Still nothing in the Content Library ?

MarcuseMarcuse Posts: 0
edited December 1969 in New Users

Twelfth time coming up ! ;-) Ok this time I deleted the old Daz 4.5 Pro file, Genesis and all my bought items. Then downloaded a fresh 4.5 and Genesis alone from my account and making absolutely sure they were all being sent to "My Library" as required, loaded them both. But it's still the same old problem nothing's appearing in the Content Library.

I wish I knew why this keeps on happening as I would love to get on....

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  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    What in the world put Three Runtime folders in your Content folder? Are you adding Runtime to the End of your install Path in the Installers?
    Nested Runtime Folders are killing your content folder. There can only be 1 (one) Runtime folder inside the My Library folder. The Content installer creates the needed one on it's own. You should DELETE that full folder if it does not hold any content you can replace.

    The Full install path for ALL Daz Studio Installers is
    C:/Users//Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/My Library
    It should always end at My Library for a installer. To install Everything all the time from a DS installer the path ends at My Library.
    Even the Poser content for DS from Daz 3D the path ends at My Library. It will automaticly go into the Runtime folder on its own.

  • MarcuseMarcuse Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    What in the world put Three Runtime folders in your Content folder? Are you adding Runtime to the End of your install Path in the Installers?
    Nested Runtime Folders are killing your content folder. There can only be 1 (one) Runtime folder inside the My Library folder. The Content installer creates the needed one on it's own. You should DELETE that full folder if it does not hold any content you can replace.

    The Full install path for ALL Daz Studio Installers is
    C:/Users//Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/My Library
    It should always end at My Library for a installer. To install Everything all the time from a DS installer the path ends at My Library.
    Even the Poser content for DS from Daz 3D the path ends at My Library. It will automaticly go into the Runtime folder on its own.

    Exactly very weird ! I've absolutely no idea on top of which I'm no techie why there's 3 Runtime folders as I carefully checked (from hard experience !) that both files ended as required in "My Library".... and I'm certainly avoiding like the plague adding Runtime to anything from past multi-Runtime entry hassles. It must be a technical fault with my computer or something ? Or perhaps possibly a bug in the Content Installer as no-one else is getting this problem. And now I think about it this must be the reason why it kept on doing it before too....

    Anyone care to see if they get the same problem so as to narrow things down to either a fault with my computer or the Content installer ?

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Have you went to your Account page to Itemized Order history and RESET your downloads? I would, Download all the New Clean Installers once they are in your Downloads.

    Then do this Un-install the CMS from your system. The new installer will put a new one on your system. The CMS might be your problem.
    What is your OS? XP, Win7 or another..

    Then DELETE that content Folder. Then install DAZ 4.5Pro first and then the Genesis Essentials installer.

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited September 2012

    There is no fault that I know of in any of the installers. They install to the path they are given.

    What particular installers are you finding difficulty with? When you run an installer, it tells you path that it is going to install to, and if the path ends in My Library as I mentioned before, then it WILL install to the correct place.

    Are you selecting 'Use Default Settings like the second image? If so, you can see the path displayed where the installer is going to put things. If it is wrong, you MUST click Cancel, and use Customize Installation the next time, which allows you to put the files in the right place.

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    Post edited by JimmyC_2009 on
  • MarcuseMarcuse Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    Have you went to your Account page to Itemized Order history and RESET your downloads? I would, Download all the New Clean Installers once they are in your Downloads.

    Then do this Un-install the CMS from your system. The new installer will put a new one on your system. The CMS might be your problem.
    What is your OS? XP, Win7 or another..

    Then DELETE that content Folder. Then install DAZ 4.5Pro first and then the Genesis Essentials installer.

    I reset the downloads for 4.5 pro ok but can't remember if I did Genesis. Also i always delete the old content folder each time. Anyway will do it all again. But first how do you download New Clean Installers? And what is CMS and how does one uninstall it as this is all new to me ?


  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    The CMS is the Content Management System. It must be un-installed by hand. I think it will fix your problem if we get the old one off your PC.
    I need to know what your OS is to help with that.

