Where did the UV picture go???

Okay, I'm messing with the UV map for a door I'm working on and all of a sudden the picture disappeared out of the UV Map. I've gotten by without it by moving each piece to 'Wild @$$ Guess' and just tracking what it looks like in the perspective view, but it's a huge pain in the butt - does this happen for other people, or is this bug unique to me?


  • Wee Dangerous JohnWee Dangerous John Posts: 1,605
    edited March 2016

    Can you post a screen grab please. All the pieces need to be in the UV grid, not sure if this will work -

    Have 2 views open, left is perspective, right is the UV view.

    In the Perspective view (with face selection) click on one of the panels and click in the UV view and chose View All from the icons at the bottom of the screen.

    This should highlight the chosen face and zoom in on the selection, its a bit hit and miss but I got it to work this end.

    Post edited by Wee Dangerous John on
  • Okay, I tried what you suggested and I got nothing - no change, still no picture in the UV view. :( I've also tried shutting down Hexagon and starting it up again, switching to a different picture for the UV and then back again (neither showed up)... I'll post a screenshot of what's happening. 

    hexagon problem.png
    1886 x 1034 - 450K
  • Thanks for posting a screen grab, I can see what is wrong now. I thought you meant you lost the UVmap, now I see you've lost the texture. Tick the small box and it should appear - Hopefully :)

    1769 x 995 - 203K
    1769 x 995 - 203K
  • Wee Dangerous JohnWee Dangerous John Posts: 1,605
    edited March 2016

    Nearly had a double post. I much prefer the old way of adding an image :)

    Post edited by Wee Dangerous John on
  • Thanks so much! It was driving me *crazy* that I just couldn't figure out where the hell it went! 

  • Glad I could help.

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