Iray How does one remove HRDI light from a scene?
I merge scenes at times. I ran into a case where one of the scenes had an HRDI light saved to it. It was brought into the scene. Normally I am simply able to get rid of something like this by chaging from dome and scene to sun sky only. I ran into a case where the HRDI left a primitive. I tried looking into the scene including hidden nodes but was unable to locate the HRDI primitive file. I was able to work around it by moving some parts. Where is the file to remove?
Post edited by Bobvan on
If it doesn't appear in the scene tab how do you know there's a primitive?
When I went to render after changing the HRDI to sun sky only my characters who were standing in a forest setting (had applied a ground shader to a plane, added grass and rock props, as seen in pic below) were sunk in what looked like a gray cement floor. When I converted back to dome and scene it showed parts of the HRDI that had transfered over. I simply raised my plane props and characters above what I assumed was the HRDI primitive...
That's probably the Environment ground plane, which is part of the engine. You can make it go away by clicking "Draw Ground" to OFF in the Environment settings. If you add an HDRI that affects that setting and then change your Environment to "Sun Sky" it won't change the ground settings back.
Ok thanks