Syncar-Export for PFmatchit

Hello Carrararists!
For everyone who uses PFmatchit* ( ) here´s a little Syncar-Export-Script. Just copy it to "programs/The Pixel Farm/PFMatchIt XXXX.X/exports" and now you can easily export your trackers and camera-movement to a Syncar-File which can be opened by Carrara. It works better than PFhoe+MatchMovingAssistant because you don´t have to fix the framesize, backdrop, aspect-ratio and focal-length by hand. But you´ve to group trackers&camera; and rotate that group about 90 degrees. Maybe someone could make the script better - I`m not a programmer (Python2 is sooo uglyyy!) and I can´t find a description for the Syncar-format anywhere. Maybe it´s possible to write down a variable focal-length? Maybe it´s possible to write down moving trackers by using camera-keys?
Download: (THIS LINK WORKS! :D )
*There was a cheap crossgrade-offer (~100€) for every PFhoe-user and it´s still available until the end of 2012. So you could buy PFhoe2.2 for 79€/149€ and upgrade it to PFmatchit for 100€ instead of buying it for 360€.
BTW: Today I´ve cross-upgraded from Carrara to Modo601... so I´ll say allmost goodbye to this forum. In the future I´ll use Carrara for some reasons for sure but all in all it´s a lost product if DAZ treat it like they do for years right now. Too much errors, problems and other nasty things. Talented software-engineers should make it up-to-date or it will die sooner as you can see. ..."DAZ soon"(copyright)...
Thanks for the Info. I am debating on buying the new license or not. I am not sure if I will use it, but don't want the price to go by either. I understand about moving over to Modo. I kinda wish I had back when the upgrade was available. Daz better pull a rabbit out of their hat soon.
Hello Milo!
If you´re not sure just test PFmatchit or use the free Matchmoving inside Blender. Syntheyes should be better but with a harder learning curve and the UI seems to be not so good.
I didn´t regret moving over to Modo right now.
My impressions right now:
- It´s complex but logical within a node-system and working Python-scripts etc.
- In comparison to Carrara only a physically Particle-System*, good-working DynamicHair, terrain-modeller and tree-modeler are missing
- The inbuilt Procedural shaders are 100% equal to those DCG Plugins (even the names!)
- The whole shader/material-system is awesome
- The inbuilt physics are equal to Carrara AND DCG-Plugins (but better...) - it uses same bullet-physics-engine
- Other Plugins (modollama, dynamics, wireframe-renderer etc.) , Scripts and Macros available...
- Volumetric effects are equal to Inagonis Plugins for Carrara (but much faster)
- Good Rigging-tools, perfect Topology-tools, nice handling and so on...
- ...the (realtime-) physically correct Rendering engine is awesome!
*In the future there will be a software for particle-effects called Sparta ( ). Right now there´s only a free Beta-version available and it will only im- and export RealFlow-.BIN (which are working inside Modo but not inside Carrara).