Fern Lake terrain layers any ideas?

Asking SM as DS surfaces is not giving me clues is showing <? for tile parameters but there are 3 terrain texture map sets with corresponding masks, they work creating a layers list in Carrara but no idea how to tile them and if map needs to be inverted as while they appear on different sections of terrain as expected it looks wrong
I actually am not sure which mask goes with which texture set either
I could bake result with inagoni baker if could solve but for now I stuck a top view 3delight render on it as a texture for Octane
Haven't tried it in Carrara yet, but kicked off an Iray render a while ago. At least it's proved that the chronically bad cpu-only Iray performance I get here is not down to my sets! (5% after an hour . . .)
I posted in the commons thread about it.... for you TA
Okay, quick and dirty:
1. In Carrara, open the scene. Stonemason icons show no indication of what renderer they are for (in DS an big image with an Iray logo pops up if you hover the mouse, but you don't get that in Carrara). The one on the left is 3Delight, and the one on the right is Iray. That seems to hold true for other products too. I'd suggest loading the Iray one since the 3DL version seems to be missing some of the trees. The shaders will need patching either way.
2. When it eventually loads, all the instances will be grouped as children of their master object. You can safely take these out of the hierarchy and delete them when we're done.
3. Duplicate the master object for each of the instances. Note the position and rotation values for each instance and apply it to the duplicate. Repeat for each instance group.
4. Shaders.
4.1. Edit -> Consolidate Duplicate Shaders. This'll get it down to 21 separate shaders.
4.2. Carrara doesn't set normal maps on .duf imports, so you'll need to do that by hand. You'll need to set the alpha on the backdrop too. For the water I was lazy and just applied the default "Lake Water GI" shader.
There's other things that can be tweaked - translucency maps etc, and I haven't tackled that whole terrain mask issue, but that should be enough to get up and running. The last two images are a side by side of Carrara and Iray. (Iray is using Sun-Sky, Ca is just Realistic Sky and Sky Light. Iray took 3 hours to get to 28% on cpu only, Ca took 1 hr 12)
I did my own version with replicators and went wild overgrown which I am now uploading as a video with the iray versions
I used the 3Delight one as shaders are usually closer and skipped many maps as doing animation in Octane so no translucency but the terrain layer thing is really what intrigued me as am certain it can be done in Carrara
Thanks @TangoAlpha for the details..
I will give it a miss for now and hope maybe someone will come up with a conversion set of shaders ect for it in the near future..
I did a long video of it in octane but I cannot upload it
My IP iinet apperently consists of two cans with a piece of string betwen them
tried a few times 18 hours never got past 40% might ring Optus after payday and start a new plan
posting a comment here even giving me grief
And now am reduced to ipad at Maccas
no net at all
waiting on new modem to test my line will be a week no internet, I shall go mad
or get fat on McDonalds fare
Layer List works well. Tiling I started around 20x20 some as high as 25x25. On the masks, white set to invisible. My lighting is crappy, so I don't want to post a render, just using the default realistic sky preset. The terrain looks half decent though.
A quick render - about 25 minutes
Open up the iray version in DS4.9 and check the surfaces tab, all the layers are defined in there, but no tiling info that I could see. After the scene loads I deleted everything except the terrain, then pushed out a top view iray render, then you can get a pretty good idea on the tiling
my video is finally up
iray first a bit of OrDS then lots of OR4C
the water is not muddy may work on that one day
will relook into using layers too TX ProPose
Cool! That keyboard... is that an old ARP?
Either way, then what? Do you prerecord that music or do you record it while you watch your video?
Either way... pretty trippy stuff! Very cool that it's "All You"!!! Very cool!
I miss having my Bass guitar around the house. I always used that as my first step towards sculpting the melodies of my songs and sing a jibberish line to nail down the accompanying vocal melody, and then add drums and have one of my guitarists add a good lead guitar part as I strum out the rythm guitar part.
Now I have an 88 key midi controller in my office, but I still haven't got used to it over my more analog background ;)
But I do have a full symphonic orchestra in dolby 5.1 for it, as well as a bunch of decent vintage guitar, bass and drum sounds, among many others. One day I'll be getting down with orchestrating via midi... unless I decide to ditch it in favor of recording everything analog... we'll see. Watching a lot of Sweet lately, so brining my drumset into my office is getting closer and closer to becoming my method once again! LOL
...and BTW, that SM scene looks ridiculously awesome! Might just have to add those to my collection! =)
I plugged my ipad in audio jack and played garageband synths live and recorded with Audacity
That's a 3-layer cyclorama with multiple translucency masks in the background. Looks very realistic (in Iray, anyhow). I've been somewhat dismissive of cyc's in the past (Multiplane Cyclorama anyone?), maybe it's time to look again . . .
I Love Multiplane Cyclorama! As well as Millennium Environment! Buying Carrara made them obsolete, kinda... but they're excellent! (..and also by Stonemason, I think)
Could you post a pic of your shader setup? Parametric shaders always give me a bit of a headache!
Sure, but the funny part is that I closed Carrara after the posted render, and I forgot to save the scene file. Just got home from work, and Im planning to do just that, so bear with me>
actually you can share the shader if the texture maps remain external, Carrara will ask to browse to them for other users
Good thought - just delete the .txt extension cause a cbr file wasn't allowed in my browser. Modify as you wish
carrara is being very odd in that it will not open whatever folder I drop the shader in
it has me truely baffled, it just starts not responding
if I remove it from that folder it opens again after killing in task manager and if I place it elsewhere it stops responding upon browsing to it.
just browsing to folder its in not opening it.
I have no idea why and would love another to confirm this and maybe Spooky to tell me why?????
I can confirm the same behavior here (Windows 7 Pro 64-bit and Carrara 8.5 Pro 64-bit).
The "downloading" of the attachment was very strange as well. I could only get it to open in a browser tab. At that point I copied it and pasted it into Notepad+++ and saved it.
This is the only time I have seen an attachment of this type, open in this manner.
I suspect it is something the forum does as I bet the original cbr fine is fine
try this mp3 renamed txt
is just me playing a guitar VSTi on my midi usb keyboard
Just downloaded my own file upload. Using Windows7-64bit, snf C8.5 - 64bit, and it downloaded as a string of letters and numbers.txt That I found strange. I renamed that string Terrarin.cbr and dropped the txt extension. It worked for me, but I'm still frustrated that the file got renamed in the first place. Another strange thing is that the tiling info for the different layers reveted to a value of 1, which is not what I set them at. It's easy enough to edit cause ther's only four layers (Base, 2, 3 and 4). Base layer and layer 2 and 3 are tiled 16x16 and the forth is 12x12. But those are based on personal preference. So if someone could tell me the best way to share a cbr file, then that would be appreciated
To make it simpler, here's a screenshot of the shader tree. Color and Bump are tiled 16x16. Opacity is not tiled. Masks color is inverted and white is invisible. This one I did in Carrara 8.1
I tried 7zip on your shader as it was compressed which I renamed to terrain and got this
TrID/32 - File Identifier v2.02 - (C) 2003-06 By M.Pontello
Definitions found: 2641
Collecting data from file: E:\programs\Daz\DAZ 3D\Carrara8.5\Presets\Shaders\stonemason\terrain.zip
100.0% (.Z/GZ/GZIP) GZipped File (3000/1)
7-Zip gzip compressed file extractions cannot be logged.
and a zero value empty file
the mystery deepens
WTF !!!