More historically accurate medieval armour

One thing it struck me that Daz is currently lacking is historically accurate arms and armour. What there is all seems to be quite fantasy-based or quite far off in terms of shape, texture, detail etc. The Osprey books spring to mind as a good reference resource for such things, especially those illustrated by Angus McBride.
On a related note, historical architecture more accurate in terms of proportion and detail.
I support this suggestion and have one thing on arms. If you do spears for example, why there isn`t a Pilum out there? There are many products for so "called" roman times (most of them are more fantasy than historially correct) but none of these products includes a Pilum (typical roman spear)
And I suggest some historically correct roman legionaire uniforms. The one for genesis is not bad but I miss a shirt underneath the chest plate and I miss the typical rectangular roman shield.
There's a Roman shield included in and a Pilum in
More historically accurate Egyptian stuff would also be welcome. (I notice that both the king's and queen's headdresses on here are too high and rounded across the brow, for example, compared to examples seen in statuary and wall paintings, which are easy enough to find, for example
More armor from the Shogunate era of Japan would be nice as well.
I second this!
Contact your local HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts) club. Seriously. We/they (I'm a practitioner) can fill a designer in on where to look for proper references. Or, go to and inquire there.
Who says chainmail thongs are not historical ?
They are in all the 70's fantasy porn movies ..... :-D
The OP wants historical armor...not hysterical armor.
Agreed. I've been wanting an accurate Joan of Arc armour (and hair style) for G2f and G3f for a long time.
There were at least three different variants of the basic armor of the Legionaire that I am aware of, and I suspect the shirt itself wasn't considered part of the armor as such. Which specific version are you wanting?