Carrara and PostgreSQL CMS *SOLVED*

Should I not install PostgreSQL CMS?
This older post said it was bad for Carrara:
Post edited by rfrydryckstudio on
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Should I not install PostgreSQL CMS?
This older post said it was bad for Carrara:
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That was two years ago. Carrara works with the PostgreSQL CMS (using the DS 4.8 data, doesn't read the DS 4.9 data currently).
If you want to use Smart content... yeah... install Postgre
I've never been a fan of Smart Content. Old-school, I guess... I've been organizing my content for years and have a good method that just makes finding what I'm looking for super-simple. However, just to help answer some questions about the Smart Content tab in the Carrara browser, I've recently been privileged to see it working on my system - and I really might just love getting used to it.
First thing to recognize is that it's not an instantaneous load. The first time using the Smart Content tab for the day in Carrara might take a little time to load the database. But afterwards, I'm seeing the behavior that I've always thought Smart Content was supposed to offer where, when I have something (with metadata) selected in my scene, go to the Smart Content tab and select "Files", my browser will populate with everything (which has metatdata) that I have installed that works directly with this selected item.
I can then open the Files' hierarchy do refine my search.
I'm still not a fan of the other two categories: "Categories" and "Products" - perhaps I'm not understanding how they're supposed to work or be used...? Not sure. The "Files" category works beautifully, though! ;)
The latest version of Carrara installs the PostgreSQL DB and there is no longer a Velentia DB.
I have been using the product tab now for about 2 years and have little issue with it.
If you start Carrara and have nothing the in the smart tabe then exit Carrara start DS4.X and then start Carrara again with it still running then Exit Studio.
You will find the smart tab now populated. this only hapens rarely for me.
Yeah, good point chickenman. Some folks have mentioned a disliking to having to have D|S installed in order for this stuff to work. But if we think about it, that's being unfair, since it's really D|S that we're accessing when using any form of the DUF file format, and the D|S database when using Smart Content.
DAZ Studio truly is an essential part of the mix if we want to use Genesis and/or any part of the DUF system.
At the very least, if we have issues with anything DUF, it's D|S where we must go to create a correction and save it once again back to the D|S database.
Thanks for clearing this up! ;)