texture for genesis basic female

Hi everybody!!!
I have posed a charcater with the "basic genesis female", and I don't know the genesis stuff,... In C8,5... I mean, I need a very photorealist texture, for the skin, I have seen that one:" Macro Skin for Genesis and Genesis 2 Female", but as I have sometimes buyed genesis things which don't work in Carrara,a nd as that texture is rather expansive, does somebody has an advice about the compatibility, with carrara?
thank you for your help!!!
Hi :)
There is a lot of useful information on the product page, which answers your question,. (it';s made to be used in dazz Studio) ,. It's a texture set with Normal and Bump maps at high resolution ,. Those textures,. just like any texture maps,. can be used in any other 3D program,
the shader settings for DS (3delight renderer) would obviuosly "Not" work in Carrara.
Info from product page:.
You could have a Look at the "Elite" texture sets,. which also have a separate set of Carrara products, to create the best Carrara shader using those textures.
Also,.I think it's worth mentuioning that "Elite" was (at the time) much more detailed skin textures than previously available,.
things have moved on since then,. and It's now "normal" to have texture maps of 4k,. with normal maps being used to bring out the detail.
so,. most of the texture sets you have already are probably 4k textures,. so..
If you canniot get a good image with the textures sets you have right now,. then an 8k bump map probably won't help you much.
look at your scene lighting,. and look at the shader on your figure.
I see too many renders where the figure has simply been loaded into carrara and rendered. (no shader adjustments to work correcly in carrara)
a;so,.. many images where the bump or nornal effects don't appear at all,. since Carrara can omit these from an imported shader.
It's important to take some time to look at the shaders which carrara is creating when you load a figure, and to "Correct those shaders to work better in Carrara"
After you've loaded a figure,. (remember that the figure and it's shaders were designed to be loaded and used in Daz Studio, or Poser),. so when you open that figure in Carrrara,. it does it's best to translate or convert the settings from the DS or Poser shaders,. and create a new Carrara shader,. (which usually needs some work to make it look much better in Carrara).
Use a Telephoto lens on the camera to get a close up portrait.
look at your scene lighting again
Hope it helps :)
Just an FYI
Carrara comes with some nice examples of skin shaders for Genesis as well.
In the browser under "Shaders" tab > Skin > M5 and/or V5
Those are for Genesis 1 but you need to load the appropriate base figure to get the proper UV selection for that Figure. So if you want to use V5, load the Victoria 5 Character preset, and then you can change the shape from there.
However... th UV thing only matters for the actual texture maps you use and how they line up on the mesh. So here's a great tip:
Use those Carrara examples for any Genesis figure, and then - in the Texture Room, change the texture maps to those from the product you've just bought. The shaders, themselves, only contain the settings for the appearance, and don't particularly care which UV set you're using, but the mesh (Figure) does. So just make sure to load the appropriate Figure for the texture kit you wish to use. Then you can load the example shader preset* and, like I just mentioned, switch out the texture maps for ones that are made to work with that figure.
Here's an example:
I want to end up with a Gianni character, but the textures I want are made for Genesis 2 Male
So I load up Genesis 2 Male and apply the Carrara Shader preset*. Then I go Edit > Remove Unused Masters > Consolidate Duplicate Shaders. Then I select "Actor" and go to the Texture room. This will bring up all of the material zones for the figure. Many of them are the same shader (because of Consolidate) so I only have a few small changes to make: I open each shader, one by one, and replace the maps in: Color, Highlight, and Bump.
Then I dial up the Gianni morphs and any others I might want to use! :)
Oh... I should also mention that Genesis 1 "Basic Female" has the same UVs as V4, so Victoria 4 texture map kits work for her.
Genesis 1 "Basic Male" has the same UVs as M4, so Michael 4 texture map kits work for him.
You'll see... the more you play around with this stuff, the more you'll end up liking it! It can be incredibly fun because it's incredibly powerful how much we can change the look of our figures!
thank you for your answers!
