Carrara Challenge #23: “Fire And Water” - Voting Thread Now Closed

Carrara Challenge #23: “Fire And Water”
You have been watching your favorite Viking show, dreaming of walks on the beach.
Do you remember the TV show Emergency about an LA Fire Department Station.
Are you the Captain of an 1800's British Frigate battling the French or American's?
What about Fire and Water in space?
Post Alien attack on a planet far, far away?
Your objective that you chose to accept:
Create a scene in which it has Fire And Water represented in it.
Every subject which comes to your mind is allowed, fantasy, steam punk, sci-fi, or whatever floats your Fire and Water boat.
The idea is to utilize these primitives more and showcase them in new ways.
This also allows any new competitors to have a chance to learn about these wonderful primitives.
Basic rules will be:
1. Each participant may submit up to 2 images into the Challenge.
2. Images must be new (previously unpublished).
3. Images must be primarily set up in Carrara.
4. Images must be rendered in Carrara or in an external renderer for which there is a Carrara plug-in (e.g. LuxRenderer, Octane).
5. At least one WIP (work in progress) image must be posted to the WIP thread (this can be as simple as the scene setup, a pre/post post-work comparison or just a final image with a brief description of the process you used or as complex as modeling rooms shots, shader setups or partial scene setups or test renders).
6. At least one object in the scene has to be modeled in Carrara
7. At least one object in the scene has to be a Fire or Ocean primitive in Carrara. For new users this can count as the modeled in Carrara object.
Note: New user is defined as using Carrara for under 6 Months.
Once again, Daz will generously sponsor the monthly challenge with the following prizes:
1st Place: $100.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
2nd Place: $ 50.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
3rd Place: $ 25.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
Honorable Mention (4th place): $10.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
Dates to Remember:
Entry Thread Opens: Friday, March 18, 2016
Entry Thread Closes/Voting Begins: Monday March 28, 2016 23:59:59 CST (GMT-6)
Voting Ends: Sunday, April 3, 2016 23:59:59 CST (GMT-6)
An announcement will be made shortly in forum for The Commons. Feel free to provide any updates or share there as well .
Link to thread in commons
EDITING FOR FORMAT {I saw the next entry and think that format may be required despite not being mentioned in the first post - I've been away for a while and under a lot of stress so may have forgotten, or missed, something!}
What better way to open this challenge than with..
Entry #1
The Quest For The Millennium Cow!
Artist: Sockratease {Real name unknown}
Used Fire for the water and an ocean for the flame (details in description)
Carrara Modeled Item is the torch and the cows's head on the mast was altered.
Products Used:
Milkshake The Toon Cow, Drakkahr Ship, and (decapitated) Cow from ShareCG.
The Sail Texture was made in everyone's favorite fractal generator - Mootatorkammer (The programmer spelled it wrong and called it Mutatorkammer, but we all know what he meant!).
WIP Post:
The Rest:
We go wherever The Quest leads us, for The Quest Is The Quest! {Crew repeats loudly, while pointing at The Heavens "The Quest Is The Quest!"}
It shall never end until it is over.
Back Story:
Here we see Milkshake the Toon Cow sailing through the night hoping to find The Millennium Cow before The Emissaries of Evil can gather their forces for The Final Battle between Cows and All That Is Naughty in The Entire Universe!!
Pray The Millennium Cow manifests itself in time!! The Cows are our Only Hope!!! Nothing short of Bovine Intervention can avert the impending Apocalypse!!!!
And The Millennium Cow is the Mightiest of Cows!
To have a bit of fun with the theme, the ocean is the fire primitive colored blue and scaled very large - while the fire on the torch is the ocean primitive with a custom shader scaled very small and with a Black Hole Modifier applied.
I like role reversal I guess.
Entry #2
Title:Ifrit Priestess
Artist: Mark D. Olsen (MDO2010)
Used the ocean primitive for the floor with a custom shader.
Used the fire primitive for the flames at the character's feet.
