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I hadn't actually noticed that. I didn't really do anything to the body much and left it mostly as the default M8 body which is the base figure I used. I'll have to think about that. Cause, of course, now I'm thinking about that. :)
As to the posing, yeah, couples poses are hard. I've been practicing a lot lately. Having a really good reference image helps. I chose a couple of images that were close to what I wanted. One had the expressions and one had the basic poses, etc, and kind of got a mix of something I really liked the look of. I wanted something romantic and steamy without being too explicit. I hope I got it right.
I like it a lot. I do agree about the text but I'm discovering that its tough to get text that looks good over images! I hadn't notice the arm until Worlds_Edge mentioned it, now I can't unsee it. Usually, the mind just fills in the blanks. I think its not too steamy, but implies that it could be. Which is a good mix for what you are going for I think
I think you got the image message across. :) As for the arm, well the guy seems kind of short compared to the woman, so maybe if you made him a wee bit taller it might help?
Really nice posing here, on a qucik glance the two characters look pretty darn real, nice unique features, and the deep red rcrimsom works well with the blood theme. I think white lettering with a black drop shadow will give the best contrast and make the wording stand out against the dark background and the drop shadow help it stand out against the light.
@IceDragonArt Thanks. I thought I was pretty close to what my goals are. It's good to have your opinion since you have a pretty good grasp of my genre. As for that elbow, I know! Now, I can't unsee it. I'm not sure I want to render it again. I rendered large enough that it took quite awhile. The good thing about that is that I rendered larger than I needed so I can play with cropping and see what I can do about that elbow. I don't think he's actually deformed with a too short upper arm. I think it's more the perspective of the render. I think cropping so the elbow is off the page might make his upper arm look longer than it is which might help. I'll play with it.
I suggest use the original colour of your lettering but add a bit of lighter/tranparent cloudy grey colour between the text and the image just a small band to not cover too much of the image
@Linwelly Thanks for the suggestion. I didn't think about that. I'll play with it and see if I can get something I like.
What do you think about this?
I don't post a whole lot, but I thought maybe I could contribute a little here. :) Building on First Bastion's image, how about something like this? Easy to read without obstructing the image.
@fishtales is correct--another issue is the contrast ratio is not enough for those who may have vision challenges. A general web design best practice for dark backgrounds is to use white or an off-white text or something where the contrast is evident. A handy little tool for web accessibility for this particular issue can be found at The left hand side of your banner you should be able to place a shortened version of your tag line as an <H1> tag. Just my two-cents worth from my "other" life.
As for your banner itself, I like the direction you are going with it
This is one reason why I love these forums! It's so nice to be able to post something like this and get great advice.
@FirstBastion We must have crossed posts because I missed this. I do like how the white text looks. And, thanks about the posing and realistic looking characters. I'll take those kinds of compliments any day. All I need is realistic at first glance for now. I've come a long way from where I started so I really appreciate the nice words. It's taken time and a lot of flops, but I'm getting comfortable with my art and my writing. :)
@Fishtales I like how that looks off to the side. I think the red is still a little bit of a problem against that black background. I'm wondering if using the red and making it shinier might look better. I'll have to play with it some more.
@klooless This looks like a good possibility, too.
I definitely need to play with these ideas some more. Thank you, everyone, for taking the time to help me figure this out. I really appreciate it. I have figured out that I'm going to have to do a version of my image with the text in Gimp. After playing with the Weebly editor, I'm finding that I can't get the text boxes to do what I want so that the text can look more like the examples you all have kindly posted. There might be a way to do it, but I haven't figured that out yet. Website design is not exactly something I've done a whole lot with yet. I'm going to have a lot to learn as an indie author.
@Stormlyght Thanks. I'll take a look at the website. I have a feeling it will have info that I haven't thought of yet.
I picked the red up from her bra but it could easily be lightened to make it stand out more.
Yeah, that's what I did, too. It's a great idea for matching text. I like the color and the mood it evokes. Unfortunately, I think I'm leaning toward the white which is a shame. I really wanted the red to work. I'll keep playing with the ideas I've gotten though. I'll post with an update soon.
I duplicated the text, changed it to white and used it as a drop shadow. I also lightened the red.
Thank you for this.
Well, I waited until the last minute so I didn't get her as cheaply as I probably could have earlier. I went ahead and splurged on the Monique 8 bundle which also got me the Monique 7 bundle which I hadn't picked up yet. I have that downloading now. I'm going to play around with her tonight and see what I can do Monique. I might try to see if I can move my Vasthie character's morph up to G8. Not sure yet. While I'm happy with how she turned out, I would like to see how she would look on G8F. I find I do like posing with G8 more than any other figure so far.
KM, your render/banner has caused quite a stir! Everyone loves it enough to toss in ideas and even play/fiddle with it. I played around with it a little too to see what kinds of results are possible. The first attachment is photoshopped to try to change the shoulder/elbow issue. I don’t think it is perfect but you can see what you think, and you may be able to do a better job of it. The second attachment is the same thing, except I added a slight blur to the male’s hand because, in my opinion, his hand appars very HD (in contract to the softness of the rest of the picture) and draws attention.