I've seen that I have buyed a set of "high res shaders for V4-carrara", so I ve installed them. they appear in shaders, but if I drag one of them on the colored ball , from "actor", it seems that the uvmaps are lost, and the shaders does mad things.. maybe it's because I drag on a genesis 2 female, and not v4? Although you say, dartanbeck, that it's the same uv maps?
Yes... same UV Maps, so the texture maps will fit perfectly ;)
The problem is that the two figures use entirely different material zones. They're entirely different technology and mesh design. So...
Here's what we need to do:
- Load in the "Basic Female" Character preset into Carrara (don't use the main "Genesis", go to Characters and load "Basic Female")
- Go to the Shaders Tab in Carrara browser
- Look under "Skin" > "Genesis" > and you should find some presets for Victoria 5. Pro version of 8.5 comes with Bree, Gabi, and Tori
- Select "Actor" of your Basic Female figure and go to the Texture Room
- Drag one of the presets for Bree, gabi, or Tori (it doesn't matter which one, since you want to change the maps) onto the multi-colored ball in the upper right of the Texture Room. All of the presets are different Makeup options except the last one, which is the main texture preset for the whole figure. But all of them work across the whole figure.
This will apply a separate shader to each material zone, so we need to fix that, since many of them are identical, and we don't want to have to make that many changes! So...
- Go back to the Assemble Room and go Edit > Remove Unused Masters > Consolidate Duplicate Shaders and then Edit > Remove Unused Masters > Remove Unused Shaders
- Select "Actor" and go back into the Texture Room
- Scroll down the list and observe how many of the zones use the same shaders. We want to edit the three Skin shaders: The one in the "SkinHead" zone is the Full Torso shader. The one in the "SkinFace" zone is the Face shader. The one in SkinFoot is the shader for all of the limbs, hands and feet.
- You might need a separate shader for Lips, if you want to use Makeup. If you're not using makeup you may simply drag the Face shader onto the Lips zone.
- You might need a separate shader for fingernails and toenails (same for both). If it's not important to have the nails shiny, you may drag the shader from the limbs onto the fingernails and toenails zones.
=== Applying your new textures ===
With these nice Carrara-optimized Shaders in place, you may now open them up and change the Texture Maps to anything you have in your collection
First, we need to know where to find our texture map files.
Normal default installation will place these files into a Runtime folder into a separate folder within the "Textures" folder. So...
- Go to where you install your Content files (DIM default is C: Users: Public: Public Documents: My DAZ 3D Library: Runtime: Textures)
- When you find the proper texture maps folder, look at the images within. There should be some that are full color which have a name describing the shader that they go into, Like "name_Torso" or "name_Torso_Color" or something like that. Those will go into the Color channel in the shaders in Carrara. There are also often files whose names end in "S", like "name_Torso_S", for example. Those will go into the Highlight channel of the Carrara shader. Finally, the map files whose name ends in "B" or "Bump" go into the Bump channel of Carrara shader.
This video demonstrates these concepts on V4, but the principles are the same:
Always happy to help, so please let me know if anything is unclear! ;)
Beware of the horrible job I've done on these earlier tutorial videos. I'm working very hard on making new tutorials that are more professional. But in the mean time, these can at least help some:
There's more junk in My YouTube Videos Room that you might enjoy. Just mind the warning at the top of this post! :)
FYI: I'm also adding new Playlists all the time that help me in my studies as well as some of my friends that you might find interesting as well.
This is an example using V4s with the same exact Elite skin shaders. The figure on the right uses the elite Poser shaders, which are applied as material files from Pose directory in the Content browser. The figure on the left uses the Carrara optimized Elite shaders from the Shader tab, and is dragged and dropped on the muti-colored ball to populate the shading domains with the correct shaders. I did tweak the Carrara shaders to my own tastes. No postwork was done for this image.
You may notice that the figure on the right is more shiny. That is one of the things that tends to be one of those things that needs adjusting when importing Poser shaders.