Legacy UVs for Genesis 3 [Commercial]



  • caravellecaravelle Posts: 2,492

    Uh, that sounds creepy... surprise That's how the G3M guy looks after applying the Prepare script:

    Bildschirmfoto 2016-06-04 um 14.10.01.png
    865 x 667 - 254K
  • Cayman StudiosCayman Studios Posts: 1,136

    The first thing that is obvious is that G3M does not have a grey surface, so the script stopped after it loaded the geografts but before it loaded the Start_Surfaces MAT.

    What I suggest you do first of all is load a new Genesis 3 Male, then see if you can set the Start_Surfaces MAT from the Components subfolder.  This should just turn G3M neutral grey.  Also see if the Legacy_Surfaces script, also in the Components folder, runs without an error message.  If that all works, load the Head, Leg and Shoulder geografts individually.  You should then be able to select G3M and the geografts in the Scene tab, and load a legacy MAT.

    Try those things so that we can close in on the problem.

  • RCTSpankyRCTSpanky Posts: 850

    Thanks for this UV Maps. I would like to ask you, if you want also release UV maps from Genesis to Genesis 3, like Michael 5 or David 5?

  • Cayman StudiosCayman Studios Posts: 1,136
    RCTSpanky said:

    Thanks for this UV Maps. I would like to ask you, if you want also release UV maps from Genesis to Genesis 3, like Michael 5 or David 5?

    Yes, I'm in the process of doing Michael 5, David 5, Stephanie 5 and (perhaps) Aiko 5.

  • caravellecaravelle Posts: 2,492

    Thank you, Cayman, I'll try this tomorrow (have to go back to our visitors now). After all, I managed to work around this problem a bit, and I can see that the Legacy UVs are a great product. As I said before, I am very happy you made it! smiley

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,901

    A question about the genital geograft for the G2M UV set: what exactly are the Transmap_Gens_G2M.dsa and TransMap_GenHip_G2M.dsa scripts supposed to be applied to and how are they supposed to work? I've read through the PDF supplied with the product, but it's not clear from the PDF whether you're supposed to select G3M or the genitalia before using the script.

    And in any event, I've tried selecting G3M, the genitalia, as well as individual surfaces, and I can't get the scripts to do anything at all that I can see. There's no reaction from Studio 4.9.1 (Windows 7) to show that they're running, nothing seems to happen to the figures, no transmap appears in the Cutout opacity slots for anything I can see. How exactly is that part of the product supposed to work?

  • Cayman StudiosCayman Studios Posts: 1,136
    vwrangler said:

    A question about the genital geograft for the G2M UV set: what exactly are the Transmap_Gens_G2M.dsa and TransMap_GenHip_G2M.dsa scripts supposed to be applied to and how are they supposed to work? I've read through the PDF supplied with the product, but it's not clear from the PDF whether you're supposed to select G3M or the genitalia before using the script.

    And in any event, I've tried selecting G3M, the genitalia, as well as individual surfaces, and I can't get the scripts to do anything at all that I can see. There's no reaction from Studio 4.9.1 (Windows 7) to show that they're running, nothing seems to happen to the figures, no transmap appears in the Cutout opacity slots for anything I can see. How exactly is that part of the product supposed to work?

    The transmaps are designed to blend the main torso/hip texture with the genital texture. The 'TransMap_Gens_G2M' script applies the transparency texture "cayman_legacy_g2m_gens_t.jpg" to the Opacity channel of the Genitalia, and the 'TransMap_GenHip_G2M' script applies "cayman_legacy_g2m_hip_t.jpg" to the Opacity channel for the geograft for the Genitalia ("Geograft_Gens" or "Legacy_G3M_Gens").

    Ordinarily these will be applied when you run the 'Apply UVs' script for either G2M or M6 after having loaded the legacy MATs.  But if you want to run the scripts individually from the Components submenu then the Genitalia and/or the Geograft_Gens("Legacy_G3M_Gens") must be selected in the Scene tab.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,673

    I picked this set up and can't wait for more. I have a skin i really like for david 5.

