Installing Carrara on a different hard-drive than c:

Hello, everybody.
I'm a long time Carrara-user, but recently got a new computer. It has a very limited C: drive (500 GB) and is nearly filled already with Windows and alike. The computer has a huge D: drive (of 1 TB), so I wanted to install Carrara on that one. But unfortunately this doesn't seem to work. If I specify a directory on the D: drive to install Carrara, the program (of course) get's installed there ... but if I want to launch it, it won't work. The launching process stops at some point and the program won't open.
I tryied it quite some times (uninstalling and installing the program over and over), but got the same results again and again.
When I finally installed Carrara on the C: drive, there was no problem running the program. So I decided to have the programm on the C: drive and just putting the data on the D: drive. This worked fine ... for some time ... but now the C: drive is packed completely. And if I open a scene in Carrara, the temporary files created by the programm, are using up every last Byte, so that the program get's a lot of issues handeling the scene and won't render it any more. I removed all unneccessary data from the C: drive, but this is of no use. The problems remain.
So, I *have to* install it on my D: drive. Is there any advice? Did you also encounter problems, when Carrara isn't installed on your C: drive? Or is it just me.
Thank you!
NM. I was thinking of something else.
I have Carrara on my D drive. I made a folder called Carrara and then installed Carrara into that, also installed the content in the same folder, as Carrara needs to find it in the same folder I think.
Yes, I also installed everything in the same folder ... unfortunately it didn't work.
But obviously the problem isn't an universal one, judging from the fact that it works for you.
I can't remember how I got it working, I am a complete novice with Carrara. This is what my Carrara folder looks like
mine is on E; drive partition. under E:\CA85
i have the native carrara content in the same folder.
all the extra stuff i bought for carrara, howie sets, etc; is in an external lib.
i only backup the ACONTENT folders. if i have a hdd fail, i'll end up installing Windows and Carrara anew.
So, you seem to run Carrara an a Mac, don't you. Maybe it's different with the Windows Version I have.
Yes, putting all the "extra stuff" in a different folder worked fine for me, as well.
But putting the program itself at the D: drive didn't.
Maybe it's because yours is a partition, while mine is actually a different hard drive.
Who knows ...
All my DAZ and 3D programs and most others are on drives other than C, Poser the only pain in the butt I cannot do that with or it will not find things needed yet the library can be elsewhere.
Carrara I have even installed a beta once on a USB
No the only Mac I have is the one I put on when I go out in the rain.
You can use DIM. My programs are on my D: drive. I created a folder called "Stuff for Daz", and then subfolders for "Stuff for Bryce", "Stuff for Carrara","Stuff for Studio". I then had DIM (Daz Install Manager) install all of the Daz programs and the Daz content. I like using the DIM's "show installed files" function.
Windows 10 .. similar as @diomede setup no problems at all..
all my programs and content are on different drives to the OS on C:
just setup DiM to the correct settings and let it do it's thing
Thank you, everybody.
So I'll try it again and hope that it works out this time.