Ability to render & model at the same time

The current situation is ludicrous. We can either model or render, not both. Surely it is possible to change this - it is quite clear that Iray is a separate Nvidea product, it ought to be possible to combine them in a more flexible way. Maybe a stand alone Iray could be made by Daz?
Not sure how it's ludicrous. When I'm trying to render something, I like to have all possible system resources going to the render engine. Not leave a bunch reserved so I can keep tinkering while it renders and thus end up with a slow Studio and slow render. If you want previews while you work that's what the Aux viewport iray preview is for.
If you're rendering Iray, have an Nvidia card, and the scene fits on the card then there's nothing stopping you from opening a 2nd instance of Daz Studio on your pc and working on another scene while the video card is working.
I've recently started doing that myself (although my scenes normally don't fit on the vid card so I make due with the system lag that happens while working and rendering.)
Another option is to use two computers on a virtual subnetwork to share a common folder for saved renders and scenes.
I misread
Thank You
I would ike to do that. I may have to hold up the bank though!
I would rather slow the render and get the two things done.
I agree, this would be nice. Put something on, and get busy with something else. Even if it does take longer / only uses 2 cores etc, you won't even notice because you'll be occupied, instead of sitting there watching the picture slowly forming.
Reality/Luxrender allows you to do this.
Thats interesting, I see that there is a Daz add on for this.
Hmm.. I render in DS and model in Hex all the time.. never had a problem.
This works great if you have your content on a external usb Harddrive. I can have the render going on my main pc and be setting up a new scene on my work laptop. You don't need a massively powerful computer to do your modeling on. I tend to save the power house for actual rendering.
Fisty I think they meant multitasking within D|S itself. :)
I do the same. I didn't think they were referring to DS since you can't model in DS.