Knittingmommy's Laboratory



  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    Postwork after the layers are combined is a good strategy to help bridge the gap between the photo background and the rendered figure. Really helps tie the 2 together - looks great, KM!

    - Greg

    Thanks. It's not perfect, but I do find that it helps the whole image be a little more cohesive if some post work is done after the layers are combined. It's something I'm still playing with.

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987

    Trying slowly to get back up to date with the threads I usually follow, I like the intense colours you are using in your latest works, its really something away from the usual in an artistic sense, keep going:D

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191
    Linwelly said:

    Trying slowly to get back up to date with the threads I usually follow, I like the intense colours you are using in your latest works, its really something away from the usual in an artistic sense, keep going:D

    @Linwelly Thanks. I kind of dig the intense colors. I'm having fun exploring it for now. There's a fine line between too much and not quite enough when it comes to color like that. It's fun pushing those limits to see what I can do with them.

  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,672

    Popping in to see what you have been up ta lately KM and wow have you been busy little beaver between writing and rendering you sure know how to fill your days and nights!!!

  • themidgetthemidget Posts: 287

    I haven't really been in DS that much the last few weeks as I've been writing like mad. However, I did manage to set a little something up with Kirie for Sakura 8 which I picked up recently. I really like how she turned out.

    This is really really beautiful!  It reminds me a bit of the movie Coraline.

  • WandererWanderer Posts: 957

    @Knittingmommy - Like your Edie 8. Between you and @Mollytabby, I'm really starting to regret not getting her. Oh well, budgets and all that.  I agree there's a lot of character and potential in her. I like what you've done in this image. 

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    @themidget Thanks. I loved that movie. It's one of my favorites. I tend to like that sort of character so I'll be playing with her some more.

    @Wanderer I can certainly understand budgets and not getting some characters. There have been quite a few I wasn't able to get due to monetary constraints. If not now, she'll be cheaper in the future and you can pick her up when she won't cost quite so much and funds aren't a problem.

    So, Camp NaNoWriMo update: I didn't quite win. My official word count ended up being 43331 words so I was about 6600 words short. However, I finished the first draft of one whole novella. I finished the first draft of the next short on my pen name that I've actually published under. I also have a very nice start on the second novella that goes with the one I finished. In May, I will finish the second novella while I do edits on the first one. I'll be setting up a new pen name for those as they are a different genre than the one I already publish under and I've been setting up the new website for that. I'm trying an experiment with these novellas so I won't be publishing anything until I've got the third novella well under way before the first one goes live. All that means is that I still have a ton of writing to do this month even though Camp NaNo is over.

    What I've learned:

    I can write every day
    My daily word count keeps going up the more I write
    I feel guilty if I don't sit in the chair and put down some words

    What I need to do differently for the next Camp NaNo:

    I need to push myself to do more daily words so that when I have a few days where my word counts go down. There will always be hiccups when writing. Either the plot goes sideways and I have to stop writing to fix it or the words won't come because I don't actually know what should be happening in the scene. I have to allow for those times when the writing comes to a halt. I thought I had done that, but not enough. So, in the months to come, I'll be pushing myself to write more and up my daily word count. 

    However, I still need time to do other stuff. It's a balance that I still need to find. I have some projects in DS that I need to finish while still making the time I need to write. I have a posing project that has been on the back burner for a couple of months now and I need to finish that while figuring out how to still get the writing in every day. 

    So, last Edie render for a while. Gimp 2.10 was finally released so I downloaded and installed it. I needed to make sure the Nik Collection still worked so I used that for my post-processing. I think I've got everything up and running in the newest version of Gimp so no more beta versions for me. I'm officially using Gimp 2.10 now. I'll be playing around with that and seeing what's new and make sure all of my filters work and transferring all of my fonts and stuff to the proper folders. It transferred what I had from Gimp 2.8 but most of what I was using, is in the Gimp 2.9 beta directories. So, I'm swapping things around. Any renders I manage in the next couple of weeks will be test renders of the poses I'm working on.

    Grandma Edie Walks the Beach

    Gallery Link

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225

    You are doing great on your writing (I know you said you didn't win).  Finishing the draft is so much more important than a specific word count.  Very excited for you.

    Love the Grandma Edie render.  Has a pep in her step.

