How to uninstall / reinstall hair

IchtosIchtos Posts: 28
edited December 1969 in New Users

Hello. The DAZ file Directory is quite uneasy to understand... downloaded Mellany hair, but unfortuinately, I installed the files in an unapropriate folder (I created a "hair" folder). I do understand that the files must be unzipped directly under the Poser/My library roor file (Am I correct). I tried set a second install under the correct folder (under the root), but the mellany files just went under the same folder...Cans somebody give me some cluer ? I dont even now how to erase the wrong hair file...


  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    The Best way to do ZIP files are to UnZip them to a temp folder. Then look at the files in the folder. If all the Files are inside a Runtime Folder all you have to do on Win7 is Drop the Runtime folder into the My Library folder and pick MERGE when prompted.

    To Remove the files in the Wrong place also UnZip to a tempt Folder, look at all the folders and then look in the My Library folder for the folders that are in the wrong place and then delete them.

    For DAZ zip files they come with a Readme telling what to do to install the items. To read the Readme you must also first Unzip to a temp folder.

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