Symmetry Doesn't Always Seem to Work as I'd Expect
Posts: 2,230
Say I'm working on a wrestling pose. I have the right collar, shoulder, forearm, hand and fingers all positioned as I want them. Now, I'd like to get the left side into that position as well. In the Scene Tab, I select the Right Collar and all the other parts right down to the pinky finger 3. In the Parameters Tab, I select Symmetry, and choose Right to Left of the selected nodes only. Well, the left side moves, but the arm does not seem to be precisely positioned. I still have to work on it to get the left side alligned as I want it. Am I doing something wrong? What should I select? (Using D|S 4.8 Macintosh)
Did you try setting Truck Nodes to Mirror Y and Z rotations
No. I didn't. Maybe I should try that. I used "ignore trunk" or something like that.
I would try it as that seems to be one of the key elements in getting good results
Make sure you uncheck the Scale boxes as that will 'compound'. I also uncheck Translate for good measure.
Symetry works on transforms rather than pose controls, but you can bake the latter to the former - the Bake to Transforms command is in both the Posing and parameter panes' option menus (the lined button in the top corner or right-click the tab). The default shortcut is shift+B
If using pose controls, you need to Bake to Transforms before applying Symmetry:
Parameters > Option Menu > Bake To Transforms... (SHIFT+B)
- or -
Posing > Option Menu > Bake To Transforms... (SHIFT+B)
Is this Baking to Transforms new as I have never heard or seen it beofre?
OK, I'll try to remember all of this: Bake to Transforms before applying Symmetry. And should I also uncheck the Scale boxes, and uncheck the Translate? And should I set the Trunk nodes to Mirror Y and Z rotations?
Or, would Bake to Transforms before applying Symmetry be all that is needed?
Bake to Transforms is needed to make any Pose Control settings visible to Symmetry. You do usually want to mirror Trunk nodes too. Whether or not you want to uncheck translations or scaling is a matter fo the pose applied - most body parts no not in fact have translations.
If you don't have the Bake command you may need to run the Update and Merge menus script in \Scripts\Utilities in your default content dierctory.
I take it isn't new then
It has ben there for a while in some form, but I think it was updated.
Thank you Richard. I don't miss much this is why I asked. Interesting function.
i use this
That looks wonderful, but does it work in the Macintosh version of DS? I'm on a Mac. Or, is it Windows only? Does anyone know?
DAZ Scripts (unless they do funky things with files) are cross-platform. So yes, it should work on a Mac.
OK, I tried this script, and it does work on the Mac. Thank you very much. I really appreciate the help I got from you all.
Thank you after a couple of hours tryign to get to mirror my pose and fail, I start to look for information and read your post and it work really nice, again thanks.