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,901

    The transmaps are designed to blend the main torso/hip texture with the genital texture. The 'TransMap_Gens_G2M' script applies the transparency texture "cayman_legacy_g2m_gens_t.jpg" to the Opacity channel of the Genitalia, and the 'TransMap_GenHip_G2M' script applies "cayman_legacy_g2m_hip_t.jpg" to the Opacity channel for the geograft for the Genitalia ("Geograft_Gens" or "Legacy_G3M_Gens").

    Ordinarily these will be applied when you run the 'Apply UVs' script for either G2M or M6 after having loaded the legacy MATs.  But if you want to run the scripts individually from the Components submenu then the Genitalia and/or the Geograft_Gens("Legacy_G3M_Gens") must be selected in the Scene tab.

    Ah, OK. I thought they might have already been applied, but that wasn't clear. Probably also explains why I couldn't seem to get the scripts to run.

    Thank you for letting me know!

  • caravellecaravelle Posts: 2,492

    Yes, I'm in the process of doing Michael 5, David 5, Stephanie 5 and (perhaps) Aiko 5.

    Cayman, the problem was with my computer. The UVs work fine now; and I am waiting for the David 5 UVs... wink 'Sean for G3M' will be great. laugh


  • Cayman StudiosCayman Studios Posts: 1,136
    caravelle said:

    Yes, I'm in the process of doing Michael 5, David 5, Stephanie 5 and (perhaps) Aiko 5.

    Cayman, the problem was with my computer. The UVs work fine now; and I am waiting for the David 5 UVs... wink 'Sean for G3M' will be great. laugh


    Good to hear!

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,538

    I would love to have A3 textures on G3F.   I do have a good collection of Thorne's A3 girls.  If Genx3 is released and there is the A3 uv option for G3F that would be so awesome.  Also I have some second skins that I would love to use on G3F and G3M but they are for Victoria 3 or Michael 3.

    Might even have some Victoria 1/2 or Michael 1/2 generation textures which would be cool to use.

  • Cayman StudiosCayman Studios Posts: 1,136

    I would love to have A3 textures on G3F.   I do have a good collection of Thorne's A3 girls.  If Genx3 is released and there is the A3 uv option for G3F that would be so awesome.  Also I have some second skins that I would love to use on G3F and G3M but they are for Victoria 3 or Michael 3.

    Might even have some Victoria 1/2 or Michael 1/2 generation textures which would be cool to use.

    I'm still undecided about doing Generation 3 for Genesis 3.  It's more unlikely than not.  There would have to be different geografts to sort out and so they wouldn't really be a part of the present series of Legacy UVs.  Once this series is finished I would really like to get back to some "proper" modelling - even if it's just an egg cup. laugh  But if I can't find inspiration I may well end up doing the Generation 3 UVs.

  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 6,053
    RCTSpanky said:

    Thanks for this UV Maps. I would like to ask you, if you want also release UV maps from Genesis to Genesis 3, like Michael 5 or David 5?

    Yes, I'm in the process of doing Michael 5, David 5, Stephanie 5 and (perhaps) Aiko 5.

    I love you! Raiya made three David 5 skins (Dean, Sean, Neo---she sold them to Daz Originals) and two beautiful Stephanie 5 (Candace, Keira). She also did Azumi for Aiko 5 if I'm not mistaken. This means that I will now have access to all of my favorite skins in Genesis 3 thanks to you. (Now if I can just get 200 Plus Morphs for Genesis 3 Male(s) I will be able to add diversity of features to my diversity of skintones).

    I'm so glad you figured out such an elegant solution to this problem. Thanks.

  • Cayman StudiosCayman Studios Posts: 1,136

    New release today: Legacy UVs for Genesis 3: Victoria 6


  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288

    Yes, and I'm very pleased to have it. It seems as if nearly every skin that wasn't a part of a base figure rollout was done for either the G2F base UVs or for V6.  And quite a few were done for V6.

  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 6,053

    This is why Urban Sprawl 3 needs to come out before there is no more money!

  • Cayman StudiosCayman Studios Posts: 1,136
    JOdel said:

    Yes, and I'm very pleased to have it. It seems as if nearly every skin that wasn't a part of a base figure rollout was done for either the G2F base UVs or for V6.  And quite a few were done for V6.

