Vintage Ice Cream Van [commercial]

David Brinnen and I present:
A nostalgic Vintage Ice Cream Van complete with treats. The Van is fully rigged, with wheels that turn, door & windows that open and steering wheel that also turns.
Full native Poser support and Daz Studio support for 3Delight and Iray.
Anna & David

1000 x 1300 - 437K

1300 x 850 - 288K

1300 x 850 - 433K

1300 x 850 - 550K

1300 x 850 - 349K

1300 x 850 - 365K
Great work! It brings back a lot of happy childhood memories! I've wishlisted it till payday (boy the sales have been getting the best of my wallet lately!) Can't wait to take it for a spin!
Finally it is there! I was heartbroken when it disappeard last week fro. The store again before I could buy it!
Yeah it was released prematurely by mistake. Glad you like it though. :)
I wish to lament the lack of choc-ices.
I wil have to find or create a chocolate shader and apply it to a promitive cube. Should be a challenge.
For me #150 please my favorite.. ah out of stock
but joking aside , well done ! lovely creation ! we still have car almost like that running around here , I was thinking he was a time traveler ;)
gonna snap it in a day or 2
A choc-ice isn't a choc-ice without the obligatory half wrapping whilst you are eating it.... A primitive cube a cop-out I say! A cop-out!!
Yeah my favourite is the 1.50 one too. But in chocolate, not mint.
The numbers are the prices. I didn't bother putting currency labels on, so that it can be used for any currency. Didn't want to pigeon hole it.
Happy you like it.
I thought the same, and even went and found a piccy
Well it's imperative to stop the choco melting on ya fingers whilst ya eating it.
Yes, I acknowledge the need for a wrapper - that occurred to me after I posted. Perhaps a custom model, with a GeoGrafted section that can be unfitted to make the bite? And not forgetting the condensation on the wrapper and the chocolate, and the need for the chocolate to break lengthwise. I suspect my reach is exceeding my grasp here.
And a polite response is exceeding my grasp also...
Just give me a clip round my ear and tell me to get out of the way of paying customers.
Dark chocolate, I trust. Not that namby-pamby stuff.
Of course - I forgot that milk was even an option.
Oh, that looks good. I'm not sure we have an equivalent here in the States for that. If we do, I haven't seen it. Is it just vanilla ice cream with a chocolate coating?
This is really cool, question to the artist that made it: is it possible to hide half the Van exterior walls in any way, imagine splitting the van down the middle? For ease of doing animation camera shots from within the van?
The only thing missing is a right hand drive version :-)......great build!
Greets, Ed.
There is a cut-away in the promos, I haven't had time to play with it yet so I don't know if that is built into the van or used a render trick. If you are using Iray you can use an Iray Section Plane to cut any model in half (or in any other direction/proportion) - by default it will make the hidden portions invisible to both the camera and lights but if you select the plane and go to Parameters you can set it to clip lights so that you get the correct look for an interior space.
Thanks for that tip Richard, I'm using Iray exclusively now, so thats a big help.
I'm based in the UK, as is David Brinnen, so any vehicles we do will be based on the Left Hand side rule and the references we take inspiration from. Glad ya like it.
What Richard said. I used the Iray Section Plane for those funky promo shots.
Driving on the left is so we can keep our heads on.
Well, I'll definitely be buying this and using it in a future animation. I just have to time my buying, as I'm always in the bad habit of buying things right before they go on sale.
Oh, cool trick. I did not know about this! Definitely going to give this a try!
I'm hoping an old fashioned milk float is planned :)
Planning to render the fastest milkman in the west?