Modeled a couple low poly buildings and some minarets in the Vertex Modeller to create the background "City of Brass."
Products Used:
Victoria 4
Vandra for v4 with custom maps including alpha and glow
Ron's Ripsand Tears
DM Chroncles
DM Fantasy Musings
Jewelry from:
Malvada for V4
Sorceress for v4
Salome for v4 (renderosity)
First Concept Test
Scene setup and final-ish render
Modeled Item, Final Render and Final with Postwork
Entry # 3
Title : First Contact
I used the Fire Primitive to : The Flying Saucers exhaust, the smoke and fire of the gun, and the smoke from the chimney.
For figures I used the : (The alien is a custom reshape in the vertex modeller.)
The ships wake are with some modifications.
The rest of the parts are made in the Vertex modeller.
WIP's :
Entry #4
Title: Match IT
Artist: Stezza
Made the matchbox and made the hole using boolean
made the match stick
made the fire truck ( from an earlier challenge )
made the fire hose and nozzle
used the fire primitive and cloud but didn't manage the water primitive.
made the fireman from M4 and a primitive.
retextured everything using Carrara shaders or made in PSE14
Items used
Firemans outfit for M4
TP Lightdome
JoLab liquid pack
WiP Link -
Final Render Link -
Final image postwork done in Photoshop Elements 14
#5 the army of atlantis
the water is a plane
both the water and the craters use veloute perturbation.
in the back you have a fountain with glow & aurora
the army it self is:
2 v4 with the centurion with wild textures.
2 m4 with spartan warrior loin cover.
in side a replocator.
the gear of war is atlantida weapons.
Entry: # 6
Title: FireStorm on Nevendore
Artist: wgdjohn - John ~Wilson Graphic Design~
Modeled landscape in Carrara 8.5 Pro
Flames for Fireballs use the fire primitive
Lake is a simple plane with a modified Ocean texture applied
Products Used:
DAZ Carrara 8.5 Pro and it's Landscape editor, Fire, Fog, Explode, Dissolve and Pluto modified by texture settings.
Primivol Fire available from DAZ in "Advance Pack"
StarBright from Digital Carvers Guild in "Power Pack" originally from Eovia
Back Story:
FireStorms on Nevendore were common during it's infancy. For an unknown reason the Fire Balls were only attracted to water. Still some missed their mark and only came close to hitting their mark. FireStorms only lasted for a few million years. Now billions of years later Nevendore is not such a bleak planet and has human like inhabitants as well as other lesser creatures, plenty of plant life and an abundance of water.
Early Idea -
Nearly Finished Setup & Render -
Final Entry, no post work
Entry 7
Title: FairyTale Romance Pinup
Artist: Diomede
Requirements: All figures and props modeled in Carrara. Fire primitive is in fireplace. Ocean primitive is combined with a cylinder to be the water in the tub.
Products Used: Carrara 8.5 Pro
original idea witch in cauldron
switch to house of dwarves as base idea - core props and composition -
modeling and uvmapping runaway girl -
modeling and uvmapping dwarves
non-photo render issues
final scene setup
Back Story
A runaway made her way to a tiny house deep in the forest. A group of very short men lived there. She liked to read fairytale romance novels about a prince one day taking her away from her dull household chores.
Final image composite of nonphoto renderer and photoreal fire and hair. Postwork done in Photoshop Elements 11
Entry 8
Title: Escape from Penn's Creek, 1755
Artist: Diomede
Requirements: All figures and props modeled in Carrara 8.5 Pro. Fire by cabin. Water is a duplicate of the terrain but without one of the imported heightmaps that cuts the river channel. This duplicate is then lowered and roughened.
terrain original terrain and river
final terrain and river showing river channel heightmap and terrain modeling room
final scene setup
Back story: In 1755 in western Pennsylvania, New York, and Virginia, there were a series of frontier massacres as part of the French and Indian War. This is one frontiersman who managed to escape.
Rendered in Carrara 8.5 Pro, no postwork.
