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Yes, he does! I love working with him! Thanks. :)
Yeah, it doesn't happen that often that we get to spend time alone so I really enjoy it when we get it. :)
Well, I have to admit there are some things you know that are still way over my head. However, I do enjoy learning from you. You have some rather unique ideas, but that is what makes art so great. We all come at things a little differently. There are a lot of things that I know now because you took the time to share what you know. One of these days, I might even understand the stuff that is still over my head. :)
Okay, so don't laugh! My picture is done and I'm going to show you what I did with my Nuggets picture. I had this idea for a shirt pop into my head when I was playing with Nuggets. He's a cool little guy, but I kind of accessorized him with a necklace and gave her an attitude in that last picture. You can't really see the necklace that well in the image, though. But, I thought my idea would make a cool looking shirt and I've been looking into getting it printed on Zazzle just to see what it would actually look like. So, of course, I had to go just one step further and do this image. I hope you guys like it.
Gallery Link
HA! Nice. ;)
Well, there's a lot of things about rendering that seemed totally over my head a year ago. So... just takes soaking in it
Thanks, guys! It's always nice when someone appreciates my humor. :)
hahaha I love the shirt!
Will, I've learned a ton from your posts too. I always appreciate the opportunity to learn. I'd be way behind the curve if it wan't for all of you who share your hard earned knowledge.
Kewl. That look on her face, head tilt, arms on hips... I did chuckle when reading the T-Shirt. Like the use of Nuggets on shirt. Nice use of lighting to create some shadow. Certaingly nothing to laugh at. Just perfetion.
Very cute and full of 'tude. Well done!
Always glad to see you, Will. We appreciate all the help and information that you share!
Thanks, everyone. I never know if my brand of humor is going to be a hit or miss. It's a little wacky at times and, even though this was a somewhat tame expression of humor, one never knows if one has done it tastefully or not. :) I couldn't resist rendering that version of Nuggets out at a really high resolution and doing the postwork over again. I uploaded it to a brand new Zazzle account so I could put him on a shirt and see how he really looks. The mock up looks really good and I ordered a shirt so I could see it in person and it should be here next week sometime.
I decided to set up a store there since it doesn't cost anything and my artwork is already uploaded. I have serious doubts it will sell well, but one never knows. Since it doesn't cost me anything, I figured what the heck, so I'm in the process of making some images for the banner and the store should be open tomorrow. I have some other ideas for possible T-shirts. At the very least, I'll be adding some custom clothing to my wardrobe even if it doesn't sell. I've always liked making my own clothing. I've just never done it this way before. And, if I do sell anything, it might get me some extra DAZ spending money which is always a good thing.
That is a pretty cool idea! I was wondering what scenario that chick would fit in with all the tooniness. Perfect solution!
Thanks. I think he's adorable and I love the sort of built in grumpiness about him.
I ended up rendering that image of Nuggets out in a couple of other colors for more options and added them to some shirts. I'll play around with it and see what happens. I've submitted it all to my storefront. My understanding is it can take up to 24 hours before actually hitting the store for others to see. I'll update as soon as I know that everything is live at the store if anyone wants to see what I did. It's a new experience for me. :) My understanding from what I've read is that it can take anywhere from 1 to 3 months before some people even see their first sale so I'm not going into this with high expectations. I'd be happy if I even managed to sell just a couple of shirts someday. :)
So, it looks like my store on Zazzle is now live. It might take longer for my shirts to show up in a search on their website. Doing a search on the name Knittingmommy turns up all twelve sample items I have in my shop. The way Zazzle works is that once you see a design you like, you can see it on any of their styles so you aren't locked into to whatever shirts the designer selected to show off their designs which is nice. There is an actual storefront for each shop, but my understanding is that not many of their shoppers don't actually go to a designer's storefront unless following a link directly there. Most purchases are done on the 'Marketplace' which means tags are important, I guess. I suppose I'll have to figure all of that out. It will definitely be a learning experience for me.
Amway, for anyone who wants to check it out, I've added a link in my signature to the storefront.
Congrats on the store! Hope that works for you.
Thanks. That would be nice, but I'm not holding my breath. At least, it doesn't cost anything to set it up. If I get any sales, that's good and, if not, I still have a really cute shirt which was the entire aim of the project, a really cute shirt. :)
You need to promote the heck out of it. Do you havea facebook account? Its a great way to get the word out that doesn't cost anything. I have a personal page (not super personal, I like my privacy but my customers like to know who they are buying from. So I post pet pictures. mention anniversaries etc. Anyway I also have a bead page and an art page. It a good way to get the word out and let people see what you are doing
And congratulations as well!
