Snap a vertex to another vertex on a different object...

wancowwancow Posts: 2,708
edited December 1969 in Hexagon Discussion

is that possible in Hexagon? I need it to be to preserve UV.


  • GhostmanGhostman Posts: 215
    edited December 1969

    Select the vertex, start to move it and then hold down the shift key and you'll be able to snap it.

  • wancowwancow Posts: 2,708
    edited December 1969

    Ghostman, I can only get that to snap to the grid. I need it to snap to another vertex.

  • GhostmanGhostman Posts: 215
    edited December 1969

    You need to be in wireframe mode or have both object selected.

    206 x 55 - 11K
  • wancowwancow Posts: 2,708
    edited May 2012

    OKAY! I figured it out!... you have to grab the 2D Move corner in order for it to work... at least that's what I have to do. thanks Ghostman!

    516 x 328 - 18K
    Post edited by wancow on
  • GhostmanGhostman Posts: 215
    edited December 1969

    Sorry I forgot to mention that. :red:

  • wancowwancow Posts: 2,708
    edited December 1969

    It's very cool at least you pointed me in the proper direction. This ability is critical for me! It'll allow me to draw hair using curves and have pre-UVmapped verts snapped into those!

  • edited December 1969

    I use this method A LOT:

    1) Select the object you want to move points from.
    2) Select "point select" mode.
    3) Select a point on the object you want to move.
    4) Under the "utilities" tab, select "Snap/Align"; a little target circle will appear as your cursor.
    5) Move the target near the selected point and press your shift key. The target will snap onto the selected point.
    6) Drag the point to any other point in the scene, and it will snap to that point as it gets near.

    Repeat 3-6 to your heart's content for any other points you want to snap.

    This works from any object to the same or any other object in your scene.

  • stem_athomestem_athome Posts: 518
    edited December 1969

    wancow said:
    OKAY! I figured it out!... you have to grab the 2D Move corner in order for it to work... at least that's what I have to do. thanks Ghostman!

    When you have the universal manipulator selected yes. If you use the "Translate Manipulator(T)", you can drag the actual selected vertex.


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