Shift+Cntr and drag.....clone

I want to be able to hold down Shift + Cntr ,,click on an object and drag away an instant copy of it.
Anyone who has done building in secondlife are very familiar with this HUGE time saver.
It should work on objects and lights
make it so
While I can't give you a way to achieve that, you can duplicate items from the Edit menu - and you could use Window>Workspace>Customise to add the command to a toolbar, if it isn't already; find the Duplicate command on the elft, and in the Tollbars tab on the right find the toolbar yoiu want to add the command too, then drag it across.
Cool - Thanks for the tip Richard Haseltine and father1776_5775a1855d for posting the suggestion!
LOL and you just justified my request.
Need QUICK way to create duplicates. hot keys and drag off a duplicate.
The current way is SLOW and PAINFUL
I had to make 50 copies of a simple object...took forever
There has to be a better way
Just use instances. You can have 50 identica objects in a click!
Instances is definitely the way to go. select the object you want to mass replicate - Create > New Node Instances > type in a number
Will try that, thxs