Realistic Sky presets not displaying in Scene Wizard

Hi. When I click the Atmosphere presets button and bring up Realistic Sky, all the presets display in the Scene Wizard window w/ a blank white sky above a horizon. They render fine but there's no thumbnail preview of what I'm selecting. I'm running C8.5 Pro. Any ideas, anyone, as to what might be the problem?
Screen shot attached.

571 x 670 - 36K
Post edited by jack 4D on
Hmmm... They're not totally blank. You have the ground and there looks to be a display of atmospheric effects with the ground. I agree something isn't right, but the generic icons look nothing like that.
What is your computer platform of choice? What OS version? Have you updated recently? Etc.
Thanks for your reply. Yes, it's only the sky portion above the horizon line that appears to be white (I did notice the atomospheric effects on the ground). I'm running OS X 6.8 on a MacPro. I have an earlier version of Carrara (C6 Pro) in which I'm able to view the Realistic Sky presets without a problem.
The Realistic Sky preset thumbnails have looked like that since Carrara 8 was first released. (At least on the Mac version. I'm not sure about Windows).
The problem has been reported numerous times (even during the beta testing), but has been ignored. I think that most of us who have reported this issue have given up on it ever being fixed.
I had repaired disk permissions and was going to try resetting my preferences in Carrara when I saw the next post. But thank you for trying to help me w/ this.
Ah. Well at least I know the problem is not on my end. Thanks for clarifying.
Hmmm. The realistic sky presets appear normal on my system. Carrara 8.5 Pro, windows 8, installed Carrara using the DIM, but to a custom location.
Maybe it's only a problem on Mac as de3an surmised. Thanks for your input.
I'm on a Mac and I see the same as Jack -- plain white over grass for all the icons.