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@algovincian Thanks, Greg. I have several of the Petipet sets, but I think this is the first one I've rendered. I didn't feel like I had to go messing with any of the textures either. Other than my lighting and playing around with tone mapping, the original version is the Lab straight out of the box. All I did is get rid of the monster in the containment cylinder so I could put the male Lekkulion in there. Of course, I love RawArt's stuff. I had a hard time deciding if I needed the Lekkulions or not. But, in the end, I decided I had to have them. Posing those tail things on the heads was lots of fun, too! One can get really creative with those. :)
Do you own Petipet's Steam Aircraft Dragon and Zeppelin Star? They were among the first content I ever purchased - awesome models!
On another note, I was looking into the app development bundle that you asked Piscesdreams about. Personally, I can't stand Steam, but if I can install Steam just long enough to DL & install Fusion and the exporters, it seems like a great deal for just $15.
- Greg
@algovician As a matter of fact, I do. Petipet's stuff is all PC+ items so I started collecting them as soon as I first joined. They are some of the things I add to the cart when I'm trying to figure out how to use up my coupons each month. When I checked, I only had 8 things that I don't own from his store. It's good stuff. I have a couple more renders planned to do soon that uses a couple more of his products. I'm trying to use more back catalog stuff that I have. All of the older stuff is still good. In some cases, the textures just need a little more love. :)
@algovincian As for the Clickteam Fusio, I downloaded the free version. The boys are playing around with it to see what they think. If they like what they see, I'll probably get it for them tonight. I think there is about 7 hours days left until the sale ends. It looks like a good price for what you get.
edit: double checked time left.
Two and three the best with original a close third. Looks really good.
Thanks for taking the time to let me know, Sonja! I appreciate that! :)
So, I got LineRender9000 and I was able to play with it a little bit today while getting ready for this hurricane that may or may not hit us. I had a bit of a problem getting it installed and had to manually put everything where it needed to go. I think part of the problem may have been the download issues with the DAZ site, but I'm not sure. Here is what I managed to do with it.
Raw 3Delight Render Toon Camera
Two Tone Output (uploaded jpg version - original is a png transparency)
Outline Output (jpg version - original is png transparency) Settings: Line 5; Line Edge Threshold .20)
Composited Raw Original and Two Tone Output:
Composited Original Color and Outline (This is the one I uploaded to my gallery, the NPR thread, and Lola's Render a Month Challenge):
Composited Original Color with both Two Tone and Outline:
It was interesting using this and I had fun playing around with it. I don't really see much of a difference between the Two Tone and the version with all three. I'll keep playing with it.
There is the possibility that I'll lose power at some point this week if the hurricane actually heads for us either tomorrow or Friday. I'll drop in when I can if I don't lose my internet connection. Everyone else in the path of the storm, stay safe! :)
I went ahead and picked up the whole bundle the other night (including the dev version and all the exporters). I'm looking for something platform independent to develop interactive motion comics for my NPR. Only played with it for a bit, but I was quickly able to setup a couple of frames with some simple navigation, and build the project as a windows executable and an HTML5 webpage.
The event system is simple enough to use, but I've yet to figure out exactly how to gain more control over image resizing and the use (if any) of mipmaps. This would be a deal-breaker for me, and I may end up going back to Unity.
- Greg
Awesome! Looks like you've got a bunch of render passes to play with ;)
Your NPR toolset is growing! Adding Filter Forge and the Nik filters at various stages, and applied to various passes, might yield interesting results . . .
- Greg
I went ahead and picked this up for my game making son, too. :) I even managed to complete the tutorial game that came with the free version. It took me a lot longer than an hour, though. :) Funny, my son whipped right through it. :)
@algovincian I thought of that. It is definitely something I'll play around with. And, yeah, that NPR toolset if definitely growing. It's all your fault, too! I think you have me hooked. :)
Lots of fascinating renders, Knittingmommy. I like the composite of the Raw and the two-tone output.
@TabascoJack Thanks! It is really hard, sometimes, deciding which I like better when I play with multiple layers like that. :)
edit: fixed my grammar! :)
Well, I am the root of all evil, and a cheesy scoundrel, remember? I'll gladly take responsibility for getting you hooked!
- Greg
It still isn't raining here yet. Latest update says the hurricane will hit around 2 pm EST. We still aren't near any of the evacuation zones as we are a little further inland. This is my first hurricane so I don't know how much of the rain and wind to actually expect. They are predicting power outages for a week or longer so, if we lose power, it may be awhile before I can get back online.
