for the ocean primitive is to add it to a replicator, and use the replicators "seamless tiling" to make it a large ocean,. rather than scaling it up,

    You can also do that with a terrain :)

    Nice theme chickenman :)

  • chickenmanchickenman Posts: 1,202

    I have yet to play with those two primitives so I thought that I hadn't seen many renders lately with them so this will get people to play with them some more.

    More tools in the tool box kind of thing.

    Also want to make it so that new people might like to try thier hand at the challenge.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
    edited February 2016

    Doodling with RDNA content.  Lesson?  If you follow a dwarvez (RDNA product) into a tunnel (RDNA product), make sure your age of fantasy armor (RDNA product) has matching shoes.  Otherwise, the berkutis (RDNA product) will rise out of the underground stream (ocean primitive) to grab the torch (fire primitive).  Meanwhile, run your hand through your Angel hair (RDNA product), then bite your nails, before swinging your axe (RDNA product) to keep the berkutis at bay.


    This is not my entry.  Just doodling with fire and water (and RDNA products).

    RDNA fire and water doodle.jpg
    800 x 600 - 51K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited February 2016

    As 3DAGE says, use it in a replicator with the seamless option enabled. You also need to have the grid size in the replicator set to the same size as Ocean primitive.

    BTW, here's a little linky to a thread I made showing how to get easily animated whitecaps on your ocean. The idea was not mine originally, but the original tutorial went to the old forum graveyard. I used the replicator to make the ocean stretch into the distance, but I used the Ocean primitive editor to set the size of the ocean to 100ft instead of 30ft (not the Motion tab). Even though it is tiled seamlessly, there can still be a visible line because the foam doesn't always match up.

    I demonstrated the method for an animation, but there is no reason it can't be used for a still image.

    Post edited by evilproducer on
  • MarkIsSleepyMarkIsSleepy Posts: 1,496
    edited February 2016

    I'm not sure if I'm going to continue with this idea or not, but here's a kind of doodle while I think about it.  If I continue, the skirt and top (both made quickly in the vertex modeller) will get extended and have detail added. I'll have to fix up the lighting too - right now she's got a shadow under her nose that looks like a Hitler-moustache...not a flattering look on a fire mage. cheeky

    The fire is all the fire primitive, which turns out to be very hard to control precisely - I've never used it before and I'll have to play some more to get the effect I want on the hair, if it's even possible.  The background is actually the default ocean primitive turned 90 degrees to act as a wall.  I applied the default black basalt shader to it and then added a marble mix in the glow channel.

    Fire Magic - test render 1

    450 x 844 - 45K
    Post edited by MarkIsSleepy on
  • You could try a wild looking conforming hair, and instead of using the image maps, you could try using the fire shader under Natural (I think). The parameters are a bit limited, but you may get a good effect.
  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107

    nice topic chickenman :)

  • Nice. Now I have to think, I guess since Ice is Water, it could be Fire And Ice as well smiley

  • chickenmanchickenman Posts: 1,202

    Yes it could be Ice And I guess it could also be Clouds as they are also Water in a vapor form.

  • TangoAlphaTangoAlpha Posts: 4,586

    Or steam. Big powerful engines thrusting . . . surprise

  • DUDUDUDU Posts: 1,945
    edited February 2016

    Fire & Snow ?

    Aurora v2.jpg
    2000 x 1333 - 1M
    Post edited by DUDU on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225

    That is great, Dudu.  It also makes me think of those underwater volcanoes along the mid-Atlantic ridge.  Maybe use one of Dart's underwater realms sets?  I don't know.  Lots of ideas.

  • DUDUDUDU Posts: 1,945

    Thanks Diomède ! Here one picture from my film in progress...

    Al my composition, except the submarine from ShareCG.

    I used the Pycloid plugin for the lava, bubbles and debries, the texture is from the presets of Carrara.

    1050 x 576 - 159K
  • chickenmanchickenman Posts: 1,202

    Nice to see I picked a subject that really has some creative juices flowing in different directions.

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107

    Or steam. Big powerful engines thrusting . . . surprise

    sounds like a mills and boon metaphor , that's what my sister told me anyway ;)



  • MarkIsSleepyMarkIsSleepy Posts: 1,496
    edited February 2016
    You could try a wild looking conforming hair, and instead of using the image maps, you could try using the fire shader under Natural (I think). The parameters are a bit limited, but you may get a good effect.

    Thanks evil!  That didn't really work either but it set me on the path to figuring it out.  What I ended up doing was using Carrara dynamic hair to get the shape I wanted, with a red/orange/yellow color gradient driven by noise for the color.  I then put a lightbulb inside her head set to not cast shadows and to only affect the hair and it lit right up!  There's another lightbulb just above her head set to affect everything except the hair to make the light being cast by the fiery hair.  I then put a cylindrical fire primitive near the front of the hair to get the nice fiery effect near the hairline back. 

    So the hair is now how I wanted it and I worked on the wall texture a little bit.  The lighting is not as dramatic before because I brightened it up so I can see the wall better, but once I have everything setup I will dim the overall lighting some.

    Test Render 2 - Hair Test

    480 x 900 - 55K
    Post edited by MarkIsSleepy on
  • For the fire in the hand, try not to stretch the bounding box/container using the scale tools or the motion menu. Try scaling the bounding box larger than the hand and using the falloff settings in the fire controls. Also, reduce the pointy-ness a bit.

    For a more believable color, change the yellow color chip to a not-quite-white yellow. It should be more white than yellow, but still have a yellowish hue. You could also brighten the orange color as well.

