dynamic cloth
I woul like know if may be to do dynamic cloting easly. Example, i have a cloth dont dynamic, i select this cloth and after i clic a function on carrara and i have the cloth dynamic, or if there is a plugin for carrara to do this.tnks
Carrara has a built in Soft Body function but it doesn't work well for clothing. Until now there was no good solution in Carrara, but Virtual World Dynamics Cloth&Hair is just being developed - see the other active thread on this.
Hi, tnks. In this site: https://www.renderosity.com/mod/freestuff/vwdclothandhair-v1-0-286-2290/75980 I read that is a version non commercial. For me now is well but in the future i am going searching a commercial version. know You the future development?
if you are not animating, select the clothing and export an obj with morphs and skinning checked, reimport that obj and size it to match original
under effects put bounce to zero, density and friction to full (25 000 & 100)
on obj and figure model
convert obj motion from keyframe to physics
add a soft body modifier (under physics in modifier drop down)
click the magic want in the top left corner and cross your fingers
There is also the other solution of using Daz Studio and the "Dynamic Clothing Control" (plugin) to simulate dynamic cloth in DS, then bring that into Carrara for rendering.
You can model your dynamic clothing items in Carrara, export as OBJ, and then load that model into Daz Studio,. Simulate the dynamics and save as a scene,. then open that scene in carrarra and render.
for that you need a product we cannot discus on this forum
Ok, tnks. I am trying softbody, some exsercise. But now i have another question. I create figure with wardrobe with daz, after i export scene into carrara. When i select the dress i dont have access a model room and i dont have modify tab for this dress. Note that the dress is a figure's child. Why? Peraphs i need to export only dress into carrara, apply modify and after i put in my figure?
Sorry another information, because the use of softbody do to exporting the obj of cloth ids good for me, can you say a tutorial or videotutorial for rig cloth in a generic figure for carrara?
read the converting Poser dynamic clothing thread in this Carrara forum
Right Here is a thread regarding the use of VWD and the new plugin for its use it Carrara.
It's really pretty nice! I've only tried it a little so far (too busy to play right now) and it works really well.
You can get a commercial version of VWD through the author, and that's talked about in the thread, and the Carrara plugin is currently in Beta, but it works pretty well so far, it seems.
Check it out!
Hi i have this error when execurte VWDButton python import error no module named poser.
I will try VWD but i preferr to use softbody, but i don't find the tutorial for rig cloth in actor on carrara
Hi Arisguard,
Where do you execute this script ? In Poser, Carrara, outside any program ?
outside any program
i am successful, i take a cloth of daz, export it in obj, load in carrara, apply softbody and attach softbody, save obj, import in daz and do transfert utility. The result job is sufficient, there is some problem but i believe that with accuracy i can resolve it. But there isn't in carrara transfert utility?
That's why. The scripts shipped with VWD cloth and hair are supposed to be launched from Poser or Carrara.
Hi Arisguard :)
No,. there isn't a transfer utility in Carrara,. ...that's Only in daz Studio.
but you can get the bones from one figure into a figure you've made or into clothing in carrara,. but not as easy to do as "click" on the transfer utility.
Carrara allows you to create bones for your own models,.
However,. what you've done is made a "Conforming clothing" item. (which is actually a figure with bones)
It's not a dynamic item,.,. although you should be able to use VWD to make that into a dynamit cloth item. (then it won't have bones)
Cool! That's the workflow that I prefer too. If the item I've just made is for Genesis I save it as a DUF support file and if it's for M4 or V4 (or other Poser-style model) I export (from D|S) as a CR2 into a Poser Runtime, as usual.
ok tnks everyone
lookin through the carrara online manual for how to do dyn cloth, what do they call it in the manual?
i've tried cloth, drape, simulation softbody, soft body,
As I said earlier in this thread,
It can't be called a good solution, but it is possible to get cloth-like results in Carrara by using softbody physics on a clothing item, and then having it only collide with softbody-attached undersuits for a figure. That is, softbody on softbody can work well. Unfortunately, constructing the softbody-attach envelope for the figure to be clothed is tedious and difficult to animate.
wanted to start with that table-cloth stop sign tutorial, but i can't find it again. urrrr (like a pirate) talk like a pirate day must be soon, eh?
vaguely remember there was a tutorial, they parented the figure and the softbody to a targethelper. need a kb shortcut to add a targethelper
was hoping there'd be a softbody demo in the native content, like a flag on a pole or something. can't find anything.
Might try guido daz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwM3E2fr204
Jay Versluis http://www.versluis.com/2014/11/creating-a-waving-flag-in-carrara-using-soft-body-modifiers/
found a flag one:
If you haven't checked it out yet, Sparrowhawke's Cloth Deformer Plugin is also offered as Beta, but is also showing some promise ;)
Jeremy's Cloth Deformer YouTube Video Tutorials
Tutorial One (click to watch)
Tutorial Two (click to watch)
Tutorial Three (click to watch)
Wonderful Free plugins for Carrara!
say wuhhhh followed this very closely.
iz telling me 'solver does not support soft bodies'
i see them clicking this tool in the tutorial?
Go to the "Effects" tab with the Vertex Object selected and, under "Physics" stuff, make sure you select "Bullet" as the Physics solver ;)
Thank You!!!! omg,
tutorial didn't mention that part. was a pretty big step to skip >.<
I know the feeling. Don't feel embarrassed! There's so much in Carrara to keep an eye on! That's what makes this forum such a great next step: bounce the issue off the minds of others! ;)
Just try not to expect miracles... Bullet Physics library in Carrara 8.5 is still Beta ;)
gahhh my vertex grid object vanished. is in instance list but i can't see it, or send to origin ...
starting over.
further along this time, but isn't colliding with the plane
have to run for the bus. gonna be up all night with this lol
Do it! Stay up all night playing with physics! You know you wanna...