    I've done an inventory of the UVs for Genesis 2 Females available in the DAZ store, based on the Product description and my own purchases, and there are over 150 with Base Female UVs.  The next highest score is for Victoria 5 which has 80 or so, and then comes Victoria 6, with about 30.  There are over 70 whose UVs are indeterminate, though being earlier in the run most of them will be one of those three.  The rest have about 2 or 3 each.

  • Cayman StudiosCayman Studios Posts: 1,136

    This is why Urban Sprawl 3 needs to come out before there is no more money!

    I'm with you on Urban Sprawl 3. laugh

  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 6,053
    JOdel said:

    Yes, and I'm very pleased to have it. It seems as if nearly every skin that wasn't a part of a base figure rollout was done for either the G2F base UVs or for V6.  And quite a few were done for V6.

    I've done an inventory of the UVs for Genesis 2 Females available in the DAZ store, based on the Product description and my own purchases, and there are over 150 with Base Female UVs.  The next highest score is for Victoria 5 which has 80 or so, and then comes Victoria 6, with about 30.  There are over 70 whose UVs are indeterminate, though being earlier in the run most of them will be one of those three.  The rest have about 2 or 3 each.

    My preferred skins are Raiya's and Daz Originals. Unfortunately, Daz Originals does specific UVs for each base, but the majority of Raiya's G2F skins were done using V6 UVs. So, thank you, merci beaucoup, and mucho gracias to you, Kurt, for bothering with this edition for such a relatively small market. I'm glad you're in the mode/mood to churn them out. I missed getting M4 and V5 versions; so, I'll have to wait until your next product to catch them at sales prices since the Daz markup really blew the roof off your much lower Rendo prices.

  • HaruchaiHaruchai Posts: 1,980
    edited June 2016
    JOdel said:

    I've done an inventory of the UVs for Genesis 2 Females available in the DAZ store, based on the Product description and my own purchases, and there are over 150 with Base Female UVs.  The next highest score is for Victoria 5 which has 80 or so, and then comes Victoria 6, with about 30.  There are over 70 whose UVs are indeterminate, though being earlier in the run most of them will be one of those three.  The rest have about 2 or 3 each.

    When your Legacy UV solution first showed up on the other store I started an inventory of my characters skins. Loading each skin indiviually and noting the UV set used.

    For Genesis 2 Female I have only done A-K so far but here are the results - Genesis 2 Female UV = 52, V5 UV = 15, V6 UV = 12, V4 UV = 20. This is from across all stores not just here and with a few freebies thrown in. The rest as you say have one or maybe two skins specific to their UV, even Aiko 6 only has three so far, and I own all the base figures. The numbers are irrelevant obviously but the ratio is borne out in practise. The ratio doesn't change much when you add in Genesis 1 skins either as most of those were V4 UV in my experience.

    This helped me prioritise which of your sets to buy first, though I have them all now obviously :)

    I am really starting to question why DAZ feels the need to create individual UV sets for each 'Character'  release as no one else seems to be using them, not even the artists who create skins to be used in the bundles, morphs yes, UVs no, so why bother, just release character morphs based on a unified UV set.


    Genesis 3 figures now have a sub folder in my library structure under materials that I have called Legacy UV MATs with sub sections for each UV set you have done and I am currently copying the relevant material duf files into them so I know which can be used, hence the need for my individual catalouge of the files. A lot of work initially but so worth it.

    Edited for spllng

    Post edited by Haruchai on
  • Cayman StudiosCayman Studios Posts: 1,136

    Haruchai, I'm glad they're proving useful.  It is a shame that some of the other Genesis 2 UVs are so infrequently deployed, because there are some good textures there, but it would be a sort of economic masochism for me to convert them!

  • HaruchaiHaruchai Posts: 1,980
    JOdel said:



    Haruchai, I'm glad they're proving useful.  It is a shame that some of the other Genesis 2 UVs are so infrequently deployed, because there are some good textures there, but it would be a sort of economic masochism for me to convert them!

    Agreed, a lot of work for a few textures.

    Adding my thanks for the elegance and ease of use of your solution.

  • DkgooseDkgoose Posts: 1,451

    Thank you for these sets, they are great, so far I've bought them all, even ones I'm not sure I need, but I more than likely do, can't wait for the other 4 you are working on as well, any chance of one for the kids 4 or Genesis base?

