A CSI LAB interior : WOW !!
It would be great to have a POLICE - FORENSIC lab interior with 3 to 5 different rooms and of courses many of the main materials & equipments
I and sure others would need one, eh eh
thanks beforehand !!
PS : yes i am a fan of what you think.....
They have something like that in Poser Pro 2014 but I've never used it. I don't know if it includes any equipment models. You ought to model some.
A complete crime scene lab with several rooms and equipment is available at CP: http://www.contentparadise.com/productdetails.aspx?id=221
Thanks a lot, but that works only on Poser, i use DAZ !!
DAZ can use Poser content. Mr Judge sent you a link to the set I was referring to. As there is no rigging or other DAZ character magic to speak of in such models you might be in for a very long wait for such a set to come to DAZ.
ok thanks All
When i buy something here on DAZ i have one month of garantee, elsewhere i do not think,
Most of the time when i do not use the DAZ Installer, i meet troubles, so i prefer to wait, ..
just a bunch of props on a room, easily to add on Daz Studio, can't see a problem.
the problem i have is to install products manually, each time i do, i have troubles, it does not work correctly and i have many error messages
You just need to extract the model set from the Zip file you get and then copy the runtime folder into the DAZ 3D Studio Studio/Library directory. You'll know it's the right directory because the contents of the Content directory will already have a runtime directory in it. And then you in the Preference in DAZ Studio add that directory to the list of directories with Poser products in them.
You don't even need to do that. You can have a USB drive and create a top level Poser directory and copy the runtime folder there and then in the DAZ Studio Preferences add that Poser content directory to the list of folder with Poser Content.
I've bought many Poser models from Content Paradise and they have no installers. You simply extract the contents of the zip file you'll get and copy the runtime folder to the location where all the Poser content is kept by you and with the new DAZ Studio you can have many locations for DAZ & Poser content.
Unless it is something specific with your OS language settings, chances are there is something wrong with your install method that is causing the majority of the errors. Most of the content should not be broken, manually installing it...but then again, most of it is set up for English as the OS language (yes, some other languages, especially ones with extended character sets can cause problems..especially with automatic installs).
And Poser content (especially stuff that doesn't require special scripts and isn't dynamic hair or clothing) will work and install easily (or at least as easy as Daz only content) manually.
Well the extremely old and some newer Poser content installers from DAZ 3D are broken but I think you can use 7Zip to extract the content from those EXE manually and then copy the runtime where you want it.
The annoying thing with those old installers is they often ask for a Poser runtime location or such as some of them are what, 15 years old and older now.
I think mjc1016 found the GOOD problem !!
I think i should made mistakes when installed the DAZ stuffs the first time.
Anyway i only have two major problems :
1 To install products bought outside DAZ Store
2 Using Iray
I have +800 products installed so i really hesitate to re install all the daz system on my pc.
I just will continue to buy exclusively to the DAZ Store !!
Thanks for Your patience
have All a great and happy weekend
Most content install problems are fixable without having to reinstall...
List some specific issues with content and then we will try to resolve them.
well, i had uninstalled all the outside products with which i had big problems, sorry