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191
    Diomede said:

    You are doing great on your writing (I know you said you didn't win).  Finishing the draft is so much more important than a specific word count.  Very excited for you.

    Love the Grandma Edie render.  Has a pep in her step.

    @Diomede Thank you for the kind words, both on the render and the writing. Yeah, while it would be so nice to say I made that 50K mark, I'm very happy with what I managed to write. Having a finished first draft is big. Having that much of a start on the first draft of a second one is even better. I'll be finishing the second draft over the next two weeks and start editing the first novella. It's my first write to market in a niche that I only recently found and I'm having a blast writing it. It remains to be seen if it will make me any money, but I'm hopeful. I'm going to see if I can have everything ready to publish on a new pen name by the end of May. I wouldn't have been able to see doing that if I hadn't spent the last year writing more. I'm happy with what I've accomplished so far.

  • WandererWanderer Posts: 957

    @Knittingmommy - I was rooting for you, but it sounds like what you have is nothing to feel bad about. You've really accomplished a lot. Your reflection on the month you spent writing shows so much to be happy about.  It really does. @Diomede already said it all really, but I have to say this is a really good image. The base you created in render was already good, but the post work you put on it is wonderful. 

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    I think your word count is awesome!  You were pretty darn close to the goal, so I wouldn't feel bad about that at all.  Sounds like you got a lot down and learned a lot as well. Win/win if you ask me.

    Love Grandma Edie walking, she looks quite determined.

  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,672

    I am sorry you didn't win KM but I think you did amazingly well to get as far as you did.

    I just love your Grandma Edie walking as Sonja said she looks very determined she is going to get get to her destination!!

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    Thanks, everyone. I like to think about the positive and I did do really well. I got some great manuscripts out of it and I proved to myself that I can do this every day. I get better every time I do this so I'm sure it won't be long before I can say I've won. Until then, I keep on writing.

  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,672

    Thanks, everyone. I like to think about the positive and I did do really well. I got some great manuscripts out of it and I proved to myself that I can do this every day. I get better every time I do this so I'm sure it won't be long before I can say I've won. Until then, I keep on writing.

    I think you well should KM, I know we will be one day sitting here congradulating you on your win!

    Never give up because you are too good to give up!!!

  • WandererWanderer Posts: 957

    Thanks, everyone. I like to think about the positive and I did do really well. I got some great manuscripts out of it and I proved to myself that I can do this every day. I get better every time I do this so I'm sure it won't be long before I can say I've won. Until then, I keep on writing.

    I think you well should KM, I know we will be one day sitting here congradulating you on your win!

    Never give up because you are too good to give up!!!


  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191
    edited May 2018

    Thanks, everyone. I like to think about the positive and I did do really well. I got some great manuscripts out of it and I proved to myself that I can do this every day. I get better every time I do this so I'm sure it won't be long before I can say I've won. Until then, I keep on writing.

    I think you well should KM, I know we will be one day sitting here congradulating you on your win!

    Never give up because you are too good to give up!!!



    Wanderer said:

    Thanks, everyone. I like to think about the positive and I did do really well. I got some great manuscripts out of it and I proved to myself that I can do this every day. I get better every time I do this so I'm sure it won't be long before I can say I've won. Until then, I keep on writing.

    I think you well should KM, I know we will be one day sitting here congradulating you on your win!

    Never give up because you are too good to give up!!!



    Oh, no, I'm never giving up! Especially after the last two days. I just published my sixth book on a pen name, not the same genre I was writing for Camp NaNo. All I can say, without giving anything away, is to say that watching my latest book climb the charts has been a head rush. That latest book on my current pen name is now a best seller in my category. I'm over the moon and I'm never going to give up writing. Watching my book move up the charts over the last two has been the thrill of a lifetime.

    edit: added missing word for clarity

    Post edited by Knittingmommy on
  • WandererWanderer Posts: 957

    That is so excellent, @Knittingmommy. I'm so happy for you.

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191
    Wanderer said:

    That is so excellent, @Knittingmommy. I'm so happy for you.

    Thanks. It's exciting. Now, I just have to do it again. :)

  • dracorndracorn Posts: 2,345

    Hey congrats on your writing successes, KM!  Writing is a discipline for sure and it sounds like you're in the groove.  

    Love your Grandma Edie Walks the Beach​.  Edie is a great character, and your pose really does this justice.  Absolutely charming.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Well, it is a really good book and deserves to go to the top!

