Render Throttle- DS4?
Posts: 2,511
Um perhaps it was stupid to assume so, but since render throttle was listed saying "RenderThrottle should be compatible with DAZ Studio versions and above." I bought it when it was on sale.
However, in downloads I only see versions for Daz 2 and Daz 3, nothing for Daz 4. Does that mean it is not working in DS4?
Would like to know. Thanks!
DS4 and above has better controls than Render T can give. All it does is change the Shading Rate. Just do it in 4 or 4.5 yourself.
2=Very fast 1=better .5= Good .1=great .2 and below even better. Then you can still add the other settings to get WOW!
Really? That's it? But you can manually change the shading rate in DS3 without render throttle. Render throttle does nothing special?
Wow, that's a bit.. disappointing. Refund time....
I thought I must have been missing something when reading the description. Good to know.
When Render T came out Not many users Knew about the Render Settings, sure we changed Render size but FEW ever touched the real settings. We thought we might Break something. We've come along way baby, to quote somebody nameless.
DS3 didn't have an option to save render settings, that is new in 4. Also, as I recall RT was originally released for DS2 which didn't give access to shading rate. RT also gave single-button access to AO using the other omniFreaker shaders, which isn't currently available in DS4 (you have to change each surface separately).
glad i found this and glad you all posted it
Render throttle did MORE than just adjust the main shading rate. It also adjusted the UE shading rate/settings.
Also, shameless plug, see my "Render Preferences" freebie in my .sig below for some scripted render settings that adjust pixel samples, shading rate, shadow samples, and more. :)
My biased opinion--I love quick access to render presets via Render Throttle;).
RenderThrottle has been updated to be DS 4.6 compatible.
Micah aka omnifreaker
This is good to know. Thank you.
Did not know that, thank you for letting us know Micah.