Stay safe. I used to live over on the gulf coast side of the state, but managed to avoid all the hurricanes when I did. Scary stuff.
I'll do my best to stay safe! :) We are on the eastern side in Palm Beach Co, but inland from the coast. It is kind of hard figuring out what the storm is going to do because predictions from all of the meteorologists are all slightly different!
I didn't want to start any renders as mine usually take a long time if I'm doing it in Iray. I did start setting up my entry for the NU contest for this month. I'm not sure if I'll do it in Iray or 3Delight. I pretty much don't consider myself a newbie in Iray anymore even though there is still lots of stuff I need to learn. So, I'll probably stick with 3Delight again as I have the last few months, not that I've actually managed to finish anything to actually enter, but at least I'm working on something even if I don't get it finished. I'm still not comfortable with 3Delight, but it is getting a little easier.
The scene I set up to test out the LineRender9000 was all done in 3Delight and I think it turned out fairly well. I did manage to take the color version into Filter Forge and played around with a few filters to see what I could come up with. Here are a few of my experiments. I've listed which filter I used and which LineRender9000 file I added to it from the previous post. Let me know if you want to see any of these straight out of the FF filter. I hope you find something you like. :)
Filter Used: Aquarelle + Outline:
Filter Used: Charcoal and Watercolor + Two Tone
Filter Used: Colour Illustration + Outline
Filter Used: Artsy Illustration + Two Tone
We seem to have weathered the hurricane well. It is mostly tracking north of us now. We are still getting some rain and wind from the bottom of the hurricane as it moves further north, but nothing like earlier today. We still have power in my area and I don't think our town sustained any heavy damage. So, we are good at my house.
Good to hear! 340,000 without power by 4am central. Will be about 2 million once it goes by Jax. The cone has shifted more out to sea. It's what it does when it loops around that is interesting. It does a loop, comes back to the coast around Canaveral, then goes east out to sea. Edit: as of 5am, Daytona Beach just lost power so you can add a LOT to that total.
I#m glad you are through the worst Knitting! Tha was one heavy thing of a hurricane. I'm still waiting for some people to resurface. Hope everythign is fine with them as well.
Yep, power outages seem to be all over the place down here, especially along the coast. I'm very lucky that we live a little further inland. Other than some debris in the yard this morning, I didn't seen anything major in the way of damage from the wind either. I have dogs who howl every time the fire station alarms go off. They only howled once all day yesterday and last night so no major incidents around town either as the trucks only went out that one time. Funny, but the cat has started howling with the dogs recently. I think she is trying to bond with them more. :)
Glad to hear you escaped unscathed!
- Greg
Thanks, Greg! :)
I'm so glad you're staying safe! :D Weather can be quite frightening and damaging. A few years back there was a big ice storm where I used to live and I was out of power for THREE weeks in the dead of winter. Thankfully I had a little gas heater for some heat and a little bit of light. A couple years after that a tornado came through and destroyed 1/3 of the town - including that little house, it only left one wall standing. 158 people lost their lives that day and five years later the town is still morning the loss.
Needless to say I now have a healthy respect for mother nature and weather. Stay safe Kittingmommy! Don't take any chances, things can change in an instant. If it starts looking bad, get to safety.
@divamakeup Yeah, I used to live in a place that had a few major floods. You learn real quick to never take nature or disasters for granted. Anything can happen in the blink of an eye if you aren't careful. I always try to be very aware of what is going on and what I should do when Mother Natures has her little fits. :) So sad to hear about that town of yours. I think of all of the things nature can throw at a person, tornados have to be the worst.
Glad you're safe and sound!
@TabascoJack Thanks! It really wasn't as traumatic as I expected my first hurricane to be. Of course, it helps that I'm not one of those types of people who insist on going out and taking pictures of the end of the world, too. I like staying nice and cozy indoors. :)
Glad you safe! Your cat is too funny! We have an area in Ohio that is more prone to tornados than the rest of Ohio. Zanesville was almost wiped out some years back. Its very strange, you drive through town and there is a very clear deliniation between the older historical buildings that survived and the new ones that went up to replace the ones that the tornado wiped out. Lots of death's there as well. So sad. I'm fortunate that the area of Ohio that I live in is not as prone as others. Its very strange but the storms seem to split around us a lot of the time.