Hide PC+ Check Box
There is a ticky-box to show only PC+ items. When looking for ways to spend one of our PC Coupons - the one that exclude Platinum Club items - it would be nice to see only products that are eligible. So, a ticky-box that would hide PC+ items, just like the one to hide products I already own would be nice.
We've been asking for that for years (since they removed that option a few site redesigns ago, to be precise), but unfortunately it's still not there.
Fortunately we can at least filter them using URL parameters, so here are 2 examples of links which can be useful:
DAZ Originals excluding PC items: http://www.daz3d.com/daz-originals#index=0&filter_platClub=0&filtered=1
All items except PC+: http://www.daz3d.com/shop#index=0&filter_platClub=0&filtered=1
Brilliant Leana, thank you.
Exactly what I was looking for, thank you @Leana.