Entry: 9
Title: Neptune vs. the Volcano
Artist: Stringtheory9
Products Used: M4, palm tree from somewhere.
Requirements: The ocean started as an ocean primitive which I then exported so that I could model the wave on it and then connect the chopped M4 object. Neptunes hair and staff were modeled along with the main lightning bolt, volcano, lava flow and lava ocean cliff. The fire primitive was used for the eruption, the palm tree fires and for the ocean foam and splashes (including on Neptunes hair).
Initial concept
Setup and un processes render
Post work: I did some subtle color/levels adjustements and drew in the enhancements to the lightning bolt and flipped the image.
Backstory: Just the gods having one of those days.
Entry #10
Title: That Hellbound Train
Artist: Bytescapes
Requirements: Created and rendered in Carrara 8.5 Pro. Three fire objects used in scene. Bridge, tower, and fiery pit modeled in Carrara's spline modeler. Image also uses Carrara's fog and terrain objects.
Third party content used
Skulls on the tower are from Them Bones. Train is composed of Parkside Cargo and Parkside Passenger Car. Demon figure is Michael 6, with elements from Legendary Demon, and a skin from Reptilian.
scene without any 3rd-party content:
Image slightly lightened using Photoshop Levels tool. No other postwork.
Entry #11
Title: Smells Like Eggs
Artist: headwax
Requirements: Modelled all the stuff. Used two fire primitifs for the bunsen burner to get the blue and the red colour. Shaders for the water were one that comes with carrara slightly modified.
Third party content used
Tempted too but didnt. Extenseive use of Fenric's plugins though.
Cropped in postwork. Fixed up the bunsen fire because it didnt render out in a png with alpha selected in the render room, so rendered it twice and combined it in post. Tweaked image in oloneo hdr software. Then I cut the tip of my finger off while I was getting the roast ready last night.
Artist ..Starboardtack...msteaka
Products used ,,,,,Carrara 8.5 pro, After Effects, Photoshop
Requirements..The ship was modeled almost totally using the vertex model room. The wake was generated in Photoshop and in After Effects. This movie of the flowing wake was textured onto the ocean primitive.
WIP.. Post 329 in WIP thread
Thanks for all the Entries Voting Is now Open.
In order as found on the page *only*.
#2 Ifrit Priestess by Mark D. Olsen (MDO2010)
#9 Neptune vs. the Volcano by Stringtheory9
#11 Smells Like Eggs by headwax
Voting this time is unbelievably hard, and I know it won't get easier. Emphasizing one set of criteria, I formed one list. Reconsidering the weight to put on each criterion, I came up with a different list. And a third list, and so on. In the end, I gave extra credit if both the fire and the water clearly grabbed my attention as fire and water respectively. I needed to find some way to pick just three. Otherwise, I would agonize all week. I thought several had amazing water, or amazing fire. Oh, so hard to choose. Congratulations to everyone. I wish there was some way to recognize each artist who established a concept, and executed it with such amazing excellence. So hard. I especially wanted to vote for Varsel's toon sailor holding up the signal flags (look on the bridge). Argh. There can be only three. And then there was Mark's fire demon, so fascinating. How can I leave that off my list? Each entry was so amazing. Here are my votes in entry number order.
Entry: # 6, Title: FireStorm on Nevendore, Artist: wgdjohn
Entry: 9, Title: Neptune vs. the Volcano, Artist: Stringtheory9
Entry #11, Title: Smells Like Eggs, Artist: headwax
So many great entries, so hard to pick!
nevertheless: 1= 9, Neptune verses the Volcano
2= 11, Smells like Eggs!
3= 4, Match It
In numerical order :
Entry #4 Title: Match IT Artist: Stezza
Entry: 9 Title: Neptune vs. the Volcano Artist: Stringtheory9
Entry #12 Title Topsail Schooner underway. Artist ..Starboardtack...msteaka
For honorable mention :
Entry #11 Title: Smells Like Eggs Artist: headwax
Wow, so difficult, there are too many that I would want to award something to! But in the end I will go with (in numerical order):
#4 Match IT
#9 Neptune vs the Volcano
#10 Hellbound Train
...but well done to ALL entries!