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    CMS is not your problem, please see my post above for what to do, and how to install correctly.

    CMS is the Content Management Service, and yours was working OK. What Jaderail mens by new clean installers, is ones freshly reset and re-downloaded from your downloads area.

  • MarcuseMarcuse Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    There is no fault that I know of in any of the installers. They install to the path they are given.

    What particular installers are you finding difficulty with? When you run an installer, it tells you path that it is going to install to, and if the path ends in My Library as I mentioned before, then it WILL install to the correct place.

    Are you selecting 'Use Default Settings like the second image? If so, you can see the path displayed where the installer is going to put things. If it is wrong, you MUST click Cancel, and use Customize Installation the next time, which allows you to put the files in the right place.

    Yes the path did end both times (for 4.5 pro and Genesis) in "My Library" just as you said to do yesterday - I made trebly sure lol ! And yes I've always used, after checking for "My Library" which has always appeared at the end automatically, Default Settings as per the second image. However I've never tried Customize Installation at all before as I wouldn't have known what to put in. Perhaps to try this instead each time....?

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    CMS is not your problem, please see my post above for what to do, and how to install correctly.

    CMS is the Content Management Service, and yours was working OK. What Jaderail mens by new clean installers, is ones freshly reset and re-downloaded from your downloads area.

    Jimmy if his OLD CMS is pointing to a FUBAR database it will hold that DATAbase structure, I've seen this before.
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969


  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    No need to shout!

    As far as I know the CMS plays no part AT ALL in installing content to the correct folder. Installers have been around long before the CMS was ever heard of. Anyhow, I shall bow out since you seem to think you have the problem solved.

    Best wishes.

  • MarcuseMarcuse Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Thanks both sorry about all this ! :red: How do I remove CMS I've got Windows XP Home 32 bit....?

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Goto your Control Panel then open Add/Remove Programs. When it opens let it Populate, that can take a few so wait until it stops. Then find the listing that says, DAZ Content Management Service. Select it and do a REMOVE.

  • MarcuseMarcuse Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Interesting you should mention "DAZ Content Management Service" as I've never known what to answer or do when the question's appeared which now amounts to about 12 or so guesses :red: And just to make things ten times worse there isn't anything to delete in Add or Remove Programmes either !! :lol:

    Kinda makes my point Jimmy about Newbies needing to know about making sure "My Library" is always at the end too because none of the questions in the Run boxes ever meant anything to me at all and to be honest still don't, so hardly surprising everything's gone wonderfully pear shaped ever since :-)

    I mean just how is a from the art world Newbie supposed to even know what to ask beforehand already knowing the answer is going to mean even less ? I remember right at the beginning just clicking away at whatever I thought sounded about right and waited to see what would happen so you're right Jaderail - it's plain 'orrible coming from the art world into the technical world and I don't see any solution as to how anyone's ever going to solve it, we just don't think that way I suppose ? Still I've had a damned good laugh which is the main thing also at least you both now know where I'm coming from.

    I wonder what multi-guessable options await next ? :red:

    Above all very many thanks to you both !!!!

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Okay CMS is not listed. One more thing to try. Are you any good with the Windows File Browser? The one you use to Delete the Content folder. We can still try one or two things.

  • MarcuseMarcuse Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    If you mean the Windows Explorer file browser page yes....

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Okay, browse to C:/Program Files/Daz 3D and open it the first thing listed should be Content Management Service. Open that, inside you should have a folder named Uninstallers open it. Run that Uninstaller. After it runs if the folder databases is left behind delete it as well.

  • MarcuseMarcuse Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Unfortunately there's nothing about Content Management Service, nothing in the Uninstallers either....

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  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Okay. I see what the trouble might be. We need to fix all this.
    Step 1: Uninstall DS4.5 after the Uninstall go back to C:Programs Files and DELETE the DAZ 3D folder.
    We want a clean start. Nothing left. Delete the Content folder from Documents also after the uninstall.
    Once your system is clean REBOOT and then come back and tell me. Do not install anything until you talk to me first.