    For some neat fire effects, try different containers, such as the sphere and different colors, such as white and purple, or white and green, or maybe even light red and green.

    A neat trick to help sell the heat of the fire and add a bit of glow, is to do what you have done and use a bulb light to provide light from the fire and enable the 3D Light Sphere, with the realistic option enabled in the editor. With the realistic option enabled, you will need to significantly increase the scale of the effect. That's because the falloff is much better. I use this trick in all my renders that use the fire primitive.

    Here's some samples of what I have been talking about. There has been absolutely no postwork on the fire to enhance it.

    2000 x 1500 - 1M
    2000 x 1500 - 794K
    2000 x 1500 - 920K
  • McGuiverMcGuiver Posts: 219
    edited February 2016

    Well, this doesn't qualify...but I just couldn't help myself

    Kinda fire & water, but no ocean or fire. cheeky

    Can't attach a file ????   Third try worked....thanks Tango!

    800 x 736 - 139K
    Post edited by McGuiver on
  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,254

    good start... I'll try and get something up but you wouldn't believe it, our house went on the market a week ago and sold in a day... and so we had to go looking for another one to buy, which we have done but it's going to be a mad 6 weeks for me but I shall try


    good theme @chickenman yes

  • TangoAlphaTangoAlpha Posts: 4,586
    McGuiver said:

    Well, this doesn't qualify...but I just couldn't help myself

    Kinda fire & water, but no ocean or fire. cheeky

    Can't attach a file ????


    Sometimes it takes a few attempts to get the file to show properly. One of the many poor things about this forum software.  Maybe now that Daz owns RDNA, they can port their forum software over - it works a hell of a lot better, and there's probably a "migraine inducer" theme for it . . .

  • For the fire in the hand, try not to stretch the bounding box/container using the scale tools or the motion menu. Try scaling the bounding box larger than the hand and using the falloff settings in the fire controls. Also, reduce the pointy-ness a bit.


    I don't understand this - if I don't scale the bounding box then the fire comes in at like 10' on a side.  How do you resize it without scaling it or using the motion tab?

    For a more believable color, change the yellow color chip to a not-quite-white yellow. It should be more white than yellow, but still have a yellowish hue. You could also brighten the orange color as well.

    For some neat fire effects, try different containers, such as the sphere and different colors, such as white and purple, or white and green, or maybe even light red and green.

    A neat trick to help sell the heat of the fire and add a bit of glow, is to do what you have done and use a bulb light to provide light from the fire and enable the 3D Light Sphere, with the realistic option enabled in the editor. With the realistic option enabled, you will need to significantly increase the scale of the effect. That's because the falloff is much better. I use this trick in all my renders that use the fire primitive.

    Here's some samples of what I have been talking about. There has been absolutely no postwork on the fire to enhance it.


     Thanks - I haven't actually started playing with the fire in the hand yet, I just dropped it in so I could see where it would be while setting up the scene. That glow tip sounds like a great one though so I will definitely try that out when I get there. smiley

    I think my next step on this one is going to be fixing the pose, which is basically just a preset I threw on and then working on the clothes - all I did for the clothes so far was add a couple vertex cylinders and move the points around enough to avoid violating the TOS. 

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    in last challenge i squeezed fire primitive inside the ow sheriff lantern.  

    was thinking of modeling a new lantern,

    more scifi or rpg-ish ...

  • Hi Mark,

    it's my fault for not being more clear. When I was talking about not scaling the fire down, I should have said something more like, avoid stretching the bounding box, but to leave the ratio the same when resizing it. You can stretch it, but you should be aware that it will distort the fire.

    Hopefully that makes more sense.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
    edited February 2016

    Here is the water element for my first entry.  A river valley could be fun.  I started with a terrain that I made for a previous challenge.  Most of the terrain shader layers are directed by elevation or slope.  However, the opacity mask for the river was painted.  I also created an inverted river texture map (reversed black and white) and then imported this map to the terrain editor.  This raised everything except the river so there would be river banks.  I also created a texture map next to the river but still in the valley to place some vegetation.  Treees are replicated along the vegetation map.  The trees are custom trees but fine details don't really matter because it will be a night scene.


    Here are two WIPs.  One has the lights turned up to illustrate the terrain.  The fire element will be some burning buildings.

    fire wip lights up.jpg
    640 x 480 - 41K
    fire wip night.jpg
    640 x 480 - 15K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    can caustics come from the fire?

  • MistyMist said:

    can caustics come from the fire?

    I don't think so, although I don't think I've ever used it in a scene with Caustics. You could experiment and see.

    I do know that the fire will create light if using indirect lighting. The effect is kind of weird though, so you may want to experiment with that as well...

  • MarkIsSleepyMarkIsSleepy Posts: 1,496
    edited February 2016

    Thanks evil - your suggestions for the fire primitive worked beautifully.  I got a little side-tracked today but now that I've tried them out I can go back to my fire mage and fix things. laugh

    Here's what I got side tracked by - the fire part is relevant and this might end up being my second entry.  I was modeling this toony penguin in Blender for the weekend challenge at Blenderartists and thought I'd try to import it to Carrara and see what it looked like.  So here is my Rocket Penguin (work in progress still, all the textures are just placeholders and I want to add quite a bit of detail to the gear still) imported into and rendered in Carrara.  I used evilproducer's suggestions from earlier in the thread on the jet fire and think it came out pretty well.

    In a sky full of penguins, only some want to fly...

    ...isn't that crazy?

    1500 x 1000 - 137K
    1200 x 900 - 98K
    Post edited by MarkIsSleepy on
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