The third attachment, which I have pasted into this message, is the same thing but with generic white lettering. I used – and thought you might want to check out the site. It is a good way to quickly/easily change font styles/colors/placement on things like banners and book covers. You can make book covers as well.
There is also a fourth attachment. That one is your pic as a book cover. For some reason, at first I thought you were making a book cover, and that’s what I was trying it out on canva. I’m attaching it so you can see how you can play around w/ fonts and titles etc on canva, since I know you will want to make book covers as well. I didn't place the pic perfectly since it was just a mock up/see what comes out type of thing.
I got Monique 8 also with other pro bundles, but I have not done anything with her yet. I have actually got some tuts, etc to see if I pick -up any new ways of doing things, so that is what I have been working on. :)
Everyones' examples are pretty cool. Now you have lots of ideas to work with.
Thanks for the input. I do think the elbow looks a little better cut off more so I might play with that. I can't honestly say I notice that much of a difference between the original and the blurred hand. I like the skin details so I'm not sure I'll worry about blurring the hand out.
I like the book cover idea. I didn't realize how good a book cover it would make when I did it. I was just focused on doing a good banner. I would probably have to rework the dimensions a little bit. What you came up with in Canva looks pretty decent, though.
@Liana Yeah, I have to admit to not being surprised at getting so many great ideas. I love this forum and how helpful everyone is. I might have been surprised at how much my thread blew up today. It got a lot of traffic! But, I'm not surprised at how helpful everyone was and I did, indeed, get a lot of very helpful tips and suggestions. I have a lot to think about and play with for round two with my banner. Thank you, everyone. You guys are all amazing! :)
I like the banner, a lot! Thank you for using Sal's skin on this guy, you made it look very nice with the lighting.
I agree with the lettering color and placement, and there are excellent ideas on that here from everyone.
I played with it as well. XD Couldn't resist.
I like this banner very much and agree with everyone that the lettering needs to be in the empty space on the left.
I played around with the lettering using a couple of nice fonts I got free. I'm sure you can reproduce something like this in GIMP.
I choose a light cream to contrast with the background. Each line is in it's own text box. This gives the freedom to place the lines closer to each other than line spacing would allow.
The fonts are Antebellum Family for your name and Matthiola for the lettering. Both are available at - although by now they will no longer be free. "CJ W" are 120 pt, and the rest of the name is 100. The R is a capital letter to get the swoosh. The Matthiola text is 90 pt.
I like the lighter letters too. I think you should utilize the space between the two lines of blood and put your name in there, big letters. Similar to Darwin's example except put "CJ Webber" below "Welcome to the world of" and make your name big, let it fill that space.
Two things that are bothering me a little about the render: The woman seems taller than the man and she looks like she's in pain. Something about the expression- I think the eyebrows and possibly the mouth just don't match the emotion quite right.
Sorry, not trying to criticize. It's looking very good. It just seems like she's thinking hard about not being kissed or something. The posing is great, just feel like she needs to be a tad shorter.
@DarwinsMishap Thanks! I'm glad you like it. Well, considering I'm crap at making my own skins, I believe heavily in borrowing from the best! So, your skins are usually the first ones I try to get the look I want. I really like how that text turned out. I'm going to have to figure out how to do that in Gimp. That look definitely goes well with my theme. @Fishtales had something similar but he used a drop shadow. I think I like the two-tone text just a little bit better.
@Dracorn Thank you. You guys all make me very happy that I'm heading in the right direction with this. I think I'm going to have to go font shopping. I like those fonts. I have to admit to not having a whole of fonts in my collection yet. Thanks for the link because I don't think I've been to fontbundles yet.
@Llynara You're the first person who mentioned that blood. Thank you! I was beginning to wonder if anyone would recognize it as blood splatter. So, thanks for that. That was what I was going for. Her expression is as close as I could get it to my reference image. I'm not sure I managed to duplicate it exactly. I'll play around with it a little bit more. I'll fiddle with her brow and mouth and see what I can do. As for his height in comparison to hers, I hadn't really paid attention to that little detail. I know it was easier to get his mouth where I wanted it with the height he was. I'll play with both of their heights and see if I can still get the same pose. I might be able to get close even with a change in heights.
The banner for my website says so much about what my site is about so I want to get it as close to perfect as I can get. I really appreciate all of the great input. It looks like I have some work to do and I think I'm going to end up rendering a new version of my banner so I can incorporate some of the great suggestions I've gotten here. I'll post when version 2 is ready.
My first test rendering with Laverne from the Monique 8 bundle. I like her look. Her morphs look great and her face is fairly expressive. That's one thing I really love about G8, the stellar quality of expressions we can achieve now.

I did notice the blood, but I assumed, given the theme that, that was what you were going for lol.
@IceDragonArt Well, that's good. I was beginning to wonder if I was off the mark with that little detail. That's a relief. :)
For those of us in the US, Happy Thanksgiving. I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday.
Gobble, gobble!
- Greg
You too! Happy Thanksgiving!