Here ya go you PS brush artists

I would love to see...flaws. More specifically
PS brush set for :
Imperfect skin...various density frekles, moles ect.
Body hair, need hairy click click done
Body and facial dirt....big explosion ? click click click dirty face
DUST - airborne and on surfaces- even some flinger swip tracks where someone draged a finger through it
you make, we buy
You want brushes?
Well, these may be old, but they cover most of what you are after...
Series 15 through Series 43 by Dave Nagel are still available there (15, 16 and 18 are in StuffIt Expander format, so they may be a bit trickier to unpack).
And Series 1 through Series 13 can be found here...
(most are in sit format, some are uncompressed abr and some are zips)
And the direct page for Series 14...
no have mac
but thanks for posting links..
The brushes will work on either Mac or Windows.
ahh ok
This should also provide all the info you need. It shows brushes, settings, and also displays freckles/moles, hair, and dirt.
Nagel's brushes are definitely a gold mine for any artist. Mind you, you can do imperfections and blemishes with almost anything....including making brushes from small sections of rust. You just have to be creative. :)
Interestingly enough, stuffit happens to be, or was at one time anyway, THE compressed file format that was preferred by MacOS users, just like the zip file was for Windows users.
I could say something about it's fall from grace, but I won't...
Yes, Nagel's brushes are OS agnostic...they even work in GIMP on Linux.
And the other great brush resource...
If she doesn't have it, or there isn't something in Nagel's sets or Ron doesn't have probably doesn't exist.
After a bit of searching, I think I will pick up Ron's Grunge is half off
not all I want but at least some extras I might need later