In numerical order:
#4 Match IT by Stezza
#9 Neptune vs the Volcano by Stringtheory9
#11 Smells Like Eggs by Headwax
Fantastic renders, everyone! Hmmmm....
I wish I didn't have to stop at three... this is so hard! Here goes:
#12 - Topsail Schooner underway - by msteaka (StarboardTack)
Amazing detail on the Schooner itself, and the technique used to create the image really paid off... it's outstanding! Love it! It's also a very interesting take on the subject, that firey schooner blazing through the infinite void of endless water... very well done!
#11 - Smells Like Eggs - by Headwax (Andrew Finney)
Wow... that Bunsen flame kinda hurts the eyes, just like it should! The rest of the image is every bit as tasty as that as well. Love the realism, which isn't really your norm, is it? Great work!
#9 - Neptune vs. the Volcano - by Stringtheory9
Talk about getting hit with color! For the theme of this challenge, this image just nails me with a wave of the colors I would associate. The action - the threat. But then the mastery of owning the scene's elements, materials and render. Very nice work. Is the Eagle (Falcon?) head in the lower right in the water purposefully added, or a wonderful accident in result of the shaders coalescing?
Everybody made really great images again. It's so hard to choose. But I think the contestants know this as well, as they try to cast votes themselves. Keep up the excellent Carrara renders, my friends! This was one tight challenge!
Once again there are so many great renders with a ton of work poured into them! After much thought here are my picks in page order:
Entry #4
Title: Match IT
Artist: Stezza
Entry: # 6
Title: FireStorm on Nevendore
Artist: wgdjohn
Entry #11
Title: Smells Like Eggs
Artist: headwax
Thanks Dartanbeck. And no, I only saw the falcon head (or is it Falcor) after you pointed it out
Lots of great entries, there was something I liked about every one of them.
My votes (after several revisions), in no particular order:
Entry 11 Title: Smells Like Eggs
Entry 7 Title: FairyTale Romance Pinup
Entry 3 Title : First Contact
My votes
Entry 2: Ifrit Priestess
Entry 9: Neptune vs. the Volcano
Entry 10: That Hellbound Train
Great challenges this time around..
Hopefully my post will appear as the DAZ site is having a bad hair day today I rekon..
anyways my votes in no particular order are:
Entry #1
Title:The Quest For The Millennium Cow!
Artist: Sockratease
Entry #10
Title: That Hellbound Train
Artist: Bytescapes
Entry #11
Title: Smells Like Eggs
Artist: headwax
Entry # 3 Title : First Contact Artist Varsel
Entry #4 Title: Match IT Artist: Stezza
Entry: 9 Title: Neptune vs. the Volcano Artist: Stringtheory9
Lots of impressive work. I voted for ones that I thought showed a sense of humour (first two) and Stringtheorie's is pretty dramatically amazing.
Really like Sockratease's sense of humour, the drama of "That HellBound Train" and Ifrit Princess- great images, and the clean graphics of FireStorm on Nevendore,
and am in awe of Diomede's and msteaka's modelling skills.
By entry order:
#2 by MDO2010
#9 by Stringtheory
#10 by bytscapes
Honorable Mention: #11 by headwax
All the entries were very good and imaginative! The ones I chose grabbed me visually and made great use of Carrara's functions, such as volumetrics and fire. Special shout out to Stringtheory for the Neptune image.
To all you new entrants and those new or newer to Carrara, keep at it! I see lots of potential! Remember, these challenges can be a great way to increase your skills in a fun environment. If you want to know how to do something or achieve an effect but aren't sure how, just ask! There will probably be multiple responses with multiple ways to do what you want! I have learned a lot from these challenges over the last couple years.
Thanks for Voting.
Voting is Closed.
Results will be posted later after I have a chance to count it up.