Select facet by id?
Hello everyone,
Assume I already know the ids of some facets, is there a way to select these facets via script, then I could use addSelectedFacetsToMaterialGroup() function to add them into a material group?
I have found that DzFacetMesh has some functions such as: selectAllFacets(), selectConnectedFacets() and selectFacets(DzFaceGroup *grp), but they don't seem to meet what I need (please correct me if I'm wrong).
Many thanks :)
This seems doable. You would have to first clear out the current active selection with deselectAllFacets(), then get the material you want to modify with getMaterialGroup(). Next, you'd create a DzFacetGroup that contains the facets you want added, then selectFacets(yourNewFacetGroup). Then you should be good to addSelectedFacetsToMaterialGroup().
None of that is tested, so I could be way off, but I think thats the basic idea
Thank you very much for your reply.
Your approach is correct, the only problem is I can not create the instance of DzFacetGroup or DzFaceGroup in Daz Studio(I am still using version 4.8).
So I used getFaceGroup() function to get an existing DzFaceGroup, then added the ids of facets into this face group.
Then I could successfully call selectFacets() to select these facets!
Thank you again :)