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    @dracorn Thanks. Yeah, writing does take discipline. It's only been this last year that I've concentrated on the writing more and more. I still have a lot to learn about indie publishing. I love Edie. I agree, she is a great character.

    @IceDragonArt  Thanks. I appreciate it. I made down to around #13000 in the whole store which is no small feat given all of the ebooks publishing on Amazon every day. I'll take that and be happy for now. There's always the next book. #4 in one category and #8 in another is pretty dang good. Makes me happy.

    I have picked up some new things even though I'm not sure when I get a chance to render again. Besides the Edie 9 bundle and characters, I picked up a few things: 

    Kyle by @DarwinsMishap (another great character! )
    Red Planet by @Aako (not sure if that vendor is on the forums, but I'll ''@" them anyway)
    Morphing Rock Structure by @dglidden (this just looks awesome!)
    HD Flute and Poses by Protozoon (awesome as always. I also managed to pick up the Grand Piano and the Violin I wasn't able to afford the last time. I need to do a musical render soon.)

    I also managed to pick up some of the older trees I was missing from the @Whitemagus catalog, Hybrid Trees and Hybrid Trees - pruned.

    I have my eye on a few new things that just came out, but I'll have to wait until after Friday to pick those up.

    Again, no idea when I'll render those as I'm working on poses for Serene Knight and any renders I do will just be test shots of those. Probably this weekend. DarwinsMishap's guys will probably be featured in those since the poses are for G8M. Anyway, I'm off for a bit to get stuff done around the house.

  • WandererWanderer Posts: 957

    This is most excellent news. Gratz! 


    @IceDragonArt  Thanks. I appreciate it. I made down to around #13000 in the whole store which is no small feat given all of the ebooks publishing on Amazon every day. I'll take that and be happy for now. There's always the next book. #4 in one category and #8 in another is pretty dang good. Makes me happy.


  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    I'm just checking in, making sure everyone hasn't forgotten who I am. I haven't rendered anything lately. I've just been busy finishing up some outside projects. I'm still around a little bit. I should be back to playing in DS once May is over. I hope everyone is doing okay. I'll really need to catch up on some threads. It looks like a lot of you have been super busy.

  • themidgetthemidget Posts: 287

    I'm just checking in, making sure everyone hasn't forgotten who I am. I haven't rendered anything lately. I've just been busy finishing up some outside projects. I'm still around a little bit. I should be back to playing in DS once May is over. I hope everyone is doing okay. I'll really need to catch up on some threads. It looks like a lot of you have been super busy.

    I don't think anybody here will forget who you are Knittingmommy.smiley

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191
    themidget said:

    I'm just checking in, making sure everyone hasn't forgotten who I am. I haven't rendered anything lately. I've just been busy finishing up some outside projects. I'm still around a little bit. I should be back to playing in DS once May is over. I hope everyone is doing okay. I'll really need to catch up on some threads. It looks like a lot of you have been super busy.

    I don't think anybody here will forget who you are Knittingmommy.smiley

    Awe, thank you! :)

  • WandererWanderer Posts: 957

    For reals! We can't forget you. It'll be good to have you around more, but do what you need to do. I may need to spend more time elsewhere myself for a few. Your efforts have inspired me, and I've decided to get back to my writing. I appreciate all you've shared. I hope maybe to emulate some of your positive example myself. 

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    Thanks, @Wanderer. I'm glad your writing. I think writing is a great way of showing creativity and imagination. It's also a great way of expressing your emotions and getting them out of your system at times. :)

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191
    edited May 2018

    I've been busy with a sick dog so not around the forum as much as I'd hoped the past week. Here is an image I did for @TabascoJack's Contemporary Living Room. I had the honor of playing with it during the testing stage. This is a very cool set and I'm looking forward to playing with it some more. TJ did a fantastic job with the set. He's done a few things with it that some PAs don't do, like having the ceiling lights moveable, and I think that makes it even more special.

    Post edited by Knittingmommy on
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987

    Must be a great feeling to see the story you made being best selling, I envie you a bit for that but mostly I'm very happy ( and now very nosy to know what you wrote :D) Good work on the CampNaNo as well. That is quite a lot you juggle there at the same time!

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Like we would ever forget you!  (by the way people, she is actually a very good writer an I've enjoyed every bit of what I've read).

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