I have a Facebook page that I use mostly to keep up with family. I don't go there as often as I probably should. It's also where I keep track of a few crafting groups. Zazzle has a thing on each product you can use to share on social media so I did share a couple of shirt options with a post on my Facebook page. I, also, have a twitter account which I hardly ever go to, but I do use to keep track of a few people. I suppose I'll have to get better at the whole social media thing. I have to come up with a few more appropriate tags for the shirts, too.
Thanks! :)
So, the boys' karate class was canceled tonight which means I got to spend the evening playing with the new man in my life. :) I ran him through some different lights and tone mapping before finally coming up with something I liked. It's a little different than how he shows up in his promos, but I actually like it better although his original colors aren't bad. Since this was a test, I didn't set up a scene or anything. I rendered without a background or the dome rendering and saved it as a .png for the transparency. I ended up putting him with one of the stock images from DeviantArt that I downloaded and was using in Gimp to practice my postworking skills. The whole thing actually turned out pretty good. I haven't decided it I'll up load this to any of my galleries. I definitely need to use him in a proper scene. I just have to figure that out.
Anyway, here's what I did with Damen for Genesis 3 Male by @DarwinsMishap. The background is a stock photo by prints-of-stock over on DeviantArt.
Your "Damen" looks very nice indeed.
Oo. I like the green tone. Nice render!
@wgdjohn @DarwinsMishap Thanks, guys. Believe it or not, I didn't mess with any surface settings. That was just from lighting and tone mapping. I kind of like what I did with the hair, too. I used UHT2 for that and actually remembered to save the recipe for it so, theoretically, I should be able to duplicate that color on other hairs, I think. :) It matches this version of Damen really well.
Looks great!
Good luck with the zazzle. I think that sitting pose on your banner has lots of potential.
Ah, thanks for visiting the store FB! That sitting pose is one of the ones that comes with Nuggets. I just tweaked it a little bit. It was hard to make that one better as the vendor did a really great job on it. The others I just did in a hurry because I needed a banner. The still need some tweaking. I'm working on some new designs for the store. I think it will be nice little outlet from some of my creativity even if it doesn't sell much. :)
That's sitting pose offers so many possible tag lines for the Tshirts. Hopefully you get to do a whole series of these. Drop a Santa hat on his head, and give him a "ba-hum-bug" or maybe not.
Storefront like this are challenging. I've had an imagekind and cafepress account since before I started as a PA. Sales do trickle in, But reaching the threshold for an actual payout, can take a long time. If you cross reference it with some social media and drive some traffic to the products anything is possible.
I was hoping to do free stuff and get donations. That turns out to be a spectacularly bad idea unless you are already an established presence.
In the past couple of months with hundreds of downloads, I made... $30. Total. Ever.
But hey, at least I didn't have to split it or jump through a lot of hoops to get it through QA or something.
@FirstBastion Taglines are hard to think of, but I think I have a few that I like to go with certain poses. For the sitting pose that you liked, I'm thinking of either "I'm NOT sorry!" or "No one said I had to be nice", but I haven't decided yet which one. I'm leaning toward the first one, though.
It just so happens that I was working on an image with a santa hat when my water cooler in the desktop stopped working! I was able to borrow a santa hat from the Mr. Claus in one of the Ichiro clothing packs and rescale it and parent it to Nuggets head pretty well. It updates to Iray well with a few new shaders. I even managed to rescale and get the Santa Beard for Genesis 3 Males to kind of fit and look pretty decent for what I needed on Nuggets, too. It looks very cute so far. I'll post it when I'm done with it. The files are on my desktop so I have to wait until after Wednesday to get access to it to finish it. I won't get the cheap replacement CPU fan I ordered until then so I can to take out the water pump and see about sending water cooler back as it is supposed to still be under warranty.
Will - It is very hard to figure out what kinds of things people are willing to donate for free products. Most don't like doing donations. I have to admit the idea of going through Q&A is a little scary and unsettling. I might have to do that at some point soon. I'm almost done with all of my wolf poses and they'll be ready for testing soon. It's taken longer than I expected to get them finished with the computer issues I've had the last few months. I'm still debating if one of the packs will go through the process of being submitted to DAZ or not. I might do that even if only for the experience of going through the process.
I donated. I donate at least once if someone is doing freebies just because I appreciate the effort people put into it. People are weird though and unfortunately I think a lot of people who use freebies are new and broke.
You are one of three, and thank you very much. ;)