Converting Poser Dynamic clothing

I ran across a script at Carrara Cafe to convert/import Poser dynamic clothing.  My question is how well does it work?  Is it worth it?  I see a V4 Dynamic dress is 70% off at the moment and I was thinking about it.  But has anyone had any (good) sucess with importing Poser dynamic clothing?



  • DUDUDUDU Posts: 1,945
    edited February 2016
    Post edited by DUDU on
  • DUDUDUDU Posts: 1,945

    I'm sorry, I was a little bit of a hurry when I posted that, but it's very easy with the Dyn2Morph python script in Poser.

    Click on the link for more explanations.

  • dbdigital2dbdigital2 Posts: 270

    No poblem at all DUDU, thanks for the info.  I see now that you have to fire up Poser to do it?  I only have a very old version of Poser (V5) so I doubt it will work in my case, but at least it is possible.  I also ran across a method to convert clothes to Optitex dynamic that is in Daz studio and Carrara ( anyone ever try that?  I am wondering how either methods compare, but my bet is the Poser conversion will work better. 

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,633

    for that script if you save a duf scene with it frozen you have to parent the clothes to the figure for carrara to see the dynamics



    click to play

  • dbdigital2dbdigital2 Posts: 270

    Ah thanks for the tip.  And which script?  The one to convert Poser dynamic to Daz/Carrara?  Or the one that is floating around converting normal clothing to Optitex?  Nice animation test btw.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,633
    edited March 2016

    The latter,  we cannot discus it

    But the rule applies to Optitex cloth too

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,148

    I've seen a couple of references to not discussing that script for use in DS, but I don't understand why not?

  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311
    edited March 2016

    It's "normal" in a paranoid dictatorship to deny the truth.

    Also,. just to clarify ,.. Optitex cloth is only available in Daz Studio,. it's not part of Carrara,.

    Carrara has Bullet physics, which includes soft-body physics which is different from a Clothing physics simulator

    I also bought that little script to convert models i've made into a dynamic clothing item which can be used in the Dynamic clothing plugin for DS which I PAID for.

    Sadly the dynamic clothing  so far from Daz3D has been unimpressive as far as functionality and is supplied in massive files.

    Oh,. Thanks for the tip on parenting Wendy :)

    i've been trying to get that dynaics into carrara and was close to giving up and keyframing the morphs manually.


    Post edited by 3DAGE on
  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107

    It's "normal" in a paranoid dictatorship to deny the truth.


    love it, screenshot of the conversation is a necessity before it gets 1984d 

  • Hermit CrabHermit Crab Posts: 845

    An amazing video, Wendy.  I like the animations, especially the one where a girl is slowly walking through the crowd.  For a lot of what you've used and done I can only wonder and leave it at that.

  • RoygeeRoygee Posts: 2,247

    Also,. just to clarify ,.. Optitex cloth is only available in Daz Studio,. it's not part of Carrara,.

    There was a time - around 3 to 5 years ago, when we could import an Optitex sim from Studio to work in Carrara via the then Daz version of DAE - IIRC, around Studio 3.5.  This was messed up in the next release and very strangely, the mess-up was retroactive, so even if you reverted to a previuos release, it still would not work. 


    I recall ManStanley being very vocal about it...mayhap his paranoir was a presage...

  • dbdigital2dbdigital2 Posts: 270

    Very interesting.  And now I see the poser script does work with Poser 5 (should have downloaded and read the instructions before I asked, but seems like everything wants more than Poser 5 these days) I will have to give it a try.  Too bad the sale is off, oh well that dress didn't grab me anyway (but for $3 was willing to give it a try).

    Anyway to make sure I understand, I keyframe everything (or have the cloth in the position I want if I am not animating the scene) convert to morphs with the script and then import?  Doesn't sound bad at all.  I will have to grab something with Poser Dynamic cloth to give it a try.

    Also with regard to the "other" script mentioned.  I did a little digging and it would seem that Daz's comment was if you converted clothing and upload/sell it, they would come after you.  Convert for your own personal use, they wouldn't be happy but nothing more than that.  I also purchased the full Optitex plugin when it was on a deep discount awhile back, although I haven't had time to play with it as of yet.  Too many other projects in the que.


  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,633

    It works fine as a duf scene with it frozen and parented, I save as scene subset just figure and cloth add the rest in Carrara.

    Poser dyntomorph same as optitex freeze, cloth must be parented in pz3 scene and the external binarys  pmd unchecked in preferences for Poser

  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,148

    A useful discussion which addesses something I had been thinking about - thanks all!

