April New User Art Contest "Open Render" (Entries)

New User's Contest - April 2016
Are you new to the 3D World? Are you at the beginning stages of learning 3D rendering? Have you been around for a little bit but feel you could benefit from some feedback or instruction? Have you been around awhile and would like to help other members start their creative journey? Well then come and join the fun as we host our newest contest...
Open Render:
This month we will be focusing on nothing! Well, that's not really true. It's an 'open render' with a loose theme of April Fool. But what that really means is POP QUIZ time...yep, you didn't know you were going to be tested on all of this, did you?
It's a review of the techniques discussed and used over the past several months...Lighting, Composition and Posing. One thing though, no recycling images from past contests. Make a new, fresh one...it's Spring (at least in the Northern Hemisphere) and everything in Nature is new, so think 'fresh' and foolish.
I will be checking in as will the rest of the Community Volunteers to try and help with anything you all may need. Please ask for help and suggestions in the WIP thread.
We have done some changes to the contest rules so it would be a great idea to eyeball them once again if you have been participating before,
For a list of the current contest rules, please see this thread : Contest Rules
Closing Date: April 30, 2016.
Have fun everyone.
"Spring Picnic"
DAZ3D 4.9, Iray Render
"The Walk"
DS 4.9, Photoshop
Title: She isn't waiting for your invitation.
DAZ3D & Photoshop
Title: She isn't waiting for your invitation.
DAZ3D & Photoshop
Sorry for the double post. Still figuring out how to load the image into the post. The actual attachment is twice this size, but it didn't format right in the full dimensions here.
I can't get my image to upload. It's 938x864 @72dpi 611k It just says "uploading..." but then it doesn't upload, even after several hours. I've tried like 20 times, what's the trick to get an image to upload? Thanks. Trying to delete this now that I got an image up but don't know how....
Yay, finally able to upload an image! I tried several times with one smaller than this, but gave up.... Anyway, although I've used Poser for years, I'm brand new to DS and still have no idea what I'm doing LOL... Used Handspan's morphs for G3, Friday hair.I still need a LOT of help figuring out how to use the program itself. If anyone lives in LA who would like to give me lessons, please let me know!
TITLE: The Girl in the Pink Top
OK, figured out if either the image title is too long or has B&W in it, it won't load...
TITLE: Virtual Photo Session
Daz 4.9 pro, reality, luxrender
title: War or peace
"Strange Amethyst"
DS 4.9, PS
DAZ3D 4.9, Iray Render - no Postwork
Aphrodite's Angels
(A fantasy themed homage to one of the TV shows from my childhood)
Daz Studio 4.9, Iray

Arcane Circles II by ObsidianDawn
Lightning II by ObsidianDawn
The Briefing
DAZ Studio 4.9, Iray
Adobe Lightroom
Lost something

Shopping Bag
DAZ Studio 4.9, Iray, Photoshop.
Title: "Tuliped Spring"
Software: DS 4.9, Pixelmator
Title: "Operative in trouble"
DAZ Studio 4.9
Title: "Mandala - Mermaids"
Daz Studio, rendered in 3Delight. All items individually placed. Postwork in Photoshop to add the background, splash and bubble designs.
EDIT: Reposting at 800:
Title : Sun Down Daz Studio 4.9 ,rendered in 3Delight All items individually placed. Postwork in Photoshop . Lighting in Daz3d and Photoshop
Daz 4.9 pro, Iray render
entry 2
title: For the fallen ones
Daz 4.9 3Delight
"Alley Ambush"
"One Lone Holdout"
Rendered in Daz 4.9/Iray with no postwork.
"Enter Jaguaris"
Daz3D 4.9, Iray Render (flame rendered in 3Delight). Postwork in Photoshop.
Title: "Visitation" DAZ Studio 4.8, 3Delight render, postwork in Photoshop
"Fun Times"
Daz Studio 4.9 Iray render. Slight colour adjustments made in Windows Photo Viewer (I think that's the name of it)
Contest of Champions
Daz Studios and Photoshop
The Dancer
DAZ Studio 4.9; Iray; No postwork.
Hoop Girl
DAZ Studio 4.9, Iray. No postwork
Thank you and good luck to everyone.
The month has ended...where did it go?
But that does mean this contest is no ended...
Winners are:
1st - Shopping Bag by OSArt
2nd - Mandala - Mermaids by dracorn
3rd - The Briefing by SGTGhost777
The winner are giong to need to contact me by PM and give me a link to the product you would like from esha's store