  • Cayman StudiosCayman Studios Posts: 1,136
    dkgoose said:

    Thank you for these sets, they are great, so far I've bought them all, even ones I'm not sure I need, but I more than likely do, can't wait for the other 4 you are working on as well, any chance of one for the kids 4 or Genesis base?

    I think that after I do the remaining staples for Genesis (M5,D5,S5,A5) that'll probably be it from me.  I don't have any of the Kids textures, apart from the Basic Child which comes with DS, and I am not aware of too many characters that use the Genesis Basic UVs, apart from some toons and the odd monster. devil

  • HaruchaiHaruchai Posts: 1,980
    edited June 2016
    dkgoose said:

    Thank you for these sets, they are great, so far I've bought them all, even ones I'm not sure I need, but I more than likely do, can't wait for the other 4 you are working on as well, any chance of one for the kids 4 or Genesis base?

    Are there many skins that use the Genesis Base UV? In my research I loaded and checked 155 Genesis skins. Only 2 used the base UV, Catgirl for the Female and Bugbear (a freebie) for the Male. 92 used V4 which was far and away the most used UV. M4 followed with 16 and then V5 with 9 and Aiko 5 with 5.

    Kids 4 would be useful to convert and use the Poser MATs though.

    Your library might vary obviously but again as a ratio I think it is pretty clear.


    Sorry cross posted

    Post edited by Haruchai on
  • HavosHavos Posts: 5,400
    dkgoose said:

    Thank you for these sets, they are great, so far I've bought them all, even ones I'm not sure I need, but I more than likely do, can't wait for the other 4 you are working on as well, any chance of one for the kids 4 or Genesis base?

    I think that after I do the remaining staples for Genesis (M5,D5,S5,A5) that'll probably be it from me.  I don't have any of the Kids textures, apart from the Basic Child which comes with DS, and I am not aware of too many characters that use the Genesis Basic UVs, apart from some toons and the odd monster. devil

    There are quite a lot of K4 skins (a lot more than the 2-3 D5 and A5 ones), however the biggest group that will be missing will be the generation 3 skins. There will be 100s of those out there, but naturally they are old and lower in resolution compared to later skins, though very useful for background characters as their skins eat a lot less GPU memory compared to Genesis 7 skins. Shame is, other than using TC2 to convert the skins, there is no way to get these older skins onto any Genesis figure. I fully accept that you are sick of doing these conversions, but personally speaking, the generation 3 skins would be a certain purchase from me. Although I am unlikely to pick up D5, S5 and A5, I will get the M5 UVs when you are done, as about half by Genesis 2 male skins use M5 (the other half use base G2M and M6, which I now have).

  • DkgooseDkgoose Posts: 1,451

    If you get time to do more legacys I know it's not likely lol but could you do V4 for G3M and M4 for G3F, I mean it's not extremely needed they could always be converted with Texture Converter 2 for those who have it but these sets would just make it easier lol 

  • Cayman StudiosCayman Studios Posts: 1,136
    dkgoose said:

    If you get time to do more legacys I know it's not likely lol but could you do V4 for G3M and M4 for G3F, I mean it's not extremely needed they could always be converted with Texture Converter 2 for those who have it but these sets would just make it easier lol 

    I confess I had not even thought to consider this.  I know Slosh has done Genesis 3 UV Swap: Male and Female Base, and I would think that that might soak up most of the demand for such a product, and as you say there are texture conversion options available.  Of course you could always morph the male shape to the female or vice versa using GenX or some such, and that might give you the effect you want, but it is not likely that I will do a UV conversion of this sort.

  • KharmaKharma Posts: 3,214

    I think these UV conversions are amazing and so far have worked as expected for transferring mats.  The only problem I had was getting some morphs to work on the new figure...I didn't know if they morph the actual figure or the geoshell but nothing seemed to happen when I dialed up the morph.  I do believe it was an ear morph but can't remember from which generation. So which morphs work say if you transfer a V4 mat to a G3F, would it be the V4 or G3 morphs, or should that matter and do you morph the actual character or the Geoshell?

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