  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311
    edited March 2016

    Been playing with this DynCreator script, and so far it's looking like a workable option for simulating dynamic cloth (DS) , and getting that back into Carrara, (thanks to Wendy for how to do that)

    You can model clothing in Carrara, export as OBJ,  load that into DS, use the script to make it dynamic and then use the Dynamic clothing plugin in DS to simulate it.

    Once you're happy,. freeze the simulation , parent the dynamic items to the figure,. save as Scene in DS (Duf),. then load that into Carrrara.

    Once you have that "frozen" simulation (object with morphs and key-framed animation) ,. you can do some creative editing to that,. such as adjusting morphs, editing those morphs in the vertex modeller (to fix poke through), or creating an NLA clip from a repeating motion,. such as a walk cycle.

    Then you can turn a short dynamic simulation,. into a much longer animation.

    Post edited by 3DAGE on
  • RoygeeRoygee Posts: 2,247

    Great sims there 3Dage:)  A clever method used in Blender that developers of dynamic clothing plugins should consider is to use the clothing as a dynamic mask for underlying mesh - that eliminates pokethrough.  Probably wouldn't look so good on that transparent dress, though! 

  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,148

    3DAge - wonderfully rendered examples! Although for some strange reason the video ran in slow motion for me. There is now the alternative of using the newly available Virtual World Dynamics Cloth & Hair plugin direct from Carrara (see other thread), while it is still being developed, this looks to be the ideal solution for me.

  • argus1000argus1000 Posts: 701

    WOW!  Those are terrific examples, 3dage. I just bought the DynCrdeator script, but unfortunately it doesn't work with figures. Only props. I'll see what I can do to emulate those examples ( tall order!)

  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311

    Hi Argus :)

    Thanks. :)

    remember that most of the "purchased" models are supplied in obj. format,. so have a look in your runtime / geometry folder before you start exporting a bunch of obj's,. you may not need to., unless you need it posed to match other footage.

    I think in DS,. there's an option to "Convert" a figure to a prop, and vice versa,. so you may not even need to export obj.

    I'm just happy that I can finally make "my own stuff" in Carrara,. and then make it dynamic,.,using a plugin which I had bought a long time ago, and which has, until now,.. been almost uiseless for anything, only allowing the use of premade garments, most of which were either difficult to work with, or useless in a dynamic animation.

    This DynCreator script opens that plugin up to anything I want to make.

    I'm not saying that this is a great solution,. since it's external to "Carrara" ... I'd like to see an integrated solution created by Daz3D for Carrara. (holds breath)

    I'm also not saying that the simulation, or the options and settings in the "clothing control" plugin for DS are super great .or that getting a nice dynamic drape is super easy,.. I spent several hours of simulating different models to get the hooded dress to work the way i wanted it to,. and in the end , it's a compromise of whats useable, out of what you have..

    but,... it's something. ....and that's usually better than nothing.


    Hi Roy,. :)

    I had thought (briefly) about rendering a pass to mask the pokethrough in post,. but as these were test's I just left it, (I'm lazy)


    Phil :)

    I've downloaded the VWD free demo for Poser,. I don't see any way to buy the full version ?,. which is apparently "needed" to "test" the beta plugin's export to Carrara.

    Also,. is this actually working inside carrrara,. or do I still need Poser to run the plugin (python) and transfer,. I have poser pro 2014.

    I'm not seeing anything else about VWD, web-site, other products,. etc, but if it's just getting off the ground,. perhaps that's just not set up yet.

    either way it's interesting to have some options for a dynamic clothing simulator for carrara.


  • argus1000argus1000 Posts: 701



    Here's what the Carrara plugin developer Philemo  said: "

    "I've just ironed out the last 2 bugs I've found and I'm ready now to release the beta version. You can find it here. Please unzip all files in Carrara extension directory.It's for Carrara 8.x pro (64bits) only for now.This plugin needs Python 2.7 available at this address. You can choose Windows x86-64 MSI installer or Windows x86 MSI installer, as you prefer.The beta is valid until end of April. Afterwards, it'll stop to work.You also need (of course) VWD, either in demo version or, preferably, the full (paid for) version. Demo version won't export back to Carrara.I hope you'll enjoy the wonderful program VWD is, at least as much as I do".

    To get the full verson of VWD, you have to send a PayPal email of 50 Euros to Gerard Contesse at

  • aspinaspin Posts: 219

    You dont need Poser to run the plugin for Carrara.

  • Hermit CrabHermit Crab Posts: 845
    edited March 2016

    Great video, 3dAge.  I particularly liked the last scene where there was a misty atmosphere in the background and a depth-of-field blur.  I take it that the scene and all the figures were rendered together.  A great example of Carrara's worth.

    The VWD program first appeared for Poser.  I use it withPoser 2014.  Within Poser a few buttons are available in the Python panel and VWD launches from these. The program itself pops up as a tall, narrow panel divided into tabs.  One of these, the scene viewer tab can expand to fill the screen - which is perfect for viewing the simulation.

