Father Christmas

There are plenty of Santa Claus suits around but I would like the old fashioned Father Christmas or St Nicholas outfit The only one I could find is very old and is for M3 so it is not very useable for later figures
Post edited by Charlie Judge on
There is a Michael 3 clone for Genesis, so you could convert it up - but those sets have quite a lot of ghost bones/body handles which would be lost in the conversion process and would need to be replaced with new bones or morphs.
I know; that's why a thought it would be nice to have a new one. I do have the M3 clone for genesis;but I haven't tried to convert the outfit. I figured with those long draped sleeves it wouldn't work very well anyway.
I've tried - it isn't too pretty and I'll have to learn allot to be able to fix it. Mainly the coat sleeves
Mec4D, a PA here at DAZ, has a Genesis Santa outfit and character at her site. It's on sale too.
Thanks Lindsey; but I'm not looking for a Santa Suit. There are also some of them at DAZ3D.
What I am looking for is the long robed old world Saint Nicholas or Father Christmas outfit.
She also has a Father Frost set...which is probably more along the line of what you are after, except it is an all white suit...