Octane model dropping during animation

I am wondering if I am alone in this:
With Octane 2.17, I am able to render animations, but it is a crashing hassle to work in.
With 2.24 and later, objects that are not in the initial scene when opening the render window will not appear. This happens with objects that are simple, or complicated.
The no-show happens with: turning on visibility, objects that fly in, and Octane layers are not helpful. I have attached a .car file and a very short render test, if anyone cares to take a look.
Love to know if anyone else has experienced this.
thank you


fly in objects.zip
I have checked this and tried my own scene - and yes, I agree that there seems to be an issue. I had no problems with objects that were off the screen and flew on during the scene, but if an object has visibility turned off initially, then it does not appear for the rest of the animation. If you do a "reload" on a frame after the object becomes visible, then the object is visible in the render. As a work around, you can turn visibility on for all objects on the very first frame of the scene, then advance one frame and turn off visibility where required. Once you have rendered the animation, do not include the first frame in the compiled animation. But I will report this to Sighman to fix.
I had a response from Sighman - it is known issue which has already been fixed in version 2 and planned for the the next release of version 3.
Hi Phil,
Thank you very much for taking the time to check this. So far, in the test file, your work around is terrific. Even works for the fly in issue. You have saved the day here. I was pretty down about this. Couldn't believe that no one else had posted on the subject, so I was wondering if I had some systemic problem. My projects are very heavy with model instance swaps, fly-ins, and appearances. Very optimistic now. I will notate on the Octane forum.
Best regards,
So glad you found the workaround useful until Sighman fixes this in version 3.