  • MarcuseMarcuse Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    Okay. I see what the trouble might be. We need to fix all this.
    Step 1: Uninstall DS4.5 after the Uninstall go back to C:Programs Files and DELETE the DAZ 3D folder.
    We want a clean start. Nothing left. Delete the Content folder from Documents also after the uninstall.
    Once your system is clean REBOOT and then come back and tell me. Do not install anything until you talk to me first.

    Never having uninstalled before there's 3 things I'm still stuck on. First I've found a remove Daz Content Management Service.exe in the Programme File as in the attached pic. Second I've no idea how to uninstall DS4.5 as the two uninstallers in Docs and Settings are empty as indicated by the 2 lines in the previous pic. And third I've also found a Genesis uninstaller also as per the attached pic which I've done but no idea if it was uninstalled or not.

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  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    The one that says Remove DAZContent Management services.exe Run it. Do not bother with the Genesis one. In My Documents you have a DAZ 3D folder. Just Delete that folder. Now go back to your Control Panel and Run ADD/Remove Programs in it you should have DAZ Studio 4.5 (32bit) listed Select that and then click the Remove or Uninstall button. Once you have run the Uninstall come back and tell me.

  • MarcuseMarcuse Posts: 0
    edited September 2012

    Jaderail said:
    The one that says Remove DAZContent Management services.exe Run it. Do not bother with the Genesis one. In My Documents you have a DAZ 3D folder. Just Delete that folder. Now go back to your Control Panel and Run ADD/Remove Programs in it you should have DAZ Studio 4.5 (32bit) listed Select that and then click the Remove or Uninstall button. Once you have run the Uninstall come back and tell me.

    Unable to remove the DAZContent Management Services so nothing done yet. Nothing in the bottom Uninstaller either.....

    1387 x 877 - 105K
    Post edited by Marcuse on
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Good Morning Marcus, That's very odd it should be unless you have ran the 64bit installer. I will think about this and get back to you later.
    I'm a Kidney Dialysis patent, I've just got home from my treatment and I will need a few hours to recover. I will think of this problem and hope we can get this all fixed for you before the day is over for both of us.

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail - just a small point, but the uninstaller says it is 0KB on the image, so something went wrong with it?

  • adamr001adamr001 Posts: 1,322
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail - just a small point, but the uninstaller says it is 0KB on the image, so something went wrong with it?
    Yup, bogus uninstaller. You're going to have to go back to deleting things manually.
  • MarcuseMarcuse Posts: 0
    edited September 2012

    Thanks. The bogus uninstaller deleted ok, any particular order for deleting everything else ? Incidentally there's no Daz products in Add/ Remove Programmes....

    Post edited by Marcuse on
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Sorry I was not back quicker but I feel almost human now. Thanks for catching that issue guys.

    Marcus could I get a screen shot of Add/Remove with the D's listed before we go any farther please?
    If installed files are not listing in your Add/Remove you might have bigger issues with your system than just not being able to get DS to work properly. Even programs without uninstallers should list in that section. It's a feature of XP and above.

  • MarcuseMarcuse Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    Sorry I was not back quicker but I feel almost human now. Thanks for catching that issue guys.

    Marcus could I get a screen shot of Add/Remove with the D's listed before we go any farther please?
    If installed files are not listing in your Add/Remove you might have bigger issues with your system than just not being able to get DS to work properly. Even programs without uninstallers should list in that section. It's a feature of XP and above.

    All new territory this....

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  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Okay, that helps much. Have you Uninstalled the last Daz Studio you had on the system? Maybe with a uninstaller?

    If you have not will Daz Studio still boot and run but is all messed up?

  • MarcuseMarcuse Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    Okay, that helps much. Have you Uninstalled the last Daz Studio you had on the system? Maybe with a uninstaller?

    If you have not will Daz Studio still boot and run but is all messed up?

    I haven't removed any Daz Studios yet as there's no installers left as I mentioned earlier. It's a real mix up in there as there's one Daz Studio in My Documents and a second one in Programmes (!) as well as the correct usual one. However both Studios are faulty being the same ones (seen in the pic in my very first post in this thread) in the empty "My Content" box though mysteriously showing elsewhere.

    Hope you can follow this...

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