Export a normal map from DAZ studio for use in UE4 - even possible?
Is it possible to export a normal map from DAZ studio for genesis 3 characters and props?
Currently when I export an FBX from DAZ Studio 4.9 there are only diffuse textures included in the export but no normal textures which I would need for use in Substance Painter and later in Unreal Engine 4.
If there is a normal map included, then it is in the main texture folder with the other maps. You can find the specific subfolder by hovering over the image in the Surfaces tab. A 'tips' box should pop up showing the path.
Then either copy it or direct the other program to it...
If there isn't one, then no, there is no method in Studio to create one.
Thanks for the quick reply. I found maps under the surface tab although no normal map.
A few more questions if you have time:
- Why are some of the textures not exported when I use a normal FBX or OBJ export, for example bum map or specual map are there but not exported. Do I need to specify this somewhere so the maps get exported accordingly?
- Can I create a normal map from a bump map (in an external application)?
- If I can't what would be the best way to create a normal map from the mesh (in a third party application)?
OBJ is a rather ancient and limited format...so not all of the modern surface features are supported, so they won't end up in the material export. Also even if the format does support the feature (bump) it may not be exported because the internal name in the shader isn't one that the exporter recognizes as belonging to the bump channel.
As to creating a normal map from a bump or diffuse map...yes there are applications that can do it...but it isn't really the best route (but then again, I'm not sure that many of the normal maps in Studio are 'true' normal maps, any way...baked from the hi-res model). Crazybump is one such program, another is called AwesomeBump. There are also GIMP and Photoshop plug-ins to do it.
Thanks. I just use the straight Genesis 3 Male character and an FBX support. But the textures do not get exported.
FBX export has always been a bit finicky...I'm not sure what options would be best...are you using 'embed' or 'collect' for the texture option? (try the other one). And if what you are importing into doesn't have UDIM support you should probably be using the 'collapse UV' option.
Also which one are you using (there are several FBX export formats available...from 2006 and later...in both binary and ASCII)?
I was using FBX binary 2012 and 2014 with collect to folder option checked.
Double check to see which UE4 would prefer...I'm not sure if it prefers binary or ASCII. 2012 or 2014 should work...and if the collect isn't working flip to the embed. It's a matter of fiddling around with various options to hit upon the one that works for what you are bringing it into, mostly.
Just FYI, you can go into the repository of Daz and find the missing files. It's not always that simple but it often works.
Im having the same issues with Floyd 8 - I do an FBX export, with either 'Embed Textures' or 'Collect Textures to Folder' and only diffuse textures are exported.
Where is this located??