Yes, I've heard you speak of your penchant for bikinis. If I, however, have a warrior braving the snow or slings and arrows of outrageous foes, then I would prefer not to expose her chest to the elements or her midsection to the enemy. I can accept high heels, though, based upon the Kate Beckinsale principle.
That looks very useful as an undergarment for (just enough) coverage with skimpwear.
wow very nice !
Personally, this constitutes just enough:
@OP. It looks great
Yes, I've heard you speak of your penchant for bikinis. If I, however, have a warrior braving the snow or slings and arrows of outrageous foes, then I would prefer not to expose her chest to the elements or her midsection to the enemy. I can accept high heels, though, based upon the Kate Beckinsale principle.