    In Carrara the exact same tall program panel appears but is launched from the Carrara's File menu.  In both Poser and Carrara the full version allows the simulation results to be sent back to the main program.  The demo should save the simulation as an AVI file (I think it gets overwritten each time).

    If you buy the program, it will work fully with Poser and also with Carrara for now.  Philemo's plugin which is needed for Carrara is still being worked on.  The current version is free and is time-limited.


    Post edited by Hermit Crab on
  • argus1000argus1000 Posts: 701
    edited March 2016

    I used to work with Optitex clothes in DS 3 when I could transfer the cloth as a DAE into Carrara. When Daz switched to DUF, I found that it didn't work so well anymore. But recently, because of this thread, especially 3dage's examples,  I re-installed Dynamic cloth control and I found out to my surprise that it worked again with Optitex clothes. Maybe it's because I have a new computer? As far as converting the conforming clothes to dynamic with the DynCreator script, I didn't find that so easy. I may find a way.  Here's an example with Optitex leather jacket, simulated in DS an d transferred as DUF into Carrara. I found that the sleeves were too long, and I didn't find a way (yet) to shorten them.

    But don't you think that Dorle has a nice leather jacket? If you ask him, he'll say it's a gorgeous jacket, and don't you say otherwise. You'll hurt his feelings.


    Post edited by argus1000 on
  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311
    edited March 2016

    HI Marcus :)

    Glad you liked it,. and thanks for the VWD info.

    The renders were all done as fast tests (200 samples per frame),. so I didn't bother with render passes,. the last one, with the misty background was also a test of Carrara's volumetric clouds in the OctaneRender 3 beta

    There are only four figures in that scene,. Victoria 4.2,. Genesis 2 female,. Genesis 2 male,(x2)  I just used a replicator to create the soldiers and hand-maidens.


    Argus :)

    nice clip,.

    I was thinking of adding some Carrara softbody stuff,. since these dynamic sim's are obj models (rather than rigged),. it should be possible to use "Soft-body attach" to pin additional things to these,. and use the surface relicators (with a distribution map) to add things like buttons.,. or add Carrara hair to collars and cuff's, or a fur coat.

    The same should be possible with the sim results fom VWD.

    I also just discovered that the little checkbox for "Use Limits" in the DS Clothing control panel,. Opens up the settings for much greater limits.,.

    If you've setup some shading domains to create the different "panels" on the garment,.. that allows you to have different dynamics settings for those areas.

    but to be honest,. jackets and jeans are amongst the least dynamic clothing items,. it's probably easier to make those into conforming clothing and add a couple of morphs to shape some motion, then just animate those over time. but it's fun right now, just testing different stuff

    Post edited by 3DAGE on
  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311

    More tests

    baggy trousers and top for M4

  • argus1000argus1000 Posts: 701

    Since 3dage said that coats and jeans don't really take advantage of dynamic simulations, I'm posting another sample here. I'm very happy that I can import Optitex clothes into Carrara again.

  • Hermit CrabHermit Crab Posts: 845

    Thanks for the explanation, 3DAge.

    To both of you, these are great simulations and I'm very glad to see them.

    It looks like simulation programs are the same as waiting for a bus - you stand waiting for hours and then two come along at once!

  • takezo_3001takezo_3001 Posts: 2,000
    edited March 2016
    3DAGE said:

    Been playing with this DynCreator script, and so far it's looking like a workable option for simulating dynamic cloth (DS) , and getting that back into Carrara, (thanks to Wendy for how to do that)

    You can model clothing in Carrara, export as OBJ,  load that into DS, use the script to make it dynamic and then use the Dynamic clothing plugin in DS to simulate it.

    Once you're happy,. freeze the simulation , parent the dynamic items to the figure,. save as Scene in DS (Duf),. then load that into Carrrara.

    Once you have that "frozen" simulation (object with morphs and key-framed animation) ,. you can do some creative editing to that,. such as adjusting morphs, editing those morphs in the vertex modeller (to fix poke through), or creating an NLA clip from a repeating motion,. such as a walk cycle.

    Then you can turn a short dynamic simulation,. into a much longer animation.

    Wish it were over here, as my marketplace account was dorment before the new system they put in place, (You have use the checkout in order to change your account settings/CC info) so I'm effectively locked out due to my new account info being negated when my CC info is rejected due to my old account info not matching up with my new account/CC info...indecision

    Speculation at this point, but still, my CC is consistantly rejected for some &%^#%$#n' reason...

    Post edited by takezo_3001 on
  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311

    another test

